Chapter 98 The Great Master in Magical Circles, Fang Ruizhi

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The four followed Long Ao and soon came to a small house separate from the castle. The world under the museum was impressive, and it was much more spacious than the structures with an area of 39200 cubic meters on the ground. If people had seen an iceberg in water, they would find that the Star Branch under the ground was like this, and it was several times or over ten times bigger than the structures on the ground. The small house was separate from the castle, and it was different from the magnificent castle. The small house was in a corner. If people didn't check carefully, they wouldn't find that there was such a house in the Star Branch. In front of the door of the small house, the plants became denser, and the bluestones on the ground led to the ancient big door with strange light. The five walked on the bluestone stairs and then stood in front of the door. "This is the residence of a great master in magical circles in the Star Branch, Fang Ruizhi. All kinds of powerful magical circles in the Elemental Star Headquarters have been made by him," Long Ao introduced, with respect in his tone. Long Ao was not punctilious at ordinary times, but he would never show disrespect to anybody that he was in awe of. In front of them was a wood-colored big door. Even so, it seemed that there was no way to open it from outside. There was a round device in the center of the door, yet it was flat, and there was nothing like a handle. When Mu Yunfei stood behind and thought about the mysteries of the door, he saw that Long Ao walked forward slowly and came to the door. Long Ao raised his right hand and put it on the round flat surface in the center of the door. Something magical happened. When Long Ao touched the round flat surface, golden light burst out of the ancient wood-colored door, which became holy gradually. The round flat surface seemed to be broken and split from the middle, moving to both sides. Some strange runes started to appear on the wooden door covered with golden color. Then a grand golden magical circle showed up in front of them. What was this? Was this a magical circle, too? Mu Yunfei was shocked. He had thought that the magical circles could only be used in attack and defense, but he found that his thought was so laughable. It turned out that the magical circles' scope of application was so wide. He was interested in such magical circles. Every teenager had imagined since childhood what special abilities he could have someday. Now the special abilities were in front of him, so how would he be not excited? The magical circle felt Long Ao inputting his breath and then opened the door, welcoming them entering. After they walked into the house, they were shocked by the scene before their eyes. Everything around looked the same as that in an ancient house, but when they checked carefully, they found that everything seemed to have strange runes circling around. Complicated magical circles could be seen everywhere inside unexpectedly. Mu Yunfei, Nana and Bei Linfeng were fine. After all, they didn't know much about magical circles, so they couldn't see how complicated they were. However, Xing Jie was different. He knew something about magical circles and could make more than ten kinds of magical circles, yet they couldn't compare with the magical circles here, which made him curious about the owner here, Elder Fang. There was a low and small room in the middle of the depths in the small house, and Mu Yunfei guessed that it must be where the great master in magical circles was. It was because golden light showed continuously around the low and small room. Although it was not dazzling, it was eye-catching. They approached and stopped in front of the small room, waiting quietly. Mu Yunfei and the others didn't know what the golden light stood for, yet they could feel that an amazing magical circle was being made in this room. After a long time. The golden light disappeared, while a faint burning smell came out of the small room and became stronger. They had to cover their noses with their sleeves and felt curious about what was happening inside. "Fu*k! I am angry. I fail again! It..." A weird voice came and cursed heaven and earth. "Bang!" The door was opened under some magical power. A man at the age of more than sixty showed up in front of them. This man was neither tall nor short, with a square face, like most people. But a pair of deep eyes in the sunken sockets gazed at everything he saw, like a precision instrument. His plain shirt was soaked in sweat. He grabbed something in his right hand. Mu Yunfei checked it carefully and found that he had seen this kind of thing. When they fought against the murdering bear with a skirt, Xing Jie grabbed one carving tool like a pen. "Who are you? Go away now. Don't disturb me. I am doing an experiment." The man narrowed his eyes and glanced at them crossly while speaking. "Elder Fang." Long Ao saluted respectfully. "Elder Fang." The four also saluted. "Long Ao, what are you doing here? I have just failed in the experiment, and I am worried that I have nobody to vent my anger on. What? Do you want to be beaten?" Fang Ruizhi asked. "I don't dare to. I came here under William's order," Long Ao hurriedly answered, as he was afraid that Fang Ruizhi would be unable to control himself and beat him. As a great master in the Middle Term of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, Long Ao was confident about his strength, but he still wasn't sure that he could defeat this old man who was much weaker than him in the physical appearance. The attacks with magical circles changed unpredictably. No matter how powerful a warrior was, he would have careless omissions inevitably, which would be enlarged by the user of magical circles. And the warrior would have nowhere to hide himself at last. "The bloke William?" Fang Ruizhi continued to ask. After hearing that, Mu Yunfei was astonished. After all, William was the top leader of the Elemental Star Headquarters and the boss of all people, so his strength couldn't be underestimated, while this Elder Fang called him in this way. Although he was an elder and could call the younger generation like this, it could show this old man's position in the Elemental Star Headquarters. "Right. Boss told me to take the kids to you and let them be trained in refining magical circles for one month, preparing for the selection match in one month to attend the friendly competition of the top three families," Long Ao explained unhurriedly. "Oh?" Fang Ruizhi opened his eyes which had been narrowed and then looked at the four young people carefully. "Gee..." When he saw