Chapter 97 Join the Dream Soul Team

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The four quietly looked at Long Ao approaching them, and the clothes he held before his chest showed up completely in front of them. The clothes were black all over with faint purple light halos. In addition, there was golden pattern of lines on the shoulders to the cuffs. When they checked carefully, there were slight energy waves, which were faint but existed. "This is the uniform of your team." William's voice appeared in time, and he explained to them. Although the four knew that they would be teammates and carry out tasks together in the future, they had never expected that they would have team uniform which belonged to themselves, while there were some special abilities in the team uniform obviously. They received the team uniform and put them on. Everybody's uniform fitted well. Feeling the energy waves pouring to their bodies from the uniform, all of the four looked at William in confusion. "Boss, are there special abilities in this uniform?" Mu Yunfei asked, looking as if he enjoyed the feeling. After all, the energy in the uniform was extremely soft. Nana and Bei Linfeng also felt confused and looked at William, waiting for his answer. At the same time, Xing Jie closed his eyes. It seemed that he was not curious about the abilities in the uniform or he had understood the mysteries in it. When he opened his eyes again, faint golden light flashed on his body. He looked as if lost in thought. Then he turned around and looked at William. "The uniform was specially customized for your team by the Elemental Star Headquarters," William said seriously. "There are three mini magical circles in every uniform, Attack Enhancing Magical Circle, Defense Enhancing Magical Circle and Speed Enhancing Magical Circle. Although the magical circles can't increase these greatly, after being improved, they can increase these aspects on the basis of your abilities." "What's the rate?" Mu Yunfei asked. "After the damage test of the abilities, it can reach ten percent," William answered. After hearing that, the four were shocked. If it simply enhanced the abilities, it would be almost of no use to them. After all, at their levels, if it enhanced a little, it was almost the same as the situation before they were enhanced. However, it was totally different when it enhanced the three aspects on the basis of their abilities. For example, Mu Yunfei's extreme speed with Void Breaker could compare with that of a great master at the peak of the Initial Term at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline for now. After he put on the uniform, when the speed increased by ten percent, he could be close to or even reach the level of a warrior in the Middle Term at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline. It was a horrible promotion. Moreover, it was not so simple to promote the stage of bloodline, and the chances wouldn't be given to them at any time. So, after the team uniform showed up, their strength would be promoted to a higher level. Although Xing Jie had felt the magical circles in the team uniform, he hadn't expected that these mini magical circles would be so powerful, so he was also shocked. In his memories, the Bloodline Warriors in the Elemental Star Headquarters were weak in studying magical circles and even inferior to the Xing family, yet these mini magical circles changed his opinion. Anyway, the Xing family couldn't make such powerful mini magical circles for now. As far as he knew, only the Jin family proficient in magical circles could make magical circles of this level nowadays. When did the Elemental Star Headquarters become so powerful? He couldn't help but feel lucky as his family had joined the Elemental Star Headquarters. Looking at the four's shocked faces, William laughed. "Aha... You deserve it, and it's the reward to you for finishing this task." While speaking, he seemed to realize something. Then he continued, "By the way, you haven't selected a team leader. Let's talk about it here today." Then William glanced over the four. In the end, he looked at Mu Yunfei. "In my opinion, Mu Yunfei will be the team leader, as he is the only one with Golden Bloodline on our Soil Planet. Do you have objections?" While speaking, he glanced at the other three. Nana and Bei Linfeng naturally had no objection. They had seen Mu Yunfei's leadership. Moreover, one of them was Mu Yunfei's girlfriend, and the other was a follower he had accepted lately, so they nodded in agreement without hesitation. They had agreed, which meant that only Xing Jie was left. All people looked at him and happened to see that he turned around to look at Mu Yunfei. "I have no objection if you become the team leader, and I accept your leadership, but you have to agree to one requirement of mine," Xing Jie said unhurriedly. "What requirement?" Mu Yunfei asked in doubt. "Find a chance to compete with me," Xing Jie responded