Chapter 7

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Next morning Anantara woke up and got ready fast, Tara wearing the same dress as last night... P: Hey Tara! You up so soon? T: ya... breakfast? K: ya just 10 minutes... everyone else is also coming, so we'll have it together... A: everyone else?? P: Mukta, Arya and Dhrumil! T: do they know... about yesterday?? K: no, not yet Soon all had come and were having their breakfast sitting on the floor as the dining table was too small for all of them... except Tara... as being pregnant, she was ordered by everyone to sit on the couch... Anant was sitting with his head on her knees... and all were talking and laughing... Ar: By the way, Anant! Tara! How come you guys are here? A: actually Arya... and then Anant described all that happened yester-night.... Mu: seriously! I did not expect such a reaction from Tara’s mom man! I thought she was very sweet and will accept this! T: ya she is really sweet Mukta... but we should also think from her POV... I have broken their trust... I did something that I shouldn't have.... D: Tara, you didn’t do anything wrong... there are many people who are doing it under the covers.... it's not wrong... it's just that our society has set their own rules... T: but Dhrumil aren't they correct? I mean think about the baby! What about his future?? Here Anant is quite rich... but what if Anant wasn't... then what about the baby? His needs, food, school, medicines everything... not everyone can handle these expenses right?? Ar: ya Tara that's true but now that you are pregnant, then killing such a small life... is that correct? It is so innocent.... and it wasn't anyone's fault either... Mu: yes! I think Arya is right! Tara just give some time to uncle aunty... they will understand you guys K: Okay guys... let's not make the environment more serious... let's have some fun... all of us are here... like always... let's play something! P: Dumb Charades??? A; no ways Prerna T: ya dum charades please! A: ok done... All others were glaring at Anant... A: what? K: When Prerna said then “no ways” and now that Tara said it then “ok done” Mu: exactly and no kids’ games! Let's play some adult games... all agreed while Prerna and Tara were hesitant... but then agreed for the others’ sake... Ar: so let's play never have I never! K: yup cool... let me get the drinks... Karan goes and returns with two bowls and drinks and juice... he pours juice in one and mixes vodka in it... and in the other one it's plain juice for Priu and Tara. K: so let's start! D: me first... so never have I ever... kissed in college! Only Anantara and Mukta take a sip... K: Voohho! Anant Tara! Kissing in college! When? A: none of your business!! K: huh?? A: actually I don't remember how many times!! All laughed and Tara blushed hearing this as indeed it was true... they had kissed a hell lot of times in college... Mu: ok I am next... never have I ever... been in love with someone and kissed someone else Dhrumil took a sip of his drink... P: Dhrumil?? D: ya, so actually a few months ago. I was in love with Tara... that time I had kissed Arya. Although now I love Arya... but yeah! P: ok... my turn... never have I ever... found true love... this time everyone took a sip except Karan... T: ok... so never have I ever... played a prank on any teacher... famous5 laughed and all of them took a sip of their drink... T: all of you? Prank on teacher? Mu: yes and it was a hell lot of fun mahn! A: yeah! I remember that teacher she was really hot! But how irritated she was guys T: Anant??!! What do you mean by hot... A: umm... I... I... who.. who said hot! I didn't say that baby!! All of them laughed hard seeing THE Anant Malhotra so scared of his girlfriend! Ar: ok ok now my turn! Never have I ever.... ummm.... watched a porn movie! All took a sip except Tara and Prerna! Tara widened her eyes and looked at Anant... A: what??!! Yaar we all have done this! And it's quite normal!!! K: so moving on... never have I ever been arrested... all of the famous4 except Dhrumil take sip... K: guys?! When did this happen??? A: drunk driving! Ar: well I was applying make up and my car rammed into another one... actually it was his fault too... couldn't he see n drive D: Arya you were not seeing... you had broken the signal! All of them laughed and she pouted... Ar: Mukta? You?? Mu: rave party! A: expected from you! In the meanwhile Anant got a call from his home.. A: ok so Tara! Nika is not in town for a month or so... so come over to my place na! T: hmm... ok! Umm... Prerna can I borrow some of your clothes?? T: ha sure, take whatever you like! Tara took some clothes and she and Anant left while the others too left... At Anants house... A: so I know you’ve been here hundreds of times... so make yourself comfortable on the bed, I will get something to eat! T: Anant! I don't want to eat... listen I am giving you a list; I want all those things right now within an hour! A: ok tell me! Tara gave him a list and Anant ordered someone to get all that stuff... while Tara took a nap... after an hour Anant joined her and hugged her and slept... both woke up late evening... Tara woke up and took a shower and came out dressed beautifully... A: What? Why are you so dressed up? T: Anant its Diwali today! A: ya, so? Party is tomorrow na? T: ha... but there is a diwali Pooja (traditional prayer and rituals) too and we are going to do that pooja... A: what? I have never done any poojas and all! T: so?? Do it now with me!! Go take a bath and come out fast... and do you have some pooja place in your house... A: ya there is one... but no one goes there... T: God! Ok you go and get ready! Tara went to that place and started cleaning all over and decorating the place with the help of the servants and then Anant too came there as she was done with the work... T: Anant! You came! Now take all this stuff and help me with the Pooja... Anant took all the flowers in his hand and Tara looked at them and shouted T: Anant! Right hand! You must never use your left hand! A: ok... Anant then helped Tara by passing her all that she asked for... and then Tara stood up and took the aarti... and Anant had turned to go out... T; Anant Malhotra! (She screamed) A: huh! What? Isn't it over?? T: no Anant! A: I don't know how to do this stuff T; it's ok... you just stand and pray I will do the Aarti.... Tara was doing the Aarti and soon Anant joined her, he held the plate with his hands on one side and now they were both doing it together... Tara smiled looking at him, as she knew he was doing this only for her. Then the Aarti was over and Tara fed the Prasad (sweet) to Anant and he fed the remaining half of it to Tara! They were now back in their room... A: By the way Tara! T: hmm... A: you looked breathtakingly beautiful with that stole around your head. T: So Anant! What about the temple place? I mean neither you nor Nika prays... but that place is so beautiful! A: yup! It was actually made by my dad.... T: your dad? A: hmm... he believed in God a lot! He could spend hours here in front of him, praying! T; where is he now Anant?? A: he is somewhere! I don't know.!!! He left me with this lady and went away... I don't know anything about him. Tara understood and hugged him tightly! Soon it was night and both had their dinner and slept for the Diwali party the next day!
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