the uniform of the Dream Soul Team on the four of them, he suddenly felt surprised. "Are you the team recommended by William?" He asked in a deep voice. "Yes," Mu Yunfei answered. "Huh." Fang Ruizhi snorted and then turned around. "You must know what the team uniform means to you," Fang Ruizhi said after a long time. "If you are not powerful enough, you may be replaced midway. Then it will be more than being disgraced." "We know what it means to us, so we hope that we can be instructed by you in magical circles earlier," Mu Yunfei replied respectfully. "Aha... Do you think that it's as easy to learn magical circles as going to preschool? You want to learn it within one month and then attend the selection match? You are just daydreaming. I don't know what the bloke William is thinking about. Huh," Fang Ruizhi still stated coldly. "If you lose the match and the news spreads that you are my students, how would I show my face?" he continued, with disgust and helplessness in his eyes. "Elder Fang, Boss made such an arrangement, and he must have confidence in these kids. Just accept them as your students and hurry to train them." Long Ao begged for mercy. "No. Your boss has confidence in them, but I have no confidence in myself, an old man," Fang Ruizhi retorted crossly and then turned around, walking into the room. "Elder Fang!" When he was about to cross the threshold, a voice appeared, and it was from Mu Yunfei. As the leader of the Dream Soul Team, he had reason to step forward and win over Elder Fang because the person recommended by the Boss wouldn't be weak, and if they weren't trained, perhaps nobody among the four except Xing Jie could make achievements in magical circles. "What else can I do for you?" Fang Ruizhi asked impatiently. Mu Yunfei walked forward, and his deep eyes met Fang Ruizhi's sharp eyes. He didn't feel scared but asked, "Elder Fang, let's have a bet, okay?" "Oh?" Fang Ruizhi looked at Mu Yunfei and seemed to be interested in his words. "On what?" He asked. "On whether we can be promoted to the team representing the Bloodline Warriors in the Elemental Star Headquarters after you teach us. If we make it, we won't ask for anything because we have learnt something, while if we can't make it, I promise to be your assistant forever," Mu Yunfei said firmly. His last words made it clear that if they couldn't make it, he would be Elder Fang's assistant, which meant that he would be punished alone. He was great to have spirit of dedication. "I don't need an assistant," Fang Ruizhi responded, seeming ungrateful. "Don't you? It's no wonder that your room is so messy like a warehouse. There is nowhere to stand," Mu Yunfei pouted and said. "You!" Fang Ruizhi glared at Mu Yunfei and wanted to say something, but he held it back. He expressed impassively with sarcasm in his tone, "Okay. I need an assistant. Since you want to serve an old man, I will satisfy you." He also wanted to see if these unruly young people were so powerful as they said confidently. While speaking, Fang Ruizhi waved his hand and gestured for Mu Yunfei and his three teammates to come in. "Come in. You have only one month." Long Ao stood in the distance and sighed, looking as if a heavy weight had been lifted from his mind. When he heard that he had to send these kids to Elder Fang, he realized that it would be a difficult job. Fortunately, Mu Yunfei's bet interested Elder Fang. Otherwise, even Long Ao didn't know how to cope with this weird-tempered old man. He glanced at the kids' backs again and prayed for them silently. He said that this old man was weird because he was extreme and wouldn't accept students easily, but once he accepted students, he would train them strictly, and his training strength was even like that of a king of devils. Only at this thought, Long Ao would be panic-stricken. "Hope that these kids can carry on successfully," He whispered and then walked out. ... "Do you know what the competition of the top three families is like?" After they walked into the room, Fang Ruizhi told the four to find somewhere to have a seat and then asked. "I know. The competition of the top three families is different from the normal Star Duel, which is a comprehensive duel. It divides the duel up into three parts, Duel of Bloodline Power, Duel of Ritual Articles and Duel of magical circles. The final result will be decided according to the points of each part, and the rate is 40 percent, 30 percent and 30 percent respectively," Mu Yunfei answered. William had introduced the friendly competition of the top three families to them just now. With his supernatural memory, Mu Yunfei kept everything in mind. "Great." Fang Ruizhi nodded in approval. "If you want to learn magical circles, the first thing you should have is a rune pen to carve magical circles," He continued. "A rune pen?" All people asked in confusion. Mu Yunfei suddenly thought of the tool like a pen in Xing Jie's hand then. It turned out to be called rune pen. "Not everybody can have a rune pen, and not all the rune pens are at the same level. Moreover, not every rune pen is fit for you," Fang Ruizhi introduced. "The levels of the magical circle masters like me are not so complicated as Bloodline Warriors' or like the warriors with ritual articles depending on the skills who are not classified clearly. We have simple but strict classifying standards. "There are five levels for the magical circle masters, Rank 1, Rank Rank 5. There was only one master of Rank 5 in the history, so for now, the masters of Rank 4 are quite powerful, and I am one of them." While speaking, Fang Ruizhi raised his head complacently. "In order to cultivate more powerful magical circle masters, it is an important job for us to carve rune pens in this field. Generally, the magical circle masters above Rank 3 make rune pens. The rune pens made by the masters of higher ranks are more powerful, with better effects to use." "You must have many rune pens of Rank 4, right?" Bei Linfeng asked excitedly. "Fatty, do you think that it's so easy to make rune pens of Rank 4? I have just reached Rank 4 lately, and I have only one satisfying rune pen of Rank 4, yet I have many rune pens of Rank 3, which are enough for you to use." While speaking, Fang Ruizhi got up and walked to the depths of the room. "Follow me. I will take you to choose rune pens. Rune pens are different from the ritual articles which can be used if your physical strength is enough. They are like living things with intelligence, and it's not that you choose them, but they choose you." Mu Yunfei and his three teammates got up and followed Fang Ruizhi into the room. They were curious about what kind of rune pens would choose them.
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