Chapter 20 The Thunder Beasts

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At this moment, Nana also noticed the gravity on Mu Yunfei's face. When she turned around, what greeted her was... countless luminous green dots looking like wild fire. Somehow, a pack of creatures resembling wolves appeared behind her. They were growling. Those ferocious eyes seemed as if they were going to tear the two of them apart. Meanwhile, there were flashes of faint purple lightning around their bodies, mingled with the crackling of electrical discharges. If there were only one or two of them here at this moment, Mu Yunfei would still be quite confident about fighting against them with the help of his four abilities, but there were at least over one hundred beasts in front of them. In addition, the pack leader appeared extraordinarily strong. The lightning flashes around him were especially intense, and the energy it released looked so real. "Those are thunder beasts, a kind of monster beasts on the Thunder Planet. They're extremely fast, and the lightning they release has a strong paralyzing effect." Nana introduced in a low voice. Now, she looked so tense, her body trembling uncontrollably. She had traveled extensively with her grandfather and seen a lot, so she knew something about these monster beasts. Especially the ones before her eyes, her memories for them were still fresh. They were some awful creatures. Back then when her grandfather came to the Thunder Planet, he had also met these thunder beasts. However, due to the powerful ability her grandfather possessed, these monster beasts didn't dare to approach him, but could only growl from afar, discharging electricity. Even so, those few thunder beasts still left Nana some horrible memories, but now... It was when she stood in front of them that Nana realized how frightening these thunder beasts were. In a short while, the two of them were surrounded by hundreds of thunder beasts. The crackling of electrical discharges became stronger, and sounded like crashes of thunder. Encircled by the purple lightning, the two of them were left no way out at all. At this moment, the only thing they had in mind was, to run! Void Breaker and the ultimate speed were activated at the same time. With his intuitions about the space, Mu Yunfei broke the siege with Nana and they ran away instantly. The two were totally aware that it was impossible for them to fight against the thunder beasts with their current abilities. However, something shocking happened. That pack of thunder beasts didn't stay put just because the two of them disappeared suddenly. In the blink of an eye, they set out in the direction the two fled, and ran even faster than Mu Yunfei. As the monster beasts of the thunder nature, they were born with the ultimate speed given by thunder and lightning. With the help of the purple lightning around them, they kept accelerating. They would never give up the two preys in front of them. The growling sound of the thunder beasts rang out behind them, mixed with the rumble of thunder and lightning. Mu Yunfei could feel that the pack kept drawing nearer to the two of them. He was exerting Void Breaker and the ultimate speed to the limit with no reservation. Meanwhile, the golden ice crystal barrier was also activated, and walls of ice were formed behind them. At the same time, Nana was also trying her best to apply Ice and Snow Zone. Large flakes of snow and the extreme coldness kept attacking the pack, but all this could only slow the pack down temporarily. Although Mu Yunfei possessed the ability of Sacred Bloodline, Resistance Halo, he wasn't sure that he could fight against hundreds of thunder beasts with this ability. If he failed, both of them would die here, and their corpses would be gobbled up in an instant. Mu Yunfei was unwilling to gamble with their lives, nor dared he. At this moment, Mu Yunfei and Nana were only a hundred meters ahead of the pack of thunder beasts, and they kept drawing closer to the two of them. Since he was carrying Nana, Mu Yunfei felt a little tired now. One could tell from his grimace that apparently, he wouldn't last long. "Yunfei, put me down. You have something more important to do. We can't both die here." Nana said in a low voice. Of course she knew the fact. If it weren't for her, Mu Yunfei could have left the pack far behind with his two abilities. Now, Mu Yunfei was getting more and more tired, and they slowed down gradually, while the thunder beasts behind them were still running extremely fast. This was the difference between beasts and human beings. There was an absolute gap in physical strength. "Stop talking nonsense. I will never leave you behind." Mu Yunfei growled. How would he abandon Nana? This was not something he would do. Mu Yunfei clenched his teeth and boosted the two abilities again as he spoke. At this point, Mu Yunfei still doubted whether they could run out of here deep down inside. A sudden sense of powerlessness swept through his body, as if their lives were coming to an end. Seventy meters! Fifty meters! Thirty meters! Ten meters! The pack leader almost ran up behind the two. The purple lightning flashed, and two flashes of purple lightning shot towards the two of them. Mu Yunfei could feel the overwhelming power of the purple lightning. Destructive and deadly, it seemed able to tear anything apart. Just when the purple lightning was about to pierce through the two of them, the huge halo that had appeared around Mu Yunfei's body before was activated instantly. It was Resistance Halo! Just at this critical moment, Mu Yunfei's Resistance Halo was activated immediately, warding off the lethal purple lightning. The halo hit the purple lightning, and there was a huge blast. At that instant, everything around them seemed to be collapsing. The strong shock wave threw the two of them away, while the pack of thunder beasts also had to stop to protect themselves