Chapter 96 His Master's Junior Fellow Apprentice

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Mu Yunfei and his three companions reached S City at noon next day. They got out of the plane slowly under the burning sun at noon, feeling the hot waves brushing their faces repeatedly. Although it was stuffy and hot, they felt comfortable. After they finished the job successfully, the first thing they should do was report on their work in the Star Branch. Then they would celebrate it simply. They would surely have a victory banquet not only to celebrate their victory but also to welcome the new member of their team, Xing Jie. The fact proved that Mu Yunfei's cars were almost everywhere in S City. And of course, the parking lot of this airport was not an exception. After a short break, the four got into Mu Yunfei's Audy A8L, and it came out of the parking lot of the airport. Nana sat next to the driver, while Bei Linfeng and Xing Jie sat in the backseats. Xing Jie had changed into a suit of light leisurewear, and his black hair like waterfall was tidied up. He looked the same as an ordinary person apart from a few immortal auras between his eyebrows. Bei Linfeng sat aside. Perhaps because he was affected by Xing Jie's breath, he rarely didn't talk today. He just looked out of the window quietly and enjoyed the good time after the task was finished. The airport was not far from the Star Branch, and there were not many vehicles on the road at noon, so they reached the S City Museum soon. In front of the museum door, there were still people coming and going occasionally. The people who walked in with expectancy in order to feel the cultural edification brought by the museum, while the people came out slowly with satisfaction, seeming to have their temperament promoted. However, the four were different from those people. They also looked expectant, while they didn't long for the items on display in the museum but for another treasury under the museum, the Star Branch. They still went to the depths under the ground by elevator. The three were familiar with it and did everything adroitly, while it was the first time for Xing Jie to come here. Although there was curiosity flashing in his eyes, he didn't say anything all the way. He followed their instructions, like an obedient baby. Then as the elevator door was opened, they saw the Star Branch they thought about every day and night. Only after they returned here, it was the real home of these people with magical abilities. Mu Yunfei noticed that when the grand structure of the Star Branch like a castle showed up in front of Xing Jie, his eyes widened. Although Xing Jie still didn't say anything, it was enough to prove that he was surprised. "Xing Jie, this is the branch of the Elemental Star Headquarters in S City," Mu Yunfei walked to him and introduced. "We cultivate, compete and receive tasks assigned to us here at ordinary times." "OK," Xing Jie answered gently. He listened carefully but replied arrogantly. In Mu Yunfei's opinion, it merely showed that Xing Jie was not good at expressing his feelings. Then the four went to the operation department. The head of the department Long Ao had sent messages to them when they got out of the plane. "Come to the operation department of the Star Branch after you get out of the plane. William will be present, too." Unexpectedly, the boss of the Elemental Star Headquarters William would often run around among the countries for their tasks, which made them have a superiority feeling. After all, every task they completed seemed able to influence the trend of the war in the future. On the way, Mu Yunfei introduced everything around to Xing Jie continuously, while Xing Jie started to ask some questions later, even though he merely replied "OK", "Yes" in the beginning. "Are there quiet areas to cultivate?" Xing Jie asked casually. "Of course you can have one. The Star Branch will try to satisfy you as long as you make requests which are not excessive," Mu Yunfei responded. It was not a promise he made randomly, but William had told him in person. It was to repay them for their contributions after they carried out the tasks. Soon they came to the depths of the castle. After turning a few corners, they reached the door of the operation department. Mu Yunfei knocked at the door gently. After a few seconds, the door was opened with sounds. Strong smell of cigarette overspread, which made the four frown slightly. The three had been prepared in advance, yet Xing Jie didn't know. He coughed repeatedly at once as he almost had never smelt cigarette. Then a tall and big burly man came out. It was Long Ao. He still looked the same as usual and held a pipe which was always in his mouth. He breathed out smoke and walked to the four, saying with a smile, "Welcome home, aha..." "Mr. Long," Mu Yunfei greeted and then introduced, "Xing Jie, this is the head of the operation department, Long Ao." He turned to Long Ao, "Mr. Long, this is Xing Jie." "Good boy, you really invited him here. Aha..." Long Ao laughed excitedly and nodded at Xing Jie. "You are welcome to join the Elemental Star Galaxy." "Kids, come on. Our boss William has been waiting for you for a long time." While speaking, Long Ao walked to the innermost room of the operation department. The reason why they chose the innermost room was not that this meeting was secret, but the outer rooms of the operation department were messy, with all kinds of computers and communications-equipment put randomly, and they almost had nowhere to stay. Mu Yunfei even thought that it was more messy than last time when he came here. Long Ao looked back and said to Xing Jie apologetically, "Please don't mind. It's just temporary. Our operation department is tidy at ordinary times." What he said made the three young people burst into laughter, but seeing the unfriendly smile on Long Ao's face, they held back their laughter and then nodded to confirm his words. Xing Jie shook his head with a smile to show that he didn't mind. The innermost room in the operation department was secret. The more they walked in, the fewer people there were. In the end, only five people were left. "Here we are." Long Ao stopped in front of the door of the innermost room. Then he knocked at the door respectfully. "Come in." A voice came, with soft energy leaking out of the room. The five walked in. In the middle of the room, William was still dressed in formal suit, and his hair had never been messy. His glasses with a golden frame were on his nose, and soft power erupted. He looked gentle but made people in awe of him from the bottom of their hearts. "Boss." Mu Yunfei and his two companions saluted. Xing Jie didn't call him boss but called in a gentle voice, "Master." His tone was respectful. "Ah? Master?" Mu Yunfei and his two companions turned around in surprise and looked at Xing Jie in confusion. "Aha..." William got up with a smile and came to the comers, saying to Mu Yunfei, "You did a good job." He patted the three's shoulders and then turned around, walking to Xing Jie. He continued, "I will introduce him to you. Xing Jie is my senior fellow apprentice Nangong Tianshuang's disciple, which means that I am his master's junior fellow apprentice." After hearing that, all people were shocked, and even Long Ao didn't know anything about this matter. He was open-mouthed, and his pipe almost fell on the floor. "In fact, this task should be simple. As long as I make use of our relationship and tell my senior fellow apprentice to show up, he can easily make the Xing family join us. After all, he is Xing Jie's teacher, and with his unique and strong power, it can be finished without you." After saying that, William paused for a moment and then sat in his chair again. He picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of tea before continuing, "I did that just to let you get to know each other in advance." "We don't need to get to know each other in front of the murdering bear with a skirt. What a terrible occasion!" Mu Yunfei thought with unspoken criticism. "Moreover, very few people know the relationship between me and my senior fellow apprentice, and only I and he as well as his disciple, Xing Jie know it. This matter is related to something important, and it is better if fewer people know it." While speaking, William looked up at Mu Yunfei and his three companions, adding, "Even though this task was given to you, you also achieved my goal. You have finished the job successfully, and I need to reward you." William raised his left hand and waved at Long Ao. Long Ao seemed to understand it and then walked out. The four looked at one another speechlessly and didn't know what would happen next. The footsteps approached, and Long Ao showed up at the room door again. This time, he had four sets of same clothes in his hands, like military uniform or team uniform. "What's this?" The four had the question on their minds at the same time.
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