Chapter 13

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T: Anant Malhotra! We have to go to college! Get up! Tara was shouting on top of her voice, because Anant was sleeping like the late-comer he is... A: yaar Tara! I always go 2 hours late! You sleep too! Come!! Anant pulled her along with him... and put her inside the blanket and came on top of her, making her lie down carefully... T: Kya hai Anant! You know Parthji will kick out our ass! A: Talking about ass! I would love to.... T: shut up Anant! Wake up and get ready! You have only 5 minutes or else I am driving myself to college! Tara didn't know driving yet... and one day Anantara had tried but Tara had hit the car badly, and to Anants shock they were still in the Malhotra mansion only and she had crashed into the wall of the mansion! This became a topic of laughter for him but Tara got angry and he had to spend hours convincing his pregnant girlfriend! A: no no! No ways! You are not driving!! T: you have 5 minutes get ready or else I am leaving!!!! A: 5?? At least give me 10 to shower!! T: no I said 5