7 (Jillian's POV)

2102 Words
Jillian's POV I can’t believe this! I thought to myself, how could she—when did she? Oh, sorry. It’s confusing to start from the middle of the story. Let me clear the air up. It all started four days earlier… well, it started earlier than that—erm, let me just get to the story. 4 days before the Halloween party Allie wore her bad vibes to school that morning in class, she’s spent the whole time eyeing the floor. I thought she was upset about something—but then again, she’s been like this for quite some time I thought this was the new Allie. As her best friend, I was concerned for her well-being. Ms. Blake kept looking at her in class and I thought anytime now she’d be called out and asked why she wasn’t participating let alone listening to her discussion. Thankfully, none of that happened.  The class ended and Allie stormed out like she used to, and like I always did, I stormed out behind her. I manage to catch up to her but we were stopped in place by Ms. Blake. Maybe Ms. Blake’s going to ask her why she was out of it in class. I turned to her call but Allie didn’t, I called her through a whisper then she finally faced Ms. Blake. “Thanks for taking care of me last week.” I was surprised of what our teacher just said, last week? What? Allie was really different; she didn’t even tell me anything about this. “Don’t worry, Ms. Rivers asked me to do it so I couldn’t exactly say no.” How could she brush off Ms. Blake so flatly like that? Ms. Blake still offered her thanks towards Allie’s efforts and you know what she does? She walks out! I was so confused. “What was that all about?” I said.  “What is with her? She’s your friend, isn’t she, Higgins?” I zoned out for a bit and finally looked at Ms. Blake. “Yes she is. I can’t really understand it but she gets this moody when it comes to you. She’s not usually like this, believe me she’s great. After summer went by she’s changed a lot. Maybe because of James, I don’t know.” I caught myself, “I’m sorry, I’m babbling stuff about Allie.” “No, no, no, it’s fine.” She smiled at me, I didn’t know Ms. Blake was this kind. “I know few of the things you just said and experienced it myself, so.” She chuckled nervously, and I was left even more confused. That’s when it hit me. Could it be? I excused myself from Ms. Blake, realizing something I have been blindly deceptive about. Allie gets all flustered by Ms. Blake, they know each other! I can’t believe this! I thought to myself, how could she—when did she? Allie talked about that summer fling with me… but after she finds out Ms. Blake’s our teacher she suddenly denies me the story!!! Maybe she met Ms. Blake during her trip to the beach, maybe she came with the boy Allie met. Yeah, that would explain her weird behavior at the science fair. But why did Ms. Blake keep brushing Allie off at the start of classes? Maybe she didn’t like her. But why did she smirk at Allie after she did that air thrust at me when Toby and I were going to do it? I realized I was back to zero. The puzzle have not fitted perfectly, there were still pieces that were confusing. “But what if Ms. Blake was Allie’s summer fling? No, no, they’re both girls—“ The pieces fit more perfectly in that sense rather than the one with Ms. Blake’s relative. Oh my god.  I stumbled in the cafeteria where I effortlessly spot Allie. She was laughing like I haven’t seen in a while, there across her was Ms. Blake. Right then and there I realized Ms. Blake would be the one to make her happy. That’s why I formulated a plan. Later that night, I phoned Allie up. I wanted her to feel relieved and comfortable around me without letting her find out what I’ve just discovered. We talked all night long and it was refreshing to know that Allie would be okay. So, morning came and she started talking about her mom and scalp problems. I spotted Ms. Blake far from the corridor and I racked my brain of a lie to let my plan go into action. “On the side note, Halloween’s only three days away. My big brother’s throwing a party at our house. It will be filled with college boys and drinks. What do you say?” I wanted to heave out a breath, it came out so naturally that it made my insides pump. Allie was hesitating at first but as I shout out for Ms. Blake’s name and convince her to join us in the party, Allie had no choice but to come. Later that day, I convinced my idiotic big brother to throw a party at our house—with the parents out of town, everything was perfect. Actual day of Halloween party My best friend was nervous, maybe my plan was a little too over the board, maybe. Ms. Blake came and I excused myself from their presence, I had to call Toby. “Toby, we’re good to go.” I said after he picked up the call. “Okey-doke, I’ll be there in five.” The call didn’t last no more than ten seconds. I was about to rejoin the group when I see Allie and Ms. Blake conversing, of course