Chapter 5-Dreams, visions and warnings

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In my slumber, I see myself and a figure in bed together and it looks like we're having s*x, but it's not passionate for me as I'm unconscious, whilst the male figure looks as if he's enjoying himself with me, playing with my breasts and pounding me as hard as he can go. He says my name everytime he thrusts himself into me. As he keeps saying my name, his voice sounds familiar but I can't think who it is from. All I know is that I'm being raped in this dream? I wake up from my nightmare, only having to run to the toilet to throw up. This has been going on since I came home from that argument at the party and Cade. After I'm done throwing up, I go to the sink to wash my hands and freshen up. In my reflection, I see a white wolf. Am I seeing things? *"You aren't seeing things my child"*. Says the white wolf in the mirror, but I don't see her lips move. **This must be a dream still**. I tell myself, trying to calm down my beating heart, but when I look back into the mirror I no longer see a wolf, but a woman with long, moonstone hair and a pale complexion. Her eyes are a deep blue like mine. "I can assure you my dear, I'm not a dream or a vision". "Who are you"? I ask her. I see her with an unsure look whether she should tell me who she is or not. But she smiles and looks at me, both of our eyes colliding with each other like the earth and asteroid. "My name is Jericho, your Goddess and guardian". I looked at her dumbfounded. *It's true* Laika soon says, noticing that it's her mother. The mother of all wolves. "Why are you here, Goddess"? I ask Jericho with a hint of worry in my voice, thinking I've lost my s**t. "To give you a warning, my dear". Jericho replies with concern in her voice, but I get a hint of anger also. *"Warning"* Laika butts in wanting to speak with her mother also. "Nyx, your life has never been easy and it never will be, but you need to decide your fate". Okay, totally not a weird thing to say, but what does she mean? "I'm sorry, Jericho. But what do you mean"? I asked her, she must know what she was on about if she'd come here to warn me. "Remember my warning to you, my child, for your life can change in a blink of an eye, but only you and those you trust and keep both of you safe". Does she mean me and Laika? I hear a loud knock on the door which startles me out of my talk with Jericho. "Honey, are you okay"? It was my mum wondering if I was okay. I looked around me and even into the mirror to see if Jericho was there, but she was gone. Like she was never there, no trace of her either. "Yeah, I'm okay". I exit the bathroom and notice that my mum has a massive grin on her face. "What"? I could only say as she was starting to creep me out. "Would you like to have your birthday again"? That's why she has a creepy grin? But why would she want to redo it all over? "I just thought it would be a good idea if we all celebrated your 20th birthday since, you know"? Yeah I know, I was the victim of that night and Ruby was the special girl. I only nodded, I did't have high hopes for anything. I won't forgive her or my dad for anything just yet. Maybe not my dad, but I may have a change of heart in my mum as she never really did anything wrong. After getting dressed into a baggy sweater and putting my thick, black leggings on, I go into my mum's room where she has her straightener out as well as her makeup. "I thought I could do your hair and a little bit of your makeup"? she asks in a questioning way, knowing that I don't really wear makeup as much, but I do love my hair to be played with. "Sure, but not too much makeup". My mum nods and I sit on the chair by her vanity looking at the reflection of what she's doing. Both me and Mum were startled by the knock on the bedroom door. Chase and my dad enter along with my twin sisters. Clara and Ciara come over to us and they start arguing about who's next to have their hair done.
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