Chapter 14

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Famous5 and Prerna had all gone to their own rooms... now it was just Anantara in the room... T: Anant... I am going... A: what where?? T: Anant! I can't be with you! I have to go!! A: why!?? I mean you were ok na?? T: really Anant! You think I am ok!!???? Really??? I feel so unwanted in your life!! What the hell do you mean by OK? A: but that time you... T: Anant... just like you didn't like me interfering in famous5's matter I don't like them interfering in our matter! Ya I know they care for us and so they tried to save our relation! But they don't know what I go through!! When I am pregnant because of you... when I am the object of insult of everyone around me... because of this baby! But I never had negative thoughts about it! Anant tell me the truth... don’t you know what people say about me behind my back? Huh? A: I know.... T: so??? And still... still you don't give a f**k about my feelings! Just in front of famous5 I didn't want to react so much! So I just made up!! But Anant... do you think it's so easy to forget whatever you said to me?? It isn't Anant!! What would you do if one day I come and tell you that I am with you just because you have money and I want that... or I say I am bearing you just because you are the father of this baby!!? How would you feel Anant!!? A: Tara I know I am wrong... but...., T: I don't care Anant!! For now I care about the fact that I am unwanted in your life and that I am badly hurt! It will take some time but I will heal myself... I am sure! A: Tara... you know why.... T: I know Anant! I heard you, but that doesn't mean you blame all your mistakes to that fact!! A: Tara... I am sorry!! Please... T: Anant! Please! Just stop it ok!! I am leaving! A: Tara, I love you.,. I really do!! Please! T: oh really where was your love when I walked out of here late at night, when I travelled home all alone, when I was f*****g crying all night long!! Where was your love??? A: Tara… Anant was speechless now because ya she was right! Totally right! Tara nodded her head in disbelief and walked out... she took an auto and went home... she went in and went directly to her Moms room and dragged her to her room... Tm: Tara! What happened kiddo? Tara told everything that happened between her and Anant and she crying badly at the end of it... Mom sat on the bed and made her sleep on her lap... Mom herself was very angry and didn't know what to do... so she just caressed Taras hair and head and she slept.... Mom made her sleep carefully and went to her room and talked to her husband too... next morning... both dad and Mom woke up early and looked at Tara, who was sleeping still, and then at Rish... who was awake but was busy in his own... they left after telling Rish and directly went to Anants house... Mom asked the butler about Anants room.. and he showed them the room... both entered inside and saw Anant sleeping on the floor, beside the bed, his face looked like he had cried too much.. he woke up with the noise and saw the angry couple in front of him... A: Umm… good morning! He said stupidly not knowing how to react.. Mom went to him smilingly and then slapped him hard... Tm: Anant? We trusted you so much and this is what you do? A: Aunty I didn't mean it... Td: Anant!! We’re really angry on you, Why would you do that to Tara? A: dad Mom I am very sorry... I know its my mistake! My sorries aren’t enough. But I have this bad temper! I get impulsive and don't have control over myself! I never meant that aunty! Please give me a second chance please!! Anant was by now joining his hands in front of them... Tm: Just one last chance Anant! But if something goes worng lkike this again, we are taking Tara with us to our native place. A:(shouted) nooo!! I am sorry really sorry! I am sorry but please don't send her away!! Please uncle aunty please! After some more sorry sessions dad Mom left and reached home to see the entire dining area messed up... Tm: Tara! What happened here? T: Where were you two!? Td: We were… T: forget it... I am very hungry!! Make me something mom!! Tm: I had prepared breakfast... T: I don’t want to eat that mom! Tm: Then what you want to eat? T: dhokla? Tm: I’ll get it in 15 minutes.. T: umm... so tasty Mom... thank you!! Tm: So done now?? T: hmm.,, Tm: coffee? T: No! I want chocolate milk today! Tm: chocolate milk? You hated it right! T: baby likes it maybe! I am sure Anant... Tara stopped in the middle on his name... T: Umm… Nothing. Please make it quick, I’ve to leave for college Tm: Ok fine! Soon Taras breakfast was all done and she rushed to college.. as she stepped out of her house.. she saw Anant waiting in his car.. A: good morning Tara! Tara ignored him and went away to find an auto.. A: Tara!! Anant sat in his car and followed her... she was walking finding a cab but couldn't find any... A: Tara! Come with me! T: not in my worst nightmares! A: What? Then you will walk and go? T: no I'm smarter! Tara took her phone and called an Uber... in just 2 minutes a cab was waiting for her... T: that's Tara Bhatt for you! She sat in the cab and left for college while Anant followed her looking like a cute puppy who was sorry... Tara entered and went directly for her class... there a new student had joined in and his name was Aman... he quickly became good friends with Tara... as their likes and tastes matched a lot! They both exited the class talking to each other... they had one more class but Tara was in no mood to attend it... so she went to the canteen and Aman joined her... Tara gave her order... T: one dosa, one sandwich, one coffee, chocolate chip brownie, biryani, and chocolate ice cream...Aman what about you?? The waiter looked at Tara shocked! T: What? Waiter nodded a nothing and Aman just ordered a sandwich... Am: so ms Bhatt... I heard you're pregnant... who's the lucky guy?? T: lucky my foot! He is the worst guy! Am:Who is this “worst guy”? Tara then pointed to Anant who was also in the canteen looking at her and figuring out ways to get her forgiveness... Am: Any fights? I mean I can see and have heard a lot of the love between you two! I am sure there's some argument... Tara told him a little about what happened between Anantara... he kept his hand on hers as she had some tears staining her face... Tara smiled at him T: I’m fine… Let him