Chapter 48 Warriors with Ritual Articles

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Looking at Bei Linfeng who was so excited, Mu Yunfei shook his head helplessly and held Nana's hand, following him. They just returned from the Elemental Star Headquarters not long ago, but because they concentrated on looking for William at that time, they didn't notice the structure of the headquarters. They didn't expect that there was a competition with many cheers under the headquarters, the Star Duel. The three didn't take a taxi this time but... "Yunfei, your car is so cool!" Bei Linfeng shouted wildly. They sat in Mu Yunfei's Bens G now and enjoyed the sunglow. Bei Linfeng sat in a rear seat and enjoyed the structure of this car, with admiration in his eyes while murmuring. There were few passers-by on the street. At this hour, except for some bars and discos which just started the revelry, all shops were about to be closed for the night. It didn't take a long time before the three returned to the office building of the Elemental Star Headquarters. They got out of the car, and the sun was finally swallowed by the horizon. They welcomed the evening. The lights in buildings were turned on, and the people enjoying the night life walked out of their apartments. It was surprising that in front of the office building of the Elemental Star Headquarters, there were still many people coming and going, and it was the same as the daytime. If there was a difference, now people entered it but almost nobody came out of it. This was... "It appears that there is an important competition in it today," Bei Linfeng said, with excitement in his eyes. While speaking, he turned around and looked at Mu Yunfei next to him, saying slowly, "Yunfei, how about we learn from each other in the VIP field tonight?" After hearing that, Nana couldn't help laughing. She looked at Bei Linfeng, as if looking at an i***t. Seeing Nana's reactions, Mu Yunfei asked curiously, "Is there anything special in the VIP field?" "In fact, the competition rules are the same. It's just a duel, yet compared with the common field, some rich young men will bet and reward in the VIP field. Although the price for booking a stage is a little high, once you win, you can make much more money." Bei Linfeng looked greedy, about to drool seemingly. As for Bei Linfeng's expression, there seemed to be two signs of cash shining with golden light in his eyes, which was funny. "Okay, let's go to the VIP field," Mu Yunfei said casually. "In fact, I don't do that to make money. It's just that a luxurious lounge is offered for the contestants in the VIP field for free. I am worried that Nana will be tired." Bei Linfeng smiled at Nana awkwardly. Mu Yunfei thought that this was an oily-tongued fatty. However, he didn't care at all because he had never thought that he would lose. It didn't matter where they competed. Different from Bei Linfeng who just wanted to win him to make money, he was mainly curious about the Star Duel. They entered the elevator, and it was full of people. However, it surprised him that the people here seemed to be rubbing the shoulders, yet they didn't feel crowded. This feeling was magic. It seemed that everybody was in a different space and they didn't get close to each other but had contact. "Ring..." The elevator stopped suddenly and didn't buff. It just stopped in the midair. The door was opened slowly. In front of them, there was a long and bright corridor. When Mu Yunfei was in the elevator, he imagined many kinds of passionate cheers and eye-catching skills released after the door was opened. However, he had never expected the scene before his eyes. Everything around was silent. People walked out slowly. Although there were dozens of people, it was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling on the floor could be heard. It seemed that everybody was following some rules. Mu Yunfei looked at Nana and Bei Linfeng, the two shook their heads and motioned for him not to speak but to follow the crowd. Bei Linfeng walked ahead and led the way for them. It seemed that the corridor was endless, yet it was unusually bright, and the soft light made them feel comfortable and mysterious. People's footsteps knocked on the floor rhythmically with different frequency, and the field of vision ahead became clearer gradually. It was a fork road, and the gold blocking words on the walls of both sides guided the destinations respectively. "Common Arena", "Ritual Article Arena". The crowd started to separate here, and Mu Yunfei and Nana followed Bei Linfeng into the branch road on the left to the Common Arena. Obviously most people chose the Common Arena, and few people went to the Ritual Article Arena. At the moment, Bei Linfeng finally said his first words after entering, "I'm choking to death. I tell you, Yunfei. The corridor is called the most embarrassing and horrible corridor in the history, and there were many murder cases." Mu Yunfei trembled involuntarily after hearing that. "Do you mean that there were murder cases on that corridor?" He asked. "Right, and it's said that there is more than one," Fear was revealed in Bei Linfeng's eyes, and then he added, "Yunfei, you know what? In fact, it's not right to say that only the people with Red Bloodline or above on the Soil Planet have attack power. "There is one kind of people in daily life. They may have Yellow or Blue Bloodline, but they are born with ritual articles, and most of these ritual articles have attack power, which makes them have great attainments in cultivating with ritual articles, so they are called warriors with ritual articles. "The people going to the Ritual Article Arena on the other side are this kind of people. Although they have been found by the headquarters and are subject to boss, too, they don't have strong Bloodline Power, so they will be disdained by some arrogant people in some aspects. "In the past, some people from the two parties quarreled and then fought on the corridor. As a result, some people died here," While speaking, Bei Linfeng couldn't help but tremble. "So the authority of the Star Duel has stipulated that it is not allowed to talk on this corridor in any form, and they can speak only after getting separated." Bei Linfeng revealed a lot of information without a pause. It made Mu Yunfei have a completely new appraisal of this fatty who knew much more about some theories than him. "So we can use both Bloodline Power and ritual articles in this Common Arena, right?" "Of course. It's the Common Arena, and you can use any skills that you have. As long as you don't kill others, everything can be discussed. Look, here we are." At the moment, Mu Yunfei found that they had come to the end of this branch road imperceptibly. It was a large area in front of them. The lights of all kinds of skills shone in different fields in turn. There seemed to be a layer of light transparent energy around each field to resist the energy coming from inside. Bei Linfeng made easy progress from experience and led them to the reception not far away. A young girl stood there and smiled at the three approaching. "What can I do for you?" The girl asked politely. "I want to register the Star Duel for my friend and book a stage in the VIP field by the way," Bei Linfeng said with a smile and fixed his eyes on the girl's face all the time. However, obviously, this girl was used to such a man's behavior and coped with it in a natural way. "Name?" "Mu Yunfei." "Age?" "Eighteen." "The stage of bloodline?" "The Primary Stage of Golden Bloodline." "What!" The girl suddenly raised her head and looked at Mu Yunfei, asking again, "What's your stage of bloodline?" "At the Primary Stage of Golden Bloodline," Mu Yunfei still replied unhurriedly. "Oh, it turns out that you are..." While speaking, the girl had unusual light flashing in her eyes, and she blushed slightly. She looked at Mu Yunfei's handsome face, even in a daze. "Excuse me. Have you finished my point card?" Mu Yunfei asked indifferently and didn't change his attitude because of the girl's surprise. "Ah...Yes, it's done. Your VIP stage is No. 201. Have fun in your competition." The girl realized that she had forgotten herself and hurriedly gave the point card to Mu Yunfei. "Yunfei, your handsome face is a sharp weapon to flirt with girls wherever you are." After they left the reception, Bei Linfeng patted Mu Yunfei's shoulder, smiled slyly. "Cut the crap. Will you fight against me?" "Yes, yes." Bei Linfeng shook his head helplessly. "I tell you. Don't hope that I will let you win in front of your girlfriend." "That's the best," Mu Yunfei said with a mysterious smile.
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