Chapter 7-Pregnancy

782 Words
After the nurses' introduction, she asks Mary, Rory and Cade to leave. This frightens me as I have scars on my wrists and stomach. "Nyx, I want to have this private chat with you as your blood tests have come back". She begins telling me, which only worsens my anxiety. "The blood tests have come back saying you're pregnant". She bluntly tells me, not wanting it to seem like I've committed a crime. "Pregnant"? The nurse nods and shows me a scan of the fetus. "How has it grown so quickly"? I asked her, my face pale as the whitest of sheets. "The fetus has grown because you're pregnant with your mate's baby". Cade is the father of my baby. But he said we had no s*x. "But we never had s*x. I don't remember having s*x with him". I tell her tears starts to flood down my cheeks. The nurse looks mortified. "Dear"? She began asking me a question, but I already knew two things that she might ask. "I don't drink as I'm not allowed due to my rank and parents' wishes". I abruptly said to her and this makes her come to the next question. "Were you raped"? The question was finally asked and I burst into tears. The nurse wraps her arms around me, comforting me through my sobbing and telling me it's okay. "Please don't tell anyone about my pregnancy". I begged the nurse with a plea in my eyes. She nods in agreement and tells me to eat and to stop harming myself for both me, Laika and the babies' sake. After getting discharged from hospital, getting home and helping my mum with dinner, a thought came into my head. **What if my parents find out**? *They won't until the baby grows more, you're basically a day pregnant*. Laika responded to my thought. I forgot how she and my mind are connected. So much for privacy. "Honey, be careful. Look at your finger"? My mother says bringing me out of my conversation with Laika. Turns out that when I was cutting some onions ready for spaghetti bolongese, I had cut myself with a sharp knife. Mum helped me wash my finger and bandaged me up like I was a soldier from war. **I'm glad she's changed** Laika chimes in. *Same, I don't know if Dad has though* I told back to Laika. My mother taps my head "You and Laika should only communicate when there are no sharp objects around". My mum said with annoyance and concern in her voice. This wasn't like yesterday on my birthday though. She was really worried about me, especially since I'd only just been discharged from hospital. "Sorry Mum". During dinner we ate and Clara hugged me that much that I needed to go to the toilet. Does pregnancy really make you pee a lot? We all watched a movie that was chosen by me since I was still the birthday girl. We watched The Conjuring on Netflix. After the movie, I needed the loo again and blew out my candle. The chocolate cake was delicious, though I'm very sure my dad wanted another piece. "Goodnight". I said to my family and decided to give my mum and brother a hug. Clara hugged me so tight again that I almost peed myself, damn pregnancy. Dad pulled me in and gave me the warmest and best hug ever. I miss his cuddles the most. I closed my bedroom door and outside my balcony door was, Rory? "Rory"? I called his name whilst half way opening the door. "Oh, hey Nyx". I was a little concerned that the future Alpha was here, but something told me to trust him. "Why are you here"? "Come to see if you're better and also to give you this". I looked down into his hands and I see a present. "I know it's not like me to acknowledge you, but I really do care about you, Nyx". Rory had never really noticed me until now, which seemed odd, but I pushed it to the back of my mind and thanked him for the present and asked if I was okay. "What did the nurse talk to you about"? I begin to panic. I don't trust Rory well enough to tell him that his best friend raped me and now I'm pregnant. *"Scars"*. Laika rescues me from this tough question for me and he turns to me with his own wolf's eyes. *"He didn't ask you"* Rory's wolf was terrifying already that both me and Laika were trembling with fear and whimpering. Rory had taken back control of his wolf and pulled me into a hug. Huh?
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