Chapter 8

764 Words
Next evening... it was time for the diwali party now... all the students of space academy were invited... Tara was getting ready in Anant’s room while he was looking after the decor as Tara loved diwali.... In the room... Tara was ready wearing her dress and was now applying make up and wearing her accessories.... She had just applied her eye liner and lipstick and had opened her eyes when Anant walked in.... he was smitten by her beauty.... her bare back that was inviting him, her eyes that looked beautiful and her red lips that affected his hormones.... T: Anant! Tell me na how do I look? A: beautiful! Tara smiled and was going to proceed when Anant stopped her... T: Anant! Why you stopped me? A: may I? T: ya sure... Anant took all the bangles from the table and Tara wear them one by one and after he was done he pecked on her wrists.... Next he took the earrings and put them on her ear and then he but her ear lobe and she moaned softly...Next he bent down and took her feet on his knees and made her wear her anklets He then made her stand and made her wear her shoes They both then stood in front of the mirror... A: perfect Tara smiled and then he said A: I look perfect! Nai?? T: huh? Anant!!! A: ok ok you too look good.,. T: ok! Then find someone better down from all those who have come! A: ya that's a great idea Tara! T: Really! And then she hit him on his arm hardly.. A: ok sorry sorry! Let's go down now... T: no first you have to compliment my look!! A; ok... umm... so ya... your dress is very pretty... these sparkling earrings look superb. How much did you buy them for??? Tara glared at him and raised her eyebrows... he then held her by her waist and she crashed on his chest as he pulled her... A: you look breathtaking... I wonder how I am alive! What was your plan? To kill me with your looks? T: well... is the plan working?? A: maybe yes! Tara chuckled and pushed him and ran to the door... T: Lets go? A: yup! After you maam! Both descended the stairs like a couple out of heaven... their hands entwined and eyes locked with each other... Mu: Stop staring at each other! A: what’s your problem in it? My eyes!! K: arey Anant baby at least don't neglect the special guests of today... T: special guests?? P: yeah look! There they are! Tara turned to the door to see her dad Mom and Rish standing there... T: dad Mom?? Tara ran and hugged them both tightly and they hugged her back as she started crying... T: I.... I am very sorry! Please.... dad! I am sorry Mom! Main.... Tm: Tara! We understand you! Stop crying darling T: really? Td: ha Tara! Now come on… I had to do some drama right? To test Anant? Tara giggled and Anant came and back hugged her.... she pushed him away due to the presence of dad and Mom.... A: how’s the surprise... T: Anant! Did you? A: No... Not just me actually... T: really! Guys? Ar: yes Tara! T: thank you so much! But how did you all manage? D: I will tell you! That day in the morning... Everyone except Tara reached Tara’s house, to have a talk with her family and convince them... Mu: dad Mom! We are here to talk about Anant and Tara Td: And we do not want to listen! K: uncle please! Just give us a chance. P: maybe according to you they are wrong, but its not either of theirs mistake; they love each other, a lot! And they would never leave the other alone for the world. Just try to trust them once, and we are also always there for them, please uncle and aunty, you know Tara can’t live without you, don’t do this to her. Like this all of them tried to convince them... and finally they agreed and also confessed they were just testing their love and nothing else! End of flashback T: thank you so much... dad Mom... and all you guys! I love you all so much! All: love you too Tara! A: I love you too Tara! T: I love you three Anant! All of them laughed at the cheesy exchange and the party was started!
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