Chapter 47 The Star Duel

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"But don't worry. I came to help you," Bei Linfeng patted his fatty chest and stated with confidence. "Are you so confident?" "Of course not. I have confidence in you two. It's said that when you work with a work spouse, you won't feel tired. Moreover, you are..." While speaking, Bei Linfeng shook his head and tut-tutted. Mu Yunfei was speechless. Mu Yunfei had only one thought. Did this fatty come to amuse them? The couple could enjoy a romantic paradise on the way when they carried out the task, yet after this fatty came, they would have a third person? Mu Yunfei looked at Bei Linfeng helplessly. "But..." Bei Linfeng suddenly continued. "Hmm?" "But if you want me to follow your orders when we carry out the task, you need to win me in the Star Duel first," Bei Linfeng added, with passion in his eyes. "The Star Duel?" Mu Yunfei found that he was like a fool and didn't know many words said by the fatty. "Right, the Star Duel. You might have never attended it, right?" Bei Linfeng expressed complacently, and what he meant was simple. Bro Chubby was an old hand. Then the fatty started to talk about the Star Duel endlessly. "The Star Duel is like an arena of the people with Bloodline Power like us. "It's a good stage to show our actual strength. Not only on the Soil Planet, but the other planets in the Elemental Star Galaxy have such competitions, and it is the biggest event. "The Star Duel has three kinds of competitions. The first one is one-for-one, a singles match, when only one person fights against the other. "The second one is a doubles match to test if there is an unspoken agreement between the two partners. "And the third is the center of attention in the headquarters every year, the team competition, four in a team. "After joining the three kinds of matches, the winners will have more accumulated points. After the match, the top ones will be awarded generously, and the award can't be bought with money." Obviously, he said the last words to Mu Yunfei specifically. If the award was just money, it couldn't move him, and Bei Linfeng knew that, yet as soon as he talked about something that couldn't be bought with money, it interested Mu Yunfei indeed. Bei Linfeng guessed right. Mu Yunfei seemed to be attracted by the Star Duel Bei Linfeng mentioned as he had never known it. He hadn't expected that there was such an arena, and it seemed that some people watched it. Wasn't it like the colosseum game of wild animals? But two people fought against each other. Oh, no, it was like UlFC more or WoWE. Anyway, it must be more thrilling than these two. After all, it was to fight hand-to-hand with skills. "Where is this competition held?" "Of course, it is the underground arena under the Elemental Star Headquarters, as we can't hold it outside openly, but it is a grand occasion held openly on the other planets, while we can't do that." Right. The Soil Planet was greatly different from the other planets. With the restraint of the planes, many people were common and their bloodline was awakened commonly. For the people with Yellow and Blue Bloodline, it seemed that as soon as they were born, their bloodline was awakened. However, for the people with Red Bloodline or above, after their bloodline was awakened, they knew that they were different from common people and had different destinies and missions. "What do you think? Just say yes, okay? If you win me, I will follow your orders when we carry out the task, but if you lose, after the duel, you should listen to me," Bei Linfeng asked, with complacency on his lips, as if he had seen that he won. He had confidence in his strength. Although his skill of bloodline was for assist, the effect was quite potent and even reached the peak of Grade 2 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, equal to the peak of the Primary Stage of Golden Bloodline. He thought that even though Mu Yunfei owned Golden Bloodline, it was awakened not long ago, and he could even say that Mu Yunfei was inferior to him in the stage. Moreover, he hid some skills that he had created himself. He patted Mu Yunfei and seemed to urge him to agree as soon as possible. Mu Yunfei was greatly interested in this Star Duel, and as the Bloodline Sword was upgraded, he felt that his strength was promoted to some extent. He nodded and replied, "Okay." The fatty seemed to seize a chance and asked more, "How about you invite me to a deluxe feast as a bonus after you lose, okay? You have so much money, and I happen to like delicious food. What do you think?" It was a classic lesson to teach how to be shameless. Mu Yunfei nodded slightly and agreed. First, he didn't care about money, but most importantly, he didn't think that he would lose. "Yunfei!" When they were talking in the back garden, a voice came from a distance. It was Nana. She had changed into a blue one-piece dress. The sunset glow shone with the last light from the horizon and fell on her, which was so beautiful, like a masterpiece of oil painting. The two looked at the girl in a daze. Bei Linfeng showed a thumbs-up sign in front of Mu Yunfei's chest and whispered, "Yunfei, your girlfriend is really..." He couldn't find a proper word, so he had to wave his fat thumb crazily. Next second, Nana came to them. When she saw Bei Linfeng who bent his arm round Mu Yunfei's shoulder, there was an unusual expression in her eyes. Then she looked at Mu Yunfei with her questioning eyes. Bei Linfeng sensibly withdrew his arm from Mu Yunfei's shoulder and seemed to try to prove to Nana that he was not... "Er... Miss Nana, nice to meet you. I am Bei Linfeng. Boss sent me to assist you in carrying out the task," Bei Linfeng explained cautiously, for fear that he would offend the beautiful girl in front of him. The momentum he had shown that he wanted to be their boss disappeared totally, and he seemed to be another person. Then he turned around and whispered to Mu Yunfei, "I have changed my mind. If I win, only you should listen to me." Mu Yunfei was speechless as this fatty changed so quickly. He shook his head and walked to Nana. "Nana, what he said is true. He was sent by William to help us finish the task." Without asking why the fatty came, Nana who was smart realized that this task was unusual, and she nodded gently, replying, "Okay." In front of an outsider, she didn't have the courage to rush into Mu Yunfei's arms. "Yunfei, I heard in the distance that you were talking about the Star Duel. Who is going to attend it?" She asked softly again. "He and me," Before Mu Yunfei spoke, Bei Linfeng answered in advance, as he was afraid that Mu Yunfei would speak out their bet, and then he would lose face in front of Nana. He explained in a hurry, "In order to let Yunfei feel the charm of the Star Duel, I invited him to fight against me so we can learn from each other. Don't worry. The friendship is more important than the competition." He looked solemn, as if saying, "Rest assured. I won't hurt your boyfriend." After hearing that, Nana couldn't help laughing. Looking at Bei Linfeng, she prayed for him in secret. She had watched the battle between Mu Yunfei and the master of the Thunder God Palace, Lei Ze. Mu Yunfei was calm and so powerful that he could shock heaven and earth. There seemed to be a vast distance between Bei Linfeng and Lei Ze. "Okay. There is a lot of fun in the Star Duel, and I have attended it on the Ice Planet before. Yunfei, can I go with you?" Nana held Mu Yunfei's arm in a natural way and said sensibly. Mu Yunfei didn't say more and just nodded. Feeling the unique fragrance which belonged to Nana only, he was just peaceful. However, the other man was not so peaceful. Although he said that the friendship was more important, he had made a decision in his heart. He would show his strength in front of Nana. A man wanted to show himself to a beauty by instinct, and he was not an exception. "Okay, let's go to have a duel now," He shouted, as if he would undertake a great cause.
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