Chapter 91 We Didn't Come to Discuss with You

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This... Chu Ying's empty eyes were like abyss, and it seemed that only under his glance, the hearts of all people present beat fast. "Master, nice to meet you. We are envoys of the warriors with ritual articles in the Elemental Star Headquarters. We came to ask your family to join our group. And..." After saying that, Yuan Huan paused for a moment and then added coldly, "And work for us." He gave orders in his tone. "No way." Chu Shengxi didn't hesitate but expressed his attitude. "Our family won't join any forces, which is a rule set by the top three families, and we can't breach it." "Oh? Yes? Have you heard about the current situation of the Xing family, one of the top three families?" Yuan Huan didn't change his attitude because Chu Shengxi refused. He still asked peacefully. "The Xing family?" Chu Shengxi looked doubtful and asked, "What's wrong with the Xing family?" Yuan Huan looked at Chu Shengxi's confused expression and his suspect that the Chu family had contact with the Jin family probably because the Xing family allied with the Bloodline Warriors was shaky. Didn't he know it? Or did he pretend that he didn't know? If he pretended, the master of the Chu family couldn't be underestimated. "Master, you really don't know it?" Without explaining the situation at once, Yuan Huan asked again, staring at Chu Shengxi to observe his reactions carefully. "I don't know." Chu Shengxi got unhappy because Yuan Huan asked repeatedly, so he answered impatiently. Yuan Huan looked at Chu Shengxi's reactions and thought, "It appears that the Chu family really doesn't know it. In this case, what is the point of their secret contact with the Jin family?" "Master, I will tell you frankly. Just a few days ago, we got the news that the Xing family allied with the Bloodline Warriors in the Elemental Star Headquarters, and the people from the Elemental Star Headquarters even mentioned something ridiculous that there would be a star war in several years to force the Xing family to surrender, so they can promote their strength," Yuan Huan said in a deep voice after confirming that Chu Shengxi didn't know this matter. "Once the Bloodline Warriors become more powerful, the position of the warriors with ritual articles will be frustrated greatly and may even be forgotten by all people in the world." After hearing that, not only Chu Shengxi, but everybody present also opened their eyes wide. Although they doubted this news, only such information was enough to shock them. After all, the top three families couldn't ally with any other forces, which was a tradition and rule passed down in the past hundreds of years, while the Xing family breached it, and it undoubtedly made them feel restless. Chu Shengxi looked at Yuan Huan and didn't know what to say for a moment. "It's difficult for us to believe your words. Moreover, even if it happens, what does it have to do with our Chu family? The top three families don't interfere with each other. Even if the Xing family allies with the Bloodline Warriors in the Elemental Star Headquarters, it won't influence us greatly," Chu Shengxi said unhurriedly after a long time. For the current situation, as the master of the Chu family, he had his unique opinion and a thorough understanding. If what this man called Yuan Huan told them was true, they came with only one purpose, to make use of the Chu family's power to cope with the Bloodline Warriors in the Elemental Star Headquarters. It wouldn't bring profit to the Chu family. However, when he prepared to refuse Yuan Huan's request again and ask about the purpose of the unfilial son Chu Ying's arrival, he heard a cruel and tough voice. The voice was not from the previous speaker Yuan Huan, but from the man next to him, Chu Ying. "You may have made a mistake. We didn't come to discuss with you but to inform you of our orders and requests. We didn't want to ask for your permission." Chu Ying didn't show mercy while speaking, as if slapping Chu Shengxi in his face. "How reckless you are! How dare you speak to father like this? I think that you are tired of being alive." The first young master Chu Tian couldn't bear to hear it anymore. He pointed his finger to Chu Ying and looked ferocious, shouting angrily. "I am sorry. I am talking with the family master, and you don't qualify to speak," Chu Ying still said expressionlessly, but he glanced at Chu Tian with his empty eyes, showing sharp momentum. "How dare you!" This time, Chu Shengxi spoke. He spoiled and protected his first son, so how would he allow this "trash" abandoned by the family