think how to make his pregnant girlfriend happy! Aman laughed at that and then their order came. As Soon as it came, Tara jumped onto the food and started eating as if she was hungry since a month but had actually eaten just an hour ago... Anant and Aman both smiled looking at her, how cute she was looking that way... After eating she got up and was going to pay when Anant held her hand, he stopped her and she turned around to look at him angrily, but then he was looking so cute she couldn't say anything, but then just glared at him. He was sitting on his knees holding her hand and making a sorry pout... she just said no and then started walking away, he then finding no ways started singing... (Song: Chaandaniya from “2 States” movie) As Anant ended the song he looked at her expectantly... She was still having the same cold look on her face... T: done? Anant nodded T: fine! Now get lost and leave my hand... Anant held her hand tighter, but she somehow took her hand out of his grip... she left from there for her next class... Anant still stood there in the same position... Aman came and patted his back,. Am: bro! You need to work hard... she loves you... a lot... but is hurt... heal her soon! She has forgiven you but wants surety from you... I figured that from what she told me M;And who are you?? Ar: Aman! New student and Taras friend... she told me about everything... take care of her... or else there are many ready to woo her! Grab her before she is gone! Anant looked at him and raised his eyebrows.. Am: chill bro! Am kidding! Anant nodded and Aman left from there... it was end of college now but before leaving there was an announcement for all of them to gather in the Audi... All students were there waiting for what was in store for them... suddenly Anant walked into the stage... A: ok guys! I am sorry for taking your time.. but I'm sure no one has any problem right? (He said his in his typical monster attitude) ok so.. I am here... well I'm here to confesss! In front of everyone... well I have committed a crime... this one girl who is my world... I have hurt her very badly... Tara Bhatt! My life! My baby's mother.... I am really sorry Tara! I don't know why I said what I did and I know you can't trust me so easily anymore... but trust is love for me! Try giving your heart to me once more! I promise... I promise I won't let a drop of tear leak out you eyes! I promise! I am sorry sweetheart!! Please! Tara came up on the stage and came to him and slapped him hard.. she looked at him sobbing badly, but having a smile in her eyes... A: This is the third slap I got for this. I am sorry! Tara slapped him once more but a little softer... T: fourth one! Only for you!! Tara again raised her hand but then kept it down... T: you won't hurt me? A: never! T: you love me? A: a lot! T: and you love me for the baby? A: for yourself and the baby in you... T: am I your priority? A: the top in the list... T: And..... umm... That’s it! A: so now.. my turn? T: hmm.. A: ms Bhatt... I love you! Will you be mine officially? T: what do you mean? A: can we get engaged for now?? T: Anant??? A: yes... engaged... please! Trust me! T: Anant.... yes! Anant smiled and slid a ring into her right hand third finger.,. Everyone applauded looking at the so much in love couple... Slowly they all left from the Audi... and then Anantara were in Anants car... T: Anant! Why did you put the ring on my right hand? A: ya woh... left hand on our official engagement with your family and mine... T: okk.,. A: Tara! I am really sorry baby! I promise I wouldn’t do something like this, not even in your worst nightmare! You are and will always be my first priority! I am sorry for all that my shitty mouth uttered... but I promise henceforth you will not see a single tear in your eye!! I can't live without you Tara! I am sorry! And I love you! T: I love you too Anant! And it's fine.,. By the way you said three slaps... I remember Dhrumil but who was the second one.?? A: your Mom! She and your Dad came in the morning and ya... we talked and she slapped me... T: aweeee! So now you know Anant Malhotra! When you mess with me, you are getting many slaps in your life... A: I agree! I have never been slapped in my life but to you... I openly give the right to slap me whenever I am on the wrong way... T: wow! That's a great opportunity! Beware mr Malhotra! My slaps are as good as my punches... A: ya I saw that... T: hahahhaha! Tara giggled and Anant smiled looking at her... A: by the way... that guy in the canteen? with you.... T: Aman? A: ya... who's he? T: he's a new student here and we became friends... why? You jealous?? A: no... no ways! T: aww! You look so cute when you're jealous... they had driven half way towards home when Tara shouted... T: Anant stop the car!! A: what? Why? Everything fine! T: no!! I feel very nauseous Anant... A: what now?? T: I don't know! I can't sit in this car anymore! A: then what do you want to do?? T: just take me home somehow... but not in this car! A: then should we walk home... T: how far is home? A: about a mile... that's nearly 12-15 minutes... T: you want a pregnant girl to walk one mile? A: then what do you want Tara! T: ok so... first buy me a lemon from somewhere; I will suck it so this feeling goes away and then you carry me and walk home! Cool?? A: oh really! Amazing idea!!! He said this sarcastically... T: I know! I'm too good! So now go! Anant went to a restaurant and got one lemon... T: thank you! Now let's go home! A: Yeah yeah! Youll obviously be excited for this! T: of course! A: ya ya! Whatever! He lifted her up and walked home... he reached in 10 minutes... T: wow Anant! You’re like super fit n fast... Anant was panting and sweating badly... T: inside the house... As they reached the room, Anant put her on the bed carefully, and then changed and came out to see her sucking a piece of lemon.,. A: you still feel unwell? T: no! A: then lemon? T: oh yeh! I love lemons na! You should also have some! Saying this Tara stuffed a piece of lemon inside his mouth... he nearly spit it out... A: yuckkk! It's so sour!! I am not eating this!! T: suit yourself! Tara resumed her joyous session! Anant looked at her Childishness... and smiled at himself and at god for making her, his... only his! And also cursed himself!
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