Chapter 46 My Name Is Bei Linfeng

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The fatty moved slowly and got up from the ground shakily. He trembled and replied, "My name is Bei Linfeng, nickname Bro Chubby." He looked Mu Yunfei up and down and continued, "Bloke, you must be Mu Yunfei, right? You hurt me so much. I hid here just to surprise you, but you searched the grass unexpectedly." His tone was helpless. "Do you know me?" Mu Yunfei asked in surprise when his name was mentioned by the fatty. "Of course, not only me, but all people in the Elemental Star Headquarters on the Soil Planet know you," The fatty patted the dust on his clothes and said. Mu Yunfei looked at the fatty in front and thought, "I guessed right. This fatty is from the Elemental Star Headquarters indeed. Otherwise, he won't have Red Bloodline, and his stage is not low." "Why did you come here?" He asked. Even if the fatty knew him, why did he come to see him and know where he was? Mu Yunfei was confused about these. The fatty seemed to feel that he was suspected, so he jumped up and goggled, "Do you think I am willing to come? If boss hadn't assigned me to finish the job with you, I wouldn't have come." "Boss? Do you mean William?" "Yes, William. Who can be called boss except him? I don't think that you know the rules of ranks on the Soil Planet because a task was given to you as soon as you awakened your skills," The fatty man looked at Mu Yunfei with laugh. Then he came near Mu Yunfei and hugged his shoulder, walking forward. "Because of the restraint of the planes, there is nobody above Red Bloodline on our Soil Planet. Of course, you are an exception as you are abnormal." He even patted Mu Yunfei's shoulder, with envy on his face. Then he continued. "So, on the Soil Planet, the Elemental Star Headquarters divides the Top Stage of Red Bloodline into four levels, corresponding to the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, the Primary Stage, Medium Stage and Top Stage of Golden Bloodline on the other planets. Therefore, although all people are at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline due to the restraint of the planes, there are great differences in the strength among us. "For example, our boss must be of terrifying Grade 4 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline and can compare with a great master at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline. Except that his skills are inferior, his strength is as powerful. And I have heard that there even is a mysterious great master around him. That man seems to be of Grade 4 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, too." After hearing that, Mu Yunfei couldn't help but think of one person. Right. Was his father Mu Zhan the mysterious great master this fatty mentioned? It was said that his father was once at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline. How did his father gain Golden Bloodline after breaking through with Red Bloodline under the pressure of the planes? The questions made Mu Yunfei lost in thought. "Hey, are you listening to me?" Bei Linfeng asked with displeasure as he saw that Mu Yunfei had no reaction. "What?" "I said that I came here because boss told me to go to G City and finish the job with you," Bei Linfeng stated seriously. Mu Yunfei was finally dragged back to reality and looked at Bei Linfeng. Then he thought that this fatty fell on the ground under a strike in the brushwood. He couldn't control himself and asked, "You? What can you do?" It meant, "What's your ability?" He just disdained Bei Linfeng, with no personal feeling. "You! You look down upon me? I am of Grade 2 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline anyway. I don't have so many skills as you, but I am at the same stage as you." Bei Linfeng even raised his head complacently. "I mean, what skills do you have?" Mu Yunfei didn't get the answer that he wanted and then asked again. This time, he paid attention to his tone. Bei Linfeng finally understood what Mu Yunfei meant and controlled himself even though he wanted to explode just now. "Dude, why didn't you make it clear? Just ask what ability I have." But after he said that, he still felt that it was strange. "My ability is special, mainly as an assist, so I am usually arranged in a team of two." Bei Linfeng raised his right hand. Mu Yunfei saw that there was a light ring gradually appearing with the fatty's right hand as the center, shining with faint golden light. It was like a small sun and seemed to have heat. "What's this?" When Mu Yunfei asked, he suddenly felt that a strong spinning sensation came into his brain. "This is an ability to cause a spinning sensation. Close your eyes," Dalla's voice appeared in his brain, and then clear energy entered his brain slowly. It was Dream Power. The spinning sensation scattered little by little under the effect of Dream Power, and then Mu Yunfei opened his eyes. "Gee? You deserve to have Golden Bloodline," Bei Linfeng expressed in surprise, looking at Mu Yunfei who seemed not affected by the spinning sensation. "My aureole has the function of causing a spinning sensation, and the skill also has a stronger ability to make a group dizzy," He introduced. Mu Yunfei knew little about the skills of Bloodline Power, and it was his first time to see such assisting skills or controlling skills, so he got interested in this fatty. "Fatty, I didn't expect that you are so capable," Mu Yunfei stated, with approval of Bei Linfeng. Mu Yunfei and Nana were mainly the attacking types, and they did need such an auxiliary to follow them. But wasn't their job to find a person? It appeared to be much easier than the last job, and didn't they say that they would finish it during the holiday? It was an easy job apparently. Why was such a man sent to help them? So Mu Yunfei had a new idea about this job. "It seems that this job can't be finished easily," He thought. "Do you know what kind of person the man that we are looking for is?" Bei Linfeng looked at Mu Yunfei and suddenly looked mysterious. "Hmm? Do you mean the man named Xing Jie?" "Of course, it's him, the first young master of the Xing family in G City." "The Xing family?" This was a family unfamiliar to Mu Yunfei. Logically, in Celestial Empire, even if he had never seen a family which could compare with the Mu family or be equal to his family, he should have heard about them, but he had never heard about this Xing family. "Bro Chubby, what is this Xing family like?" "You ask the right person. I know a lot about them," Bei Linfeng shook his fat face and said with a smile. "The Xing family can be said to be the most powerful family with full bloodline according to the information collected by the headquarters so far." Afterward, he paused for a moment, as if he was introducing something awesome. "A family with full bloodline meant that all the members are at high stages of bloodline, with Red Bloodline. And the head of the family is close to the peak of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, so he is quite powerful. Xing Jie, the young master of the family is said to be at the peak of Grade 2 or Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline." "All the family members own Red Bloodline?" Mu Yunfei was stunned and felt that it was inconceivable. This was too awesome. There must be at least dozens of people or might be one hundred people in a family, and all of them had Red Bloodline. It was so horrible. No wonder the headquarters wanted to win over Xing Jie. As long as they won over this young master, they would win over the whole Xing family, which was not an insignificant force. Under the current situation, they should try their best to ask more people on the Soil Planet to join the team to protect the planet. So it was the top priority to win over this powerful family for now. Mu Yunfei finally understood that they just said that he would have a holiday. Bei Linfeng's introduction made him start to attach importance to Xing Jie and the Xing family behind him. How terrifying a family of all members with Red Bloodline was!
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