peacefully. Even so, there was desire in his eyes indistinctly. "What?" Mu Yunfei was surprised at the sudden challenge, yet he calmed down soon and replied, "Okay. I will." Mu Yunfei had never feared a powerful man. Because of this, he could become more powerful after the battles and comprehend more new things. "Okay. Then I have no objection, Captain," Xing Jie said impassively with a faint smile. "Okay. Then Mu Yunfei will be the captain of your team," William repeated with a rarely serious expression, as if announcing an important file. In Mu Yunfei's eyes, William was giving a speech seemingly. "But the competition between you two may be delayed for a period," William added. "In three months, the top three families will hold the annual friendly competition, and we have a chance to attend the competition, eight people in two teams from our Elemental Star Headquarters. One team from the Bloodline Warriors, and the other from the warriors with ritual articles. "The four of you are the promising attenders among Bloodline Warriors, but we need to select in the Elemental Star Headquarters. After all, we have to ensure the fairness." William looked at the four with encouragement and asked, "So, do you have a resounding team name?" This question made Mu Yunfei who planned to ask about the rules of the competition feel embarrassed. He was helpless when he looked at William's curious eyes under the glasses with a golden frame. Speaking of which, a team's name was really a very important appearance and a factor which decided whether their presence would be attractive. "I think that it can be called 'A Group of Four'!" Before Mu Yunfei focused to think, Bei Linfeng shouted first. "What a stupid name! It's not good," Nana complained. "Why don't you name it Four Swans?" "Four Swans is nice! It is high-end, magnificent and classy. I think it's good." Bei Linfeng laughed foolishly. "Can a swan be as fat as you? Can it jump?" Nana taunted him. "I..." Bei Linfeng wanted to retort again, but he saw that Mu Yunfei turned to him, so he held back his words. After all, he knew that he would have a bad ending if he offended Nana. "Xing Jie, what's your opinion?" Mu Yunfei looked at Xing Jie and asked. As a team leader, he had to enliven the teammates first, so he asked Xing Jie. "How about 'Bloodline Warrior Team from the Elemental Star Headquarters'?" Xing Jie looked at Mu Yunfei and asked seriously. "Puff...Aha..." Bei Linfeng burst into laughter and looked at Xing Jie, with a different expression in his eyes. It seemed that in his eyes, Xing Jie who was arrogant and difficult to get close to was like a reserved man who concealed his feelings and looked serious while joking. "Are you...sure?" Mu Yunfei asked, with a thought similar to Bei Linfeng's. It seemed that Xing Jie didn't realize the reactions of the people around. He nodded and confirmed that he wasn't joking. In his opinion, the name wouldn't influence their strength. The reason why he spoke out such a name was simple. He had lived in the mansion in a forest for long, so he was unfamiliar with everything in the outside world. Although it was no problem for him to live a life, it still made his heart pure. What was on the mind of a person staying away from the mortal life could be imagined. "Is it improper?" He asked in a low voice, with doubts in his eyes. "Well... It's okay, but it's too long," Mu Yunfei answered. Then he continued, "I have an idea. Let's name it 'Dream Soul Team'. To me, everything we have experienced is like a dream, and I hope that the soul of every member in our team can be connected to each other forever." After saying that, Mu Yunfei looked at Nana and Bei Linfeng, to see that they nodded firmly in approval. Then he looked at Xing Jie and saw that the latter smiled faintly at him. "Okay. Let's name it Dream Soul Team." Nobody knew if Xing Jie really liked it or he didn't want to cause more conflicts. Anyway, they agreed in the end. "Good name!" William got up and looked at the four, with admiration in his eyes. He also wanted to know what would happen to the four young people with different characters. "As for the upcoming competition of the top three families, we will have a selection match in one month. Looking forward to your wonderful performance." "Long Ao," William called. "Boss." Long Ao saluted respectfully. "Lead the four little guys to see Elder Fang. They need to be trained in magical circles," William said. "Yes." "Magical circles? Should the magical circles be tested in this competition?" Mu Yunfei thought. He suddenly remembered the magical circle released by Xing Jie when they fought against the murdering bear with a skirt, so he expected it. It was said that when a person knew more skills, it wouldn't harm him. When he learnt more, it meant that he could have more kinds of fighting ways in battles. At this thought, Mu Yunfei followed Long Ao and walked out first.
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