Chapter 22 You Take After Him

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"Mu Zhan? Are you talking about Mu Zhan?" Hearing the two words, Mu Yunfei even doubted that there was something wrong with his ears. "What? Do you know him, too? But it's not surprising that you know him. You are from the Soil Planet, right? It's normal that you know him," Lei Xueming said. "No. Your Majesty, is Mu Zhan you mentioned my father?" Mu Yunfei asked in confusion. "What?" It was Lei Xueming's turn to be shocked this time. "What's your name?" She asked anxiously. "Mu Yunfei," Mu Yunfei answered. Looking at Lei Xueming's surprised eyes, he was more doubtful. "Mu...Yunfei... Mu...Zhan..." Lei Xueming repeated the two names unhurriedly. "Sure enough. It turns out that you are his son." After a long time, Lei Xueming raised her head and said joyfully in surprise. She finally realized why she thought that Mu Yunfei looked familiar and she recalled that person involuntarily when she saw him just now. It turned out that everything was arranged by destiny. "Your Majesty, do you know anything about my father?" Mu Yunfei didn't believe this unexpected information to a great extent, so he couldn't wait to ask. Lei Xueming glanced at Mu Yunfei and responded slowly, "Mu Zhan broke the limitation of the planes over the Soil Planet and became the most powerful man of that planet many years ago, and it is not exaggerated to say that he is the most powerful man in the five planets of the Elemental Star Galaxy. He once broke through the top-level Golden Bloodline and almost gained Sacred Bloodline, but because he fell in love with an ordinary person..." When she was speaking, Lei Xueming's face darkened all of a sudden. "Because the maximum limit of the human with Bloodline Power to have children with an ordinary person is the top-level Red Bloodline, he was willing to forcefully reduce his Bloodline Power to top-level Red Bloodline for that woman. Even so, his actual strength can still be compared with the top-level Golden Bloodline. It can be seen that his strength is so horrible, but at the same time, he lost the chance to fight for Sacred Bloodline. He was once called a genius. Because of this, since then, he even directly declares that he is merely at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, and he never told you and your mother about this." After hearing Lei Xueming's statement, Mu Yunfei was at a loss. He couldn't imagine that his father, a genius in the commercial field, the founder of The Mu's Group once almost gained Sacred Bloodline. And he had never expected that his father had sacrificed so much for his mother. "But since Father is so powerful, why has he never told me? Why did he hide everything from me and Mother? Why didn't he teach me how to control Bloodline Power?" Many questions came into Mu Yunfei's mind. He still couldn't imagine that there was such a peerless great master around him. "Your Majesty," Mu Yunfei called in a low voice. "How did you know my father? How did he enter the Thunder Sea?" He finally knew some secrets about his father, so he asked more questions. Mu Yunfei could clearly feel the unusual light in Lei Xueming's eyes when she heard his words. She answered unhurriedly, "I got to know your father here. He was the most powerful man in the world then. That day, he showed up in the palace under the Thunder Sea unexpectedly. I had got the top-level Golden Bloodline then, and Lei Mu had just been sealed, so after he broke in all of a sudden, I certainly launched an attack." Lei Xueming paused for a moment. "What happened in the end?" Mu Yunfei couldn't help but ask. "As a result, he defeated me within three movements," Lei Xueming said casually, looking upset. "Three movements?" Mu Yunfei was surprised. He had personally felt Lei Xueming's actual strength, while his father had defeated her after starting only three moves, which reminded him of his father's dignified face. He hadn't expected that such shocking strength was hidden under the stern face. "Then why did my father come here?" Lei Xueming smiled. "Speaking of which, it was surprising. His purpose was to help us enhance the seal." She recalled the scene and continued slowly, "It took a fight for us to get to know each other, and his powerful strength was left in my brain. I can't forget it for a long time." When Lei Xueming talked about this, Mu Yunfei could evidently feel her unusual emotions, yet he didn't say more. Obviously, his father was the first intruder who could get out of here in the past decades and the only one who was approved by this queen. They kept silent for a long time. "Mu Yunfei!" Lei