Chapter 6

1176 Words
It was evening now and Tara was waiting for Anant to come over... She took her phone and called Anant...
 T: Anant where are you?? 
A: sorry Tara I can't come tonight... stuck in some work... 
 T: Anant how can you do this to me!! Where the hell are you? 
 A: open the door! 
T: huh? 
 A: open the door of your house!! 
 T: oh ya ya! Just a minute... 
Tara trotted down the stairs and opened the door to see Anant there looking hot as always A: hello ms Bhatt! 
 T: hi.... 
 A: you look stunning! 
T: thanks... ummm.. come in... 
A: oh ya... 
both were very nervous now.... how would they talk to her parents regarding Tara’s pregnancy??!! 
They had decided they would deal with it... but it was very difficult to actually do it... this wasn't because they didn't love each other... it was just because of the so called "rules" set by the society.... 
Anantara were playing with their fingers... never in their life had they been so nervous... Tara and her mom (Tm) got all the food and set it on the table and joined Tara’s dad (Td) and brother Rish Anantara were sitting next to each other.... while eating Tara asked 
 T: you want anything Anant?? 
A: umm... ya could you pass that curry please!! 
 Tara nodded and she got up and leaned over the table to get the dal... as she did that Anant looked at her back which was totally naked and it made him choke on his food He started coughing and Tara got worried...
 T: Anant... are you okay?
 Tm: ya Anant what happened suddenly?
 A: nothing relax... maybe just choked on the bread 
Tara gave him water and he gulped it down... 
After dinner, they all sat in the living room...
 Tm: so what did you both want to talk about? 
 T: mom actually… 
 A: uncle, aunty… please just listen to us first.. please try to understand without judging us 
Td: ok but what happened? Stop making us curious 
 T: mom… dad…
 Tm: Tara... down scare me! just tell us whats up?
 A: aunty the thing is actually that.. Tara is pregnant 
Both were shocked listening to this...
Tm: Tara?? 
T: Yes its true 
 Tm: Tara we didn’t expect this from you T: mom dad... please listen to me, Anant and I… We love each other... a lot and I trust him immensely… Tm: sorry Tara! But we can’t accept this.... A: uncle please try to understand.... Tm: no Anant… we trusted you Tara, never stopped you from anything, knowing you would always do the right thing, but this- it was unexpected from you, you’ve let us down Tara T: (crying by now) Mom… I am sorry A: dad mom I don't know why you’re so unaccepting of us... But please try to trust me. I love Tara a lot… More than my own life... I will never let a feather harm her too, any problem has to face me before getting to her… If that’s what you want I can marry her right here right now, for you… But that’s not what I want to do. I want to wait for the correct time, when I can propose to her and she happily says yes, not under pressure… I understand this might be wrong in your eyes, but is not more wrong to kill the baby when we can provide for it and want it too… Td: Its easy to say Anant Tm: yes Tara… so its better you decide now T: mom???? Tm: Yes Tara... its for the best! A: but... Td: Anant! Enough… you can leave if that’s your decision Tara T; dad please... Td: Tara, its your call Tara started crying and she moved out after seeing the same cold expression on her dad and mom’s face.... she gloomily went out and Anant followed her, running behind her.... A: Tara! Tara! Tara please wait yaar! T: What Anant?? Did u see their faces??!! They looked so disappointed!! I am the worst daughter ever Anant! A: no Tara! You are the best daughter.... sweetheart please relax... they are a little upset right now.... but we need to gain their trust na!! We will try our best to win them.... ok?? Please stop crying!! T: now what Anant??? A: come over to my place?? T: Nika??? A: oh yeah how could I forget that bit..... T: Anant! She is your mom no matter what! So no swearing!! A: ok mumma!! T: So what now?? A: hotel room?? T: no ways Anant!! A: Lets go to Karan’s? T: ok... Tara sat with him in the car and he drove off to Karan and Prerna’s place... all through the journey Anant was holding her hand and caressing it... they reached and went up to Karan and Prernas flat and rung the bell... Karan opened the door and was surprised to see Anantara... K: Tara?? Anant??!! You guys??!! Come in na... P: Tara! What are you guys doing here? Then Anantara narrated all that happened at Tara’s place... Karan and Prerna were shocked that Tara’s dad mom reacted in this way... A: so I was thinking... could we both stay here for the night?? K: no... you can't! T: huh??? K: friends don’t ask or request, duffer, they command Anant chuckled and Tara too giggled... T: umm Prerna can I have some clothes... night dress??? P: ya sure! come A: umm actually Karan... me too... I need some shorts or tracks...?? K: shorts and track?? A: you know I don't wear a shirt to sleep... K: ya I know that but I thought with Tara, you wouldn’t need anything Karan started laughing and Prerna too joined.. Tara had turned the deepest shade of red and she took the dress from Prerna and ran inside to change... Tara was changing in the room, she was continuously thinking about what happened and what they would do.... she had taken off her top... and she was naked from the top now... that's when Anant entered the room... but Tara didn't really realise his presence as she was lost in other thoughts... Anant fake coughed to gain her attention and she then saw Anant.. and then her state and shouted and turned around facing her back to him... T: Anant!! Close your eyes!! i***t!! A:I have already seen everything! T: Anant! So shameless!! A: what chill... do you need help changing?? I would be glad to help you... T: Anant just get out!! A; ok ok! Please chill... Anant went out and Tara changed and lied down on the bed... and she covered herself with the blanket... Anant entered and saw her that way... He took her in his arms and both slept.
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