Chapter 94 The Ghostly Spear Wouldn't Stop Until Blood Could Be Seen

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Chu Tian trembled, which made people feel pity for him, but so what? Chu Shengxi wanted to walk forward and say something, yet he didn't know what to say. Chu Tian had suggested the challenge, and they didn't have a reason to stop it, so he could do nothing but observe everything in the distance. If Chu Tian's life was threatened, Chu Shengxi would get involved. After all, he was his future successor. Chu Ying grabbed the ghostly spear and approached Chu Tian gradually, with cold light in his eyes, like a devil falling. When he was ten meters away from Chu Tian, he suddenly stopped and then raised the ghostly spear, pointing to him. He stated in a deep voice, "You trod me with your honorable status in the past, and I was at the mercy of you. Today I will let you experience the same feelings." He didn't say more. What he said vented the sorrow and anger he had hidden all the time for many years, and what he would do next was to take revenge for what he had suffered ten years ago. Yuan Huan saw that in the distance and had emotions. Although he knew that Chu Ying had hatred toward the Chu family, he hadn't expected that Chu Ying who looked calm had concealed so much pain that nobody knew. He finally understood why Luo Sen's cousin Gu Chengfeng told him to bring Chu Ying. Under the fury, with Chu Ying's strength, he could frighten the Chu family, and Yuan Huan didn't need to take actions. After all, on the Soil Planet, all people knew how strategic a warrior with ritual articles at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline was. The ghostly spear was enveloped in the dark shadow. Next second, it shot out of Chu Ying's hand and flew to Chu Tian's chest. Chu Tian had killing intent toward Chu Ying, so how would Chu Ying not have it? He still considered the kinship and didn't use the ghostly spear earlier, but now, when it showed up, it meant that Chu Ying finally lost the last feelings for the family that he had grown up in. Chu Tian trembled, yet after all, he was in the Middle Term of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, so he could hardly await his doom under the situation. Everybody wanted to stay alive. Faint red light enveloped Chu Tian gradually, and he rushed to the spear. In his opinion, since this spear was shot out, it must have only one direction, so it was possible for him to dodge. Chu Tian leaned forward and stared at the ghostly spear. Under the extremely critical situation, he avoided the spearhead, while he was hurt by the pestilential spirit beside the ghostly spear and fell to one side. He guessed right. The last attack couldn't change the direction, and it could be avoided. However, it was just a start, a simple yet frightening start. After the ghostly spear showed up, it would stop only after blood could be seen. The ghostly spear stopped in the air next second unexpectedly, and then it returned at lightning speed, still aiming at Chu Tian, while he had no time to avoid it this time. He had fallen on the floor and couldn't get up in time. When he saw that the ghostly spear was going to attack him, there was nothing but fear in his eyes. After the defensive ritual articles on his body felt the horrible breath, they were triggered and showed faint red light, yet they were just like the mantis blocking a cart and ants shaking a tree. A distance of dozens of meters was transitory, and the ghostly spear had arrived with the breath of death. Its purpose was to take Chu Tian to hell. The breath of death spread in Chu Tian's heart. He had never expected that he would be killed by his younger brother who had been bullied by him and once knelt to beg him for mercy. His eyes were full of desperation and reluctance, but he could do nothing. At the moment, Chu Shengxi took actions. He had a huge blade in his hand and threw it to the ghostly spear next second. It was too late, and only after he input Bloodline Power to the ritual article could it catch up with the ghostly spear. Chu Tian was shocked, and so was his father. Even Chu Shengxi wasn't confident of defeating the power from the ghostly spear, let alone Chu Tian. Because of this, he took actions in the end, and it meant that the Chu family had lost this battle. The huge blade was shot out at lightning speed and collided with the ghostly spear, with fierce sounds of metal collision. This was the collision of the ritual articles' "spirit". When Chu Shengxi threw out the huge blade, he blended his blade spirit with it, so the blade was similar to the ghostly spear in the realm. The collision disappeared, and the huge blade bounced. It fell not far away and inserted into the floor, while the ghostly spear still rushed over with great momentum, but it changed the direction to some extent. Fresh blood splashed and whines could be heard. Chu Tian flew away while whining and the black ghostly spear inserted into his right shoulder. Fresh blood erupted, and blood fog formed behind him in an instant. "Tian!" Ms. He shouted yet could hardly move a bit. Chu Shengxi could hardly maintain his calm face. After all, although he couldn't release all his strength when he threw the blade, the ritual article's spirit was mixed in it. He was confident about his blade spirit, but it merely made the ghostly spear change the direction slightly, and that was all. How could it not shock him? Chu Ying's ghostly spear was only thrown once. Although there was spear spirit mixed, it couldn't be so powerful. Chu Ying looked indifferent and coldly stared at Chu Tian who lay on the floor not far away, with the right shoulder penetrated by the ghostly spear. Cold light was out of his eyes, and he raised his right hand slowly. "Whoosh..." The ghostly spear returned to Chu Ying's hand. When it left Chu Tian's body, it brought blood fog once more. After the ghostly spear came back to Chu Ying's hand, he had much more momentum, while the ferocious ghostly spear quieted down. There was no strong black light but faint blood red light around it. Once the ghostly spear appeared, it wouldn't stop until blood showed up. After it got Chu Tian's blood, it was nourished with the blood, so it became stable. That was why Chu Ying didn't take out the ghostly spear randomly. Its feature made this ritual article powerful and horrible. It seemed that Chu Ying didn't plan to let go of Chu Tian. He lifted the ghostly spear with his right hand and then walked to Chu Tian who was lying on the floor while twitching and bleeding. "Clatter..." The lonely footsteps were the only sounds in the room, as if all people were waiting for this person like death to make a judgment. Chu Tian lay on the floor and looked at Chu Ying who walked to him slowly, with endless fear in his eyes from his soul spreading all over his body along with the severe pain in his right shoulder. He trembled and looked up, begging, "Chu...Chu Ying... Don'" As his strength was used up, he fell again, with silence shown in his eyes. It seemed that he was expecting his death. "Clang..." A clear metal sound was heard, and Chu Ying smashed the ghostly spear on the floor heavily, only less than ten centimeters away from Chu Tian's head. Chu Shengxi who planned to say something to stop him held back his words and looked at Chu Ying, waiting for his next movements. "Aha..." Chu Ying laughed coldly, and the laughter resounded in the room clearly. "We haven't seen each other for ten years, and the Chu family playing the bully hasn't changed, while you have become so cowardly," He said in a cold voice. He raised the ghostly spear and put it on Chu Tian's throat. Then he turned around and gazed at Chu Shengxi, continuing, "Join the group of warriors with ritual articles in the Elemental Star Headquarters and follow our orders. Otherwise, not only him, all of you will die." Chu Ying's words enveloped the whole room with unstoppable oppression, which was the power like death. The teenager who had once been trampled could manage everything independently. How could it not make people sigh with emotion and admire him? Chu Shengxi kept silent for a long time. Even though he wanted to be arrogant and say that the Chu family would rather die than surrender, his beloved son, the future successor of his family was on the verge of death. If he didn't agree, it would damage them greatly, too. Even if he had the strength to fight against Chu Ying, he couldn't ensure that Chu Ying wouldn't kill innocent people when he went crazy. With the ghostly spear's power, it was as easy for him to kill his family members as killing ants. Moreover, such a great master Yuan Huan was behind him. After considering and weighing, Chu Shengxi seemed to have made a decision. Ms. He looked at him worriedly and nodded gently. Chu Shengxi moved forward slowly and said in a deep voice, "I agree with you on behalf of the Chu family." His tone was firm, while strong reluctance could be noticed.
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