from the terrible explosion. The pack leader fell backwards and flew away. The purple lightning around its body went out of control, and the thunder beast was twitching. Obviously, the pack leader was severely injured. Intense pain swept through his whole body. Mu Yunfei was grateful that he hadn't given too much credit to Resistance Halo just now. The two flashes of purple lightning shot by the thunder beast were extremely powerful, and thus Resistance Halo was still rippling now. However, this was the attack launched by only one thunder beast. If hundreds of them attacked together, even if not all of them were as powerful as the pack leader, the energy was still strong enough to kill the two of them. Just when Mu Yunfei considered himself lucky, Nana's voice rang out in his arms, "Yunfei! The cliff!" "..." When Mu Yunfei realized what was going on, the two of them were already in the air. Off the cliff, it was a vast expanse of water full of flashing purple lightning! Since he was exhausted, Mu Yunfei could no longer activate Void Breaker now. He could only allow his body to plunge, and the two just fell straight into the sea. The waves were surging violently, and the two were engulfed in the water ruthlessly at once. Numbness ran through Mu Yunfei's body almost in an instant. There should be enormous electric energy in the sea, and the exhausted two passed out once the electric current touched their skin. At this moment, the thunder beasts were already on the cliff edge. Even if they wanted to get the preys in front of them so much, they didn't dare to jump into the purple sea beneath. Because they were aware that, there was not only electricity there, but also some kind of power that even they were afraid of below the waves. Due to the existence of the unknown power, the sea was made "the f*******n area" by the Thunder Planet. For hundreds of years, both human beings and the monster beasts had obeyed the rule collectively. The sea was called "Thunder Sea"! It was said that "Nine out of ten people died when falling into Thunder Sea". Only one person got out from the sea alive in history, and he had long become the strongest man! Meanwhile, when Thunder Sea sensed that there were two intruders, it started to act crazily. The electric current, which was originally at the bottom of the sea, burst out of the water, echoing the faint purple light in the sky. It was such powerful energy that the sky and the land were about to be turned upside down for it. Suddenly, the water churned and a vortex was actually formed little by little, which seemed as if it would engulf the whole world. Meanwhile, Mu Yunfei and Nana were devoured gradually... ... Meanwhile, on the other side. When Dream Cloud and Broken Dream arrived at the Thunder Planet and walked out of the transmission ladder slowly, the Palace of Thunder God was not far away from them. They kept hearing the claps of thunder over the top of the octagonal building. The palace was giving off a purple glow, looking extremely divine, as if it was declaring that this was a supreme place, as well as the command center of the Thunder Planet, and the top palace over the whole planet. It was the building that anyone on the Thunder Planet had to prostrate himself in worship before. At this point, the difference between the transmission ladder built by Broken Dream and the ordinary one with random exits made its appearance. One party was still unaccounted for, while the other arrived accurately. "Young master, do we need to go straight into the Palace of Thunder God?" Broken Dream asked respectfully with a trace of ferocity on his face. "No rush. I can't sense Mu Yunfei's smell around here." A suggestion of doubt flashed across Dream Cloud's red pupils. "Could it be that he knew I was coming, so he made some preparations beforehand?" Dream Cloud thought to himself. Dream Cloud had made some judgements on Mu Yunfei's strength. He always felt that Mu Yunfei was not as strong as he was currently, but Mu Yunfei was never an underdog since his existence alone broke the balance of energy between the planets. Just because of that, Mu Yunfei deserved to be his opponent, and to be wiped out by him from this world. What had happened in the past kept flashing before Dream Cloud's eyes? The deaths of his family, the collapse of his homeland, the doom of his planet, each scene looked so real. At this moment, Dream Cloud's bloodshot eyes were full of hatred. However, what Dream Cloud didn't know was that Mu Yunfei had no idea of his arrival at this moment, and that Mu Yunfei just got into another trouble. "Broken Dream." Dream Cloud called, and his tone was filled with deadly coldness. "Young master, how can I help you?" Broken Dream bowed down and responded. "Since we're already here, how about taking a look inside?" Dream Cloud sneered with a hint of irony in his eyes, as if he didn't take the majesty of the Palace of Thunder God seriously at all. "The one inside the palace should be their target of this journey. Let's meet them first." Dream Cloud stared at the building surrounded by lightning not far away and said flatly. With a flicker of light, the two of them already appeared in front of the palace. Broken Dream raised his hand slowly, and the guard at the entrance just let the two of them in without stopping them as if his soul was out of his body. This was Broken Dream's ability, "Hallucination". With this ability, Broken Dream could drag the one before him into an illusory scene created by him in an instant, and deprived the one of all his five senses. Besides, if Broken Dream wanted it, he could even wipe out the one in the dream without any trace. It was relying on this ability that Broken Dream, who was of the top Red Bloodline, had killed so many people without being noticed back then. The two of them just strode into the hall slowly in an imposing manner...
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