I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I could see Allie’s face. She was happy. Ms. Blake then holds her pinky out—as if for a promise—and as soon as they locked and unlocked, I named my presence. “Alright, Toby would be here in five minutes.” I noticed how they slightly jumped in startle but I pretended not to. Toby arrived after five minutes and as he saw Ms. Blake, he was as confused as I was before. “Ms. Blake? Is that Ms. Blake?” He turned to me then to Allie, “Is that Ms. Blake?” “Yes, it is Ms. Blake.” She said it herself with a hint of annoyance. A pang of guilt hit me. It was a struggle for me to keep things from Toby, but Allie was the uttermost important thing right now. When we arrived, I made sure to keep Ms. Blake and Allie together. She was upset on how I was being towards her, not too long in the party, she asked me not to leave them behind. “I can’t really promise that.” I remember and mimicked Allie’s fake acting at the science fair “Oh hey, Vivian how are you?” I got to admit, that’s an easy way to get out of a situation. I hugged Toby so that I wouldn’t be spotted by the girls I was trying to play cupid with. “I can’t believe Ms. Blake’s here.” Toby had said after a while. “Oh, shush.” I shut him up with a kiss. I turned around after and spot Ms. Blake, Allie, and James, James? What the hell is he doing here? I could tell just from afar that Allie was upset, next thing I know a dame with blonde hair suddenly kisses James. They stood there for a while until they finally decided they’d seen enough. My eyes were glued to their movement and it was hard to keep up their pace with such a crowd. They made their way to the stairs and my eyes sparkle and my face heat up as I see the two hand in hand. I let out a breath, my job is done. I fought the urge to eavesdrop on them upstairs, to take my mind of off the two, I found Toby. He stood in the middle of the crowd, dumbfounded. “Did Allie and Ms. Blake just hold hands and went upstairs?” Looks like I wasn’t the only one looking. It was time for him to know, at least I knew I could trust him with a secret. “Okay, Toby, do you love me?” Without hesitation he said yes, “I love you too. And Allie… she’s important to me. I need you to guard this secret like my life depends on it.” His face grew calmer and he finally smiled. Agreeing to what I just said. We danced around to keep both our minds off of the secret we were sharing, a secret we weren’t in place to tell. I was still mind boggled about the two being alone upstairs. “I’m going to the ladies room.” I had again, lied to Toby. He didn’t seem to notice it though. I checked my brother and parents’ bedroom and they weren’t there. Last place I went to was my room. I could hear their voices through the c***k of the door. “Hey, look.” It was Ms. Blake who spoke. Peering through the c***k, I tried to be as silent as possible. She made her way to the window and Allie followed. They were looking out and I could see white tiny particles dancing in the wind, snow. After a moment, they faced each other, full of thought. “Do you want to know if you like girls?” She spoke again and she started to lean in— “What are you doing?” Toby’s voice made me jump and screech. Shush! I hiss at him. But I knew it was too late because the door with just a mere c***k swung open. Toby and I faced Allie and Ms. Blake. “What are you two doing here?” Allie asked, she was a little jumpy herself. “Erm, we were going to uhm—“ I said, trying to think about something to say. Thankfully, Toby swoops in with a lie, not a good one, but still. “We were going to have s*x in the bathroom.” “Yes, yes!” I pointed at him as if I suddenly remembered. I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. The two girls finally relaxed, “Well, speaking of that, I need to go to the ladies room” Allie said, leaving the three of us behind. I felt an opportunity arise, “Toby, why don’t you get me some water before anything else?” He replied with a sure and when he was out of sight I faced Ms. Blake. “Don’t hurt her all right?” The lady started to looked confused and stiff again, “Don’t worry, don’t freak out because I swear if you start avoiding Allie again I will punch you.” I meant well when I said that. “She didn’t tell me anything, I just figured it out after a while.” She heaved out a breath, “All right, I respect you, Higgins. But Allie and I aren’t really a… thing. I enjoy her company and I’m sure she enjoys mine.” I chuckled at her ignorance, “You have a major in Science but you can’t even tell when there’s Chemistry.” I admit, it was a bad pun, spare me the insults. “Ms. Blake, you should see through her stares and smiles.” Allie had just gone out from the bathroom, ending our conversation. I winked at her and she smiled to herself. It was hard to say if she was happy to have just learned what she did, or if she did it out of respect.
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