Chapter 92 Chu Tian VS Chu Ying

1541 Words
The silver spear was horizontally in front of Chu Ying's chest, and he stood there calmly. Although it was merely a ritual article of Blue Level, he looked steady like a high mountain with momentum. It seemed that when he just stood there, he could give people around horrible pressure. However, Chu Tian didn't think too much. To the warriors with ritual articles, the ritual article's level would decide the result of the battle, and the distance in the stage of bloodline was secondary. As for the ritual article, only with the blood-colored lance in his hand, he had won. It was a ritual article at the Top Stage of Red Level, superior to the silver spear of Blue Level. As for the stage of bloodline, Chu Tian was also quite confident. After all, in his opinion, Chu Ying's bloodline was still at the same stage as when he left the Chu family, at the peak of Grade 2 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline. Although he could be counted as an elite among the warriors with ritual articles, there was an insuperable gap between him and Chu Tian who was in the Middle Term of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline. No matter in which aspect, he could win. At this thought, Chu Tian had more momentum and rushed to Chu Ying. "Loser, are you ready to die?" Chu Tian provoked. Chu Ying still didn't answer him. And his expression when he was ready to battle disappeared gradually. Then he stood straight and closed his eyes unexpectedly. What was this? It was silent sarcasm. Only one action made Chu Tian who wanted to provoke him more furious than him. This was the strength, from a real powerful man. "Bastard!" Chu Tian couldn't control himself anymore. He cursed and then waved the lance to stab Chu Ying. This blood-colored lance really showed a top-level ritual article's momentum, which was unstoppable. It tried to stab Chu Ying. As a matter of fact, there were many hidden rules in ritual articles. For example, the difference in the warriors' skills of using ritual articles or the slight distance after they exerted Bloodline Power would decide the trend of the battle. It was not that the ritual articles' levels and Bloodline Power would decide everything. That was why Chu Ying dared to use a ritual article of Blue Level. As the blood-colored lance came near him, Chu Ying still didn't open his eyes, and the only change was the faint white soft light around him. Among all people present, Chu Shengxi was a great master in the warriors with ritual articles and certainly knew this soft light. He frowned slightly and looked surprised. That was spear spirit, a kind of pure strength, a state that every warrior with ritual articles pursued after comprehending the ritual article's mysteries. Chu Shengxi took over the position of family master just because he comprehended the "spirit" which belonged to him. However, this abandoned son who had been depressed by him also comprehended his own spirit unexpectedly, so Chu Shengxi had a completely new appraisal of Chu Ying. Even so, he still firmly believed that Chu Tian could win depending on his top-level ritual article and high stage of bloodline. When Chu Shengxi was thinking, Chu Tian and Chu Ying collided, or rather Chu Tian dashed to Chu Ying. He waved the lance with great momentum, while on the other side, Chu Ying just raised the silver spear. After he uplifted and stabbed, he resisted Chu Tian's attack easily. Chu Ying didn't move backward but made Chu Tian stop rushing abruptly and forced him to turn around and fall backward. It appeared that Chu Tian's attack would surely succeed, yet it was resisted by Chu Ying effortlessly, which even made Chu Tian suffer losses. Chu Tian's face looked terrible. It was not that he didn't think that he could defeat Chu Ying, but he had to waste more time on a loser who should be defeated at one blow. Although he knew that there was "spirit" among the warriors with ritual articles, he couldn't distinguish it. After all, everybody's spirit was different, and he still didn't have his own spirit, so he couldn't find how Chu Ying resisted his attack just now. He was conceited and thought that everything was a coincidence. "This guy was lucky." He thought. He raised the blood-colored lance again and stepped out rapidly, rushing to Chu Ying once more. This time, he exerted more strength, and there was flowing light flashing on the lance, with much more momentum. Even Chu Shengxi and Ms. He thought that this attack would have the absolute advantage. Even if he couldn't defeat Chu Ying at one blow, it could at least break his silver spear which was merely of Blue Level. The blood-colored lance swept across the air, with sounds of breaking the air, trying to stab Chu Ying's chest. Chu Tian thought the same as his parents. This attack's main purpose was to smash Chu Ying's ritual article. He firmly believed that in front of the big difference in their levels, any skill would be useless. The blood-colored lance flew over, and Chu Ying opened his eyes slowly. He grabbed the spear with his right hand and put it horizontally in front of his chest, accurately pointing to the lance aiming at him next second. Right, he pointed the spear at the lance point-to-point, using the spear point to attack the lance. At the moment, all people present, even including Yuan Huan thought that Chu Ying took a risk. He knew most about Chu Ying's attainments in fighting with a ritual article. Before Chu Ying took out the ghostly spear, Chu Ying would fight with the skill of conquering the unyielding with the yielding, yet he had never confronted the tough with toughness like now. The sounds of the ritual articles colliding could be heard, and the energy waves leaked, making the space around tremble slightly. The two figures got parted quickly. This time, Chu Ying didn't stay in the original position but moved a few steps backward. At the same time, Chu Tian flew backward. He hurriedly steadied himself and showed a proud expression in his eyes. "Crack." A clear sound of metal being smashed was heard. All people saw that the silver spear in Chu Ying's hand was smashed with the sound, and the spearhead turned into powder and scattered, falling on the floor. The scene had been expected by everybody. After all, the distance in the ritual articles' levels was too great. Chu Ying could stand there safe and sound, which made them hold him in high esteem. How would they wish that his ritual article could defeat Chu Tian's? Chu Shengxi thought so and showed a proud expression on his face. After all, Chu Tian was the future successor of their family. Chu Shengxi was glad to see that Chu Tian gained the upper hand. Even Chu Tian was proud and disdained Chu Ying more. "Loser, have you seen it? This is the distance between you and me in strength, and it's an insuperable gap. You don't even have a ritual article now. Don't try to be brave. For the sake of brotherhood, I will give you a chance of survival. Get out of here now!" Chu Tian's tone was provocative. He looked lofty, and even Yuan Huan could hardly accept it. Yuan Huan didn't say anything but wanted to see what the person concerned Chu Ying would do. Although he had stayed with Chu Ying for a long time, he just knew a little about Chu Ying's thought and attitude toward the Chu family. Every time they talked about it, Chu Ying would look cold, and after trying a few times, Yuan Huan didn't mention it anymore. Yuan Huan just looked on quietly in the distance and guessed what would happen next. Similar to what Yuan Huan had expected, Chu Ying didn't answer but coldly looked at Chu Tian not far away, with his empty eyes full of endless coldness, like abyss. Chu Tian was obviously displeased to see Chu Ying's reactions. He had thought that Chu Ying would beg him for mercy like he had done in the past, yet it didn't happen, which made him furious. He lifted the blood-colored lance which stood erect on the floor with his right hand and pointed to Chu Ying, saying in a rage, "Loser, do you think that you are awesome? Look at my..." "c***k!" Another clear sound appeared and interrupted Chu Tian. It was from nowhere but the blood-colored lance in his hand. The lance's point was smashed like Chu Ying's silver spear. Then it turned into powder and scattered in the air. Chu Tian's arrogant expression was frozen at once, and his eyes were full of surprise. Chu Shengxi, Ms. He and even Yuan Huan in the distance opened their eyes wide and could hardly believe what happened in front of them. A ritual article merely of Blue Level smashed Chu Tian's top-level ritual article, and anybody couldn't make it with ordinary skills. Next second, Chu Ying's voice came slowly. "Loser, do you think that you are awesome?"
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