to humiliate the future successor of his family in public? "You bastard. We should have killed you. Now you have nothing to do with the Chu family. How can we allow you to act wildly here?" Chu Shengxi roared in a rage, with light bursting out of his eyes, as if he would rush forward and kill Chu Ying if the young man said more words. "Ahem..." Yuan Huan interrupted them at this time, with cold light from his eyes. He looked at the three people in front of him and stated with a smile, "In fact, you didn't mishear it. We didn't come to discuss with you, but to tell you about the orders of the warriors with ritual articles in the Elemental Star Headquarters. "And..." When Chu Shengxi was about to explode, Yuan Huan continued, "And, we came with another purpose, to take over the Chu family and make Chu Ying the family master. You can choose to follow us or leave. Of course, you can also choose to die." Yuan Huan specially stressed the word "die" and further revealed the purposes of their arrival. Chu Shengxi didn't lose temper at once. The spacious room suddenly became quiet, and even the sound of one needle falling on the floor could be heard. All people fell into silence. It was not that Chu Shengxi was afraid of the two uninvited visitors, but he was shocked after hearing their words. In his opinion, these two people must be inferior to him and his son Chu Tian in strength, yet why did they dare to speak out these words? What made him scruple was how powerful the force behind them was, so he didn't take actions in a hurry. However, they didn't know that everything was merely the two visitors' last-minute plan they figured out on the plane. Luo Sen who was far away in N City, Murica knew this task, while he didn't give detailed instructions. "Are you afraid? Will you fight against me? If you win, you will continue to be the family master, while if you lose, I will replace you. Okay?" A voice broke the ice again, and it was still from Chu Ying. He pointed to Chu Shengxi and raised his head, asking with disdain on his face, in the same tone as Chu Tian's when he spoke. This was provocation openly in front of the family master. "Chu Ying, you are a loser. I will kill you now. Father doesn't need to take actions." Chu Tian stepped forward and came to Chu Ying, with a blood-colored lance in his hand, showing threatening breath. This was Chu Tian's ritual article, close to Golden Bloodline. It promoted his strength greatly. He had used this ritual article to defeat Chu Ying and expelled him from the family then. Now this lance showed up again, and it certainly made the flames of fury Chu Ying restrained burn again. Yuan Huan didn't walk forward to stop him but retreated away in a natural way. He wasn't nervous about the upcoming battle but glanced at Chu Tian, feeling pity for him. Chu Shengxi in the master's seat and Ms. He didn't come up to stop them. In their opinion, their first son Chu Tian was much more powerful than Chu Ying in the past and now, so they wanted to see how the arrogant Chu Ying would be frustrated. "Loser, let your brother tell you what real strength is today." Chu Tian was still domineering. He was dressed in valuable formal attire with gold threads in it, which showed that he was noble. "OK," Chu Ying answered indifferently. His elder brother used to be the target that he wanted to defeat the most, while after he joined the Killing Team, this was not his goal anymore but a milestone on the way to promote his strength. It was not even a milestone but only a record. He took a silver spear out of his storage capsule. This was an ordinary ritual article of Blue Level, and the faint blue light out of it proved this. After Chu Ying showed the spear, Chu Tian laughed at once. "What? Chu Ying, even your ritual article is so low-priced? Do you want me to give you two ritual articles of Red Level?" His tone was scornful. Because of Chu Ying's arrogant words, Chu Tian was somewhat afraid of him, yet now, after Chu Ying took out a ritual article of Blue Level, Chu Tian let his guard down and even felt pity for his younger brother he hadn't seen for ten years. Chu Ying didn't speak but put the silver spear horizontally in front of him and prepared to have a battle. Only Yuan Huan who stood in the distance and looked on knew the reasons for it. Chu Ying took out this ordinary ritual article for two reasons. First, if his ghostly spear was taken out, it wouldn't stop until there was blood, and he didn't want to kill anybody although he had hatred toward the family. And the second reason was simple. He didn't take Chu Tian into account.
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