Chapter 15

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Tara and Anant had gone to the doctor for another health check... And today they were going to again see the baby.. Anant was super duper excited.... never in his life had he seen a baby nor had he experienced the joy of being one.... so it's obvious that he was hell excited! Both Anantara reached hospital this time along with Mom... A: hey V!! V: hi Anant! Hi Tara! T: hi veebha and she is my Mom... V: hello aunty please sit... Tara and Mom sat on a chair each as there were only two of them in the room V: so Tara! Excited? A: I don't know about her but I am a billion percent excited for today!! Tm: Ya Doctor me too! I am so excited to see my grandchild! V: ok! Ok! Come Tara! Tara was laid down on the bed and the gel was put on her tummy, and veebha started to move it all over, she then saw the baby and also showed to everyone.. V: look! There's the baby, it's just 4.5 inches right now. A: oh my god!! Is that my baby? V: umm Anant??? A: ya I mean I know it's mine!! But oh god!!! Like really! I can't believe it!! Tm: Tara!!!My grandchild looks so cute! T: Mom you can’t even see the face! Tm: God! Look at you two… When you both are so cute, your kid has to be cuter V: ok so Tara!! Now you have to ready for the sudden growth spurts of the baby and Anant, you’re supposed to take great care of her cause she’s quite young! Nothing should go wrong! The baby will almost double in weight within a few days... so you need to be extremely careful and also take your medicines and all on time just as I have written Anant nodded.. V: without any argument you listened to me! T: oh yes! I agree V, I have never seen this happen! THE ANANT MALHOTRA! Why would he listen to someone else! Anant glared at Tara because she was talking about the fight they had this morning... soon, they were done and then left the doctors, Mom went to do some work while Anantara went to college and were now in their car... A: What were you talking about with Veebha? T: The truth Mr Malhotra A: So you mean I don't listen to anyone? T: no! You don't! You never listen to me! A: ya coz you ask for unreasonable things... T: Since when is an ice-cream so unreasonable? A: In such a cold weather Tara! T: Cold? Really? Then let's do one thing, turn on the heater! A: Ya go ahead Tara, in her anger, turned on the heater on its maximum mode! After 5 minutes, everything around them was too hot, like fog had actually formed on all the windows and all, they had reached college by now and Anant parked the car... everyone saw the fog on their windows even fab 5 noticed and also saw it was Anants car... so they went there and opened the door... as soon as they opened hot air rushed out from the car and they all made bad faces! K: Was it so steamy between you guys? Tara pushed him lightly and went away angrily... Anant came out from the other side, in his usual hot style! K: Hot fight or hot make out??? A: Did you practice today? K: No, why? A: I was thinking to use your drumsticks on your head instead of the drums? What's say? K: ha ha ha ha ! Very funny! Like seriously! I will die laughing! A: I wish it would happen! K: jokes apart! She seems angry. What did you do? A: ice cream! And it's so cold outside... K: bro!! You can’t deny her ice creams! It's every pregnant woman's right!! Mu: and every HUSBANDS role to say no and then take her for ice cream late at night, and then a long drive! Ar: how romantic!!! D: Then let us also do it! Ar: wow!! Long drive and ice cream!!! Superb Dhrumil! D: No, I meant pregnancy… saying this he went closer to her as if to kiss and other three were shocked seeing the good boy Dhrumil that way... Ar: Dhrumil! Shut up!! A: wow! Buddy! I never knew you were so flirty.... D: HaHaHa! I never had a girlfriend before right...! K: Let's go! We have a fusion concert next week! A: oh yes! Mu: You must be obviously excited since your partner is Tara! My bad luck! My partner is this duffer Karan! Ar: by the way guys, you know for the first time fab 5 is competing against each other... D: yup! But it's exciting!! The day went by practising and just like Mukta described, late at night, Anant took Tara for an ice cream and a long drive... The next week! It was the day... the fusion concert day! T: (shouting) Anant! A: ya ya! What Tara!? T; go n bring my dress A: Am I your spot? T: wow! Just great! I am pregnant here and just to bring my clothes you feel like a servant! Wow! You know what... just go! It's fine!! I will do everything by myself! A: shhh! How much do you talk! T: oh!! So now you’ve a problem with me speaking too… Anant finding no way out, pressed his lips onto hers and kissed her passionately but softly.., T: wowww!! A: hmmm! Now shut your mouth and listen to me! T: hmm... A: Your dress is ready and it's in your green room along with all the other things that you need like jewelry, sandals and all, your make up stuff is left on the table, and.... ummm... that's it! T: thank you Anant!! I love you!! She got tears in her eyes A: Arey baby!! I love you too! And now stop being this emotional, the city might flood up! T: shut up Anant!! A: ok go get ready now! T: hmmm Anant heard the dressing room door open behind him and turned to look at his girl, who was staring at his bare chest A: Tara?? He then saw her gaze and went closer to her... A: (whispering) Tara.... T: hmmm A: like what you see? T: hmm... A: so are you just gonna stand staring? T: yes... A: huh?? T: can't I? Anant, you know Anant you're too cute!! A: what? T: ya coz you're really cute!! And I love you a looottttt for that!! A: well! Then you are cuter at least right now! T: I know! I was born cute! A: You look beautiful! Really pretty! T; thank you! I wish I could say the same! A: why! Dont I look good? T: For that, you need to dress up i***t! Shirt! A: so you mean to say I don't look good when we're on the bed, when I'm naked, when you can see my.... T: sheee Anant!!! Yuck!! That's disgusting!! Go n wear clothes! Anant laughed and wore his shirt... T: hmm! Now you look hot and handsome! A: hahahaha! Ok ab let's go! Let's not be late for our first concert ever! T: yes!! I'm so excited Anant!!! So damn excited Anant!!!! Like I am actually going to sing in front of so many people and it's gonna be telecasted live!! I mean!! That's that's so exciting!! A: so ab let's go! Anant held her hand, and then they both went and met the other friends... Mu: (whistling) wow! You guys look perfect together!! A: I know darling! Mu: You look good because of Tara! Because she is looking too good! A: ha... ha... I look like a monster right? K: of course! A: look who's speaking! Who himself looks like an ass!! T: Guys guys! It's time for the main event! So al the best of luck to all of you!! Rock it guys!!! All had a group hug with Tara and Prerna... and then went for the final performance!
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