Chapter 93 Have You Finished Fighting? I Will Start Now.

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The situation reversed too suddenly. Chu Tian who had been swaggering around and swollen with arrogance didn't know what to say. When he saw Chu Ying's expression which was still arrogant and cruel and provocation without scruple, something in Chu Tian's heart was lit seemingly. Surprise faded on his face, and it was replaced with a crazy expression. "Aha, loser. Don't think that you can win after you use the crooked skills to make your ritual article perish together with mine. With Bloodline Power, I can also tear you up!" Chu Tian roared, with craziness in his eyes. The collision made him lose his ritual article the blood-colored lance that he was always proud of, and it was a humiliation to him. The opponent merely showed a ritual article of Blue Level, but it... However, it was obviously not the time to think about these. What he should do was to kill Chu Ying with his strong Bloodline Power in the Middle Term of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline and save his dignity. Right, at the moment, he had killing intent indistinctly. Red light suddenly burst out of Chu Tian and enveloped his body. It was the overfall of Bloodline Power and the sign that he was about to use Bloodline Power. The Bloodline Power of a warrior with ritual articles was mainly used to promote the nature and help further show the ritual article's abilities. But at this time, when Chu Tian didn't have a ritual article, Bloodline Power could only promote his nature. Even so, it still increased his momentum greatly. Although the Chu family mainly fought with ritual articles, and Chu Tian had more ritual articles besides the blood-colored lance, he didn't take them along. At the moment, except for the blood-colored lance that had been destroyed, he had only several ritual articles to protect himself. Therefore, he had to exert Bloodline Power, and he had confidence in it. After all, in his memories, Chu Ying was merely at the peak of Grade 2 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline. However, was this the truth? The answer was absolutely no. After Chu Ying joined the Killing Team, his stage of bloodline changed greatly and had been promoted rapidly. He broke through successively and reached the Initial Term of Grade 4 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline in the end, equal to a beginner great master at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline. Among the people present, only Yuan Huan and Chu Ying knew these. Chu Tian's momentum had become quite potent as Bloodline Power condensed around his body, and the strong power made the space around twist slightly. Next second, he rushed out with a sudden big stride forward and shot in Chu Ying's direction. He was furious. The person who had been trodden by him could hold him to a draw when they fought with their ritual articles, and it was a challenge of different levels. He couldn't imagine it anyway. Now, for his beloved blood-colored lance which had been smashed and for the dignity of the future family master, he would fight this battle till the winner was decided, and the winner could only be him, Chu Tian. The bloodline wave released by a warrior in the Middle Term of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline was powerful. If this huge room were not made from special materials, it would collapse under the power in an instant. With great momentum, Chu Tian approached Chu Ying gradually. It seemed that everything he passed would be destroyed in the red light in a moment. This time, Chu Ying didn't stand still but moved backward as if he were waking from a dream. Right, he moved backward instead of walking forward, with black light released from his body indistinctly. The black light showed up around Chu Ying instantly like an abyss and surrounded him. Although it was black, it looked as if there were luster on the surface. Chu Ying pushed forward with both hands, while the black light surrounding him parted with him unexpectedly and swept across in the direction where Chu Tian was. Next second, the red light and black light bumped into each other, and a huge energy whirlpool was formed, seeming to swallow everything around. The energy's light didn't scatter after a long time. The only thing that the onlookers could confirm was that Chu Tian's attack didn't reach Chu Ying from beginning to end who was not far away. The attack seemed to disappear in the air as the black energy resisted, and it didn't cause any substantive damages. What happened to Chu Ying? Why did he have such potent Bloodline Power? Chu Shengxi had many questions on his mind and couldn't figure out why his unfilial son became powerful. The energy scattered gradually, and Chu Tian showed up in the center of the energy whirlpool. He looked miserable, and his luxurious formal attire had become ragged, with many burning marks. His hair which had been straightened carefully like his father's became messy like a roost. It made Yuan Huan in the distance burst into laughter. Thinking of Chu Tian's conceited words which were laughable, he couldn't control himself. Chu Tian was shocked. The energy which resisted him was quite powerful. If the defensive ritual articles in his body hadn't been triggered, he might have died here. He looked at Chu Ying again, with shock and even fear in his eyes which had been conceited and disdainful. At this time, Chu Tian heard some words which made him want to spit blood. "Have you finished fighting?" Chu Ying's voice appeared, and it was cold yet with strong penetrability. It seemed that he didn't want to hear the answer, as he continued soon, "Because I will start fighting now." "What? What did you say? What were you doing just now? You didn't take actions? What do you mean by saying that you will start fighting? You don't need to be like this no matter how conceited you are." Chu Tian thought with unspoken criticism. He even felt that Chu Ying seemed to be much more conceited than him. Next second, Chu Ying proved with his strength why he said that. A wisp of black light emerged again and circled around Chu Ying in a weird state. When the shadow showed up, Yuan Huan in the distance suddenly became serious even though he laughed at the conceited Chu Tian who was embarrassed. Then he showed pity for the first young master. He couldn't be more familiar with the dark shadow. Chu Ying cooperated with it perfectly and made all people in the Killing Team surrender except the No. 1. The dark shadow was the fatal ritual article, which was called ghostly spear, Chu Ying's main attacking method. The dark shadow slowed down gradually, and the outline became clear. Something like a spear showed up indistinctly, and it was deadly black. It was... Chu Tian just felt a buzz in his brain and almost fell backward. He hurriedly steadied himself and then saw the article in Chu Ying's hand clearly. It was a spear which was black all over, with a shape similar to the silver spear's, but the only difference was the black energy flashing on the top of this spear, which made his soul tremble, as if his soul would leave his body as soon as he was shot by this spear. What a powerful ritual article! It was the first reaction of all people present after the ghostly spear showed up, and even Chu Shengxi was not an exception. The shock brought by the spear was from the soul. Even though it was so far away, they could feel its horrible power. Chu Tian's legs were shaky, and he had to adjust his postures continuously before he steadied himself with difficulty. He stared at the ghostly spear in Chu Ying's hand, with desperation in his eyes. What did it mean after this spear showed up? It meant that earlier, Chu Ying took out the silver spear not because he had no top-level ritual article, but he thought that it was enough to cope with Chu Tian. Chu Tian even laughed at him. He was so stupid, and he was mocked at in the end unexpectedly. "It turns out that Chu Ying just saw me make a fool of myself from beginning to end!" Chu Tian roared in his heart and his lips trembled, yet he couldn't speak a word. He was afraid because he felt death from this spear. Chu Tian tried hard to stand steadily and didn't give up but congealed the Bloodline Power in his body, and his defensive ritual articles showed up with faint red light. However, they were so weak in front of the black spear like abyss. When the ghostly spear showed up, it wouldn't stop until blood could be seen. After Chu Ying took out this ritual article, everything seemed to have been settled.
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