Chapter 21 The Queen of the Thunder Sea

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The huge whirlpool swallowed Mu Yunfei and Nana almost in an instant. Now they were in a coma. As the whirlpool fell to the bottom of the sea slowly, if somebody was looking down from the sky, he must be shocked because golden light flashed at the end of the whirlpool, and it was not the endless darkness. Time passed. When Mu Yunfei woke up, he found that he was lying in the middle of a large hall which was made of bluestone. Was this heaven? He thought, but soon he gave up this assumption because he could still feel the heavy and forceful heartbeats in his body. He looked around, and found that although he was at the bottom of the sea it was not wet at all here, which was magical. He got up slowly, to see that Nana was lying quietly not far away and her steady breaths made her body go up and down slightly. Obviously, she was well. However, when Mu Yunfei wanted to run to Nana and help her up, he suddenly found that a lady was sitting in the host's seat in the large hall. The lady's skin was like frost and she looked graceful like a fairy. There was anger in her big bright and sharp eyes, which contained everything seemingly. From her appearance, nobody could see how old she was. Two men were standing on both sides of her, and their breaths and eyes were peaceful, but they made others think that they could become two sharp weapons instantly to kill people. Mu Yunfei got alert in an instant and looked at the three people coldly. Too many things had happened today, and it made him alert to everything in front of him. He was restless. If these people were enemies, he and Nana would be more ominous than propitious. "Who are you?" Mu Yunfei stared at the three and asked slowly. "You have broken into the Thunder Sea without permission. Do you know you are guilty?" One of the men said, with coldness flashing in his eyes all of a sudden. As the light shone, he came to Mu Yunfei and waved a fist to punch him, in a rage like thunder. Launching the Resistance Halo, Mu Yunfei exerted his most powerful ability without hesitation. After a short coma, his strength recovered a bit. Facing the sudden attack from an unknown human being, he started it without delay. It was called Sacred Bloodline skill because ordinary people couldn't resist it! That man punched the halo and then flew backward unexpectedly. He steadied himself in the air hurriedly and then fell on his original spot slowly. "Oh?" Surprise and joy flashed in the eyes of the lady who was sitting. She certainly knew her subordinate's actual strength, which was at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, while the teenager had resisted his attack easily and even struck him to fly away. What ability was the golden halo? It seemed to be close to that level. She was at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline and there was merely a fine line between her stage and that level, so she was more certain that the ability Mu Yunfei had shown was close to that level and even more powerful than her ability. Although it was just a defense skill, it could be called a sacred skill. She had guessed right indeed. Mu Yunfei was at the Primary Stage of Golden Bloodline, and he couldn't give play to the real strength of this Resistance Halo. Even so, this halo still showed the power of the top-level Golden Bloodline. Looking at the teenage boy, the lady had an interest in him involuntarily, as if seeing that man from him. She got up slowly and walked to Mu Yunfei. Seeing that the lady walked to him, Mu Yunfei stepped forward and stood in front of Nana. He could feel that even though the lady merely walked toward him, the oppressive air from her had suppressed him and made him unable to breathe, and it was the pressure from the bloodline. The great pressure was like huge hammers which were smashed to Mu Yunfei's chest one after another. The Resistance Halo was forced to show up from his body and helped him resist the endless pressure. Even so, it still made him feel uncomfortable, and an unspeakable fear swept across his body at once. After a long time, the pressure didn't stop but increased ceaselessly. Under the great pressure, Mu Yunfei's ears and nose bled. Evidently, it was almost close to the extreme of his body. Mu Yunfei was quite doubtful and didn't know whether these people planned to kill them or just wanted to joke about others' lives. He was not the only person who was confused, and the lady was also in doubt. She hadn't expected that the teenage boy could insist so long under her pressure, and what surprised her more was his strong will as he would carry on even though his ears and nose bled. Since he came back after finishing the last mission, Mu Yunfei knew how many responsibilities he should take and what challenges he would face in the future. And from that moment on, the originally unruly young man had a belief in his heart that only by surviving could he save Nana, and only by surviving could he complete the mission given to him by the Soil Planet. The lady looked at the teenage boy in front of her and shook her head. Then she smiled and turned around, withdrawing the pressure slowly. Mu Yunfei lost balance and knelt on the floor because the pressure suddenly disappeared. Even so, he still gazed at that lady and guarded against her next movement. However, nothing happened later. "Get up. How long do you want to kneel?" The lady's voice was heard, and it was so gentle. Who could guess that a person with such a gentle voice was able to release so much pressure? Mu Yunfei got up slowly and nobody knew when Nana woke up. He hurriedly came to her but found that she sat there blankly and didn't make a voice. He shook her urgently, yet she still had no reaction. Mu Yunfei turned around. "What's wrong with her?" He asked coldly, with anger in his eyes. The lady looked at Mu Yunfei's anxious expression and couldn't help but laugh. "Don't worry. She just suffered from the great energy impact in the whirlpool. She will be fine in a while," She responded slowly, and her tone softened a lot. Seeing that the other party didn't bear malice anymore, Mu Yunfei was finally relieved and then asked, "Masters, can I ask who you are? What are you doing here?" "My name is Lei Xueming. I am the queen of the Thunder Sea," The lady replied unhurriedly. Mu Yunfei was shocked to hear that. The queen? In the sea? But looking at the noble lady in front of him and then at the large hall shining with golden light, he had a feeling that everything was real seemingly. "Why are we here at the bottom of the sea?" Mu Yunfei asked in doubt. Lei Xueming looked at this teenager and didn't get angry because he asked questions endlessly. Instead, she explained patiently, "It was once a normal sea area here, but it changed because of a person." While speaking, she paused for a moment, as if recalling what had happened then. "At that time, the elder brother of the current leader of the Thunder Planet Lei Ze, Lei Mu was supposed to inherit the hegemony of this planet, yet his bloodline's mutation made him have a deviation, and he was reduced to a devil. When he got crazy, people were in great misery. So in order to suppress him, we sealed him under the sea, and his ability made the sea change greatly. "Since then, the sea in this area is full of thunder and lightning which will wreak havoc, so it is called Thunder Sea here." Lei Xueming shook her head while speaking, with pity in her eyes. "As their younger sister, I have the top-level Golden Bloodline, so I was arranged to protect the seal under the Thunder Sea and prevent intruders from entering. That's why you came here after falling into the sea. It looks resplendent and magnificent on the surface, but I bear the endless loneliness." Lei Xueming sighed with emotion. Listening to Lei Xueming's words, Mu Yunfei roughly knew the cause and effect, but he didn't expect that the lady in front of him was the princess of the Thunder Planet, so he was surprised. It seemed that Lei Mu's mistake made his younger brother gain profits yet caused his sister to suffer a lot. "I am sorry. Your Majesty, I was rude." After knowing the truth, Mu Yunfei apologized in a hurry. "It doesn't matter, but at the sight of you, I think of somebody." Lei Xueming looked at Mu Yunfei and got distracted. "Who is the person you mentioned?" Mu Yunfei asked in confusion. "That man is named Mu Zhan!" She answered unhurriedly.
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