Xueming interrupted his train of thought. He looked up at the queen, to find that there were tears in her eyes. Lei Xueming stated, "Mu Yunfei, as his son, you should know what mission you undertake. I can see Mu Zhan of that year from you seemingly, and his title of the most powerful man should be inherited by you now." She looked at the teenage boy and suddenly felt that perhaps in the near future, he could even surpass his father in attainments. Mu Yunfei raised his head and glanced at Lei Xueming. He knew too much information today, and his father's stories subverted what he had known in the past, but it made him understand why he had Golden Bloodline and why the mission to save the Soil Planet was given to him suddenly. In the past, he had a doubt about the source of his Golden Bloodline, but at the moment, when he knew everything, he confirmed that everything was destined and that was the inherited bloodline. "Why did you come to the Thunder Planet this time?" Lei Xueming asked, and her tone was soft. "Currently, the relationship among the planets is tense. The Wind Planet and Fire Planet join hands and have destroyed the Ice Planet." While speaking, he glanced at Nana who hadn't regained consciousness next to him. "We came here this time because we wanted to join hands on behalf of the Soil Planet with the Thunder Planet to resist the attack from the alliance between the Wind Planet and Fire Planet. And if I guess right, their next target is the Thunder Planet," He explained. "Oh? You want to ally with the Thunder Planet?" After hearing that, Lei Xueming pondered. "I know the unstable situation nowadays, yet I don't expect that they have declared war on our planet which is always neutral lately." As the queen of the Thunder Sea and the princess of the Thunder Planet, she had heard about this news, but... "Yunfei," She called softly. "Under the situation, it's a good thing to make an alliance, but I always have an ominous presentiment." She looked up at the sea with purple light above the palace. "Are you afraid?" Mu Yunfei asked. He knew that this queen must have known a lot about the interior of the Thunder Planet, and the precondition of a successful alliance was knowing each other. It was like cooperation among companies. They needed to know the other parties' interests first, and then they could make it. "The Thunder Planet has never offended any other planets in the past one hundred years and always remains neutral, so if you want to ally with us, it will be difficult. Moreover..." While speaking, she hesitated for a moment and then added, "Moreover, there are different voices in the Thunder Planet now and they want to seek refuge with the Wind Planet and Fire Planet seemingly." After she said that, Mu Yunfei felt a shiver down his spine involuntarily. The worst assumption he had thought of was that they would remain neutral and wouldn't ally with the Soil Planet, but if the Thunder Planet joined the alliance between the Wind Planet and Fire Planet, it meant that the Soil Planet would face the anger of three planets next. All people on the planet would turn into dust then, not to mention them. At this thought, his eyes became sharp. Anyway, this time he should try every means to convince the Thunder Planet. He made up his mind secretly. "Your Majesty, thanks for your information. It's valuable to me. I will hurry up." Mu Yunfei bowed to Lei Xueming. He liked this queen a lot. After all, the secret that she told him answered the questions which confused him these days, and the mystery of his birth seemed to be solved. He continued, "Your Majesty, I have an unreasonable request." "What?" Lei Xueming's beautiful eyes twinkled, and she asked curiously. "I want to ask you to help us persuade your planet to ally with the Soil Planet," Mu Yunfei said unhurriedly. He knew that although this queen watched the seal in the Thunder Sea all year round, her prestige and position were high in the Thunder Planet. Lei Xueming had expected Mu Yunfei's request, but because Lei Ze acquired monopoly power these years and she was in the Thunder Sea throughout the year, even though she was the princess, she couldn't get involved in the state affairs of the Thunder Planet. "Yunfei, I can't agree to your request," She responded slowly, with helplessness in her tone. "But..." Mu Yunfei raised his head. He was mentally prepared for Lei Xueming's refusal, yet he didn't expect that the queen would say more. "But I can do something else for you," Lei Xueming added. "What is it, Your Majesty?" Lei Xueming smiled "Help you promote your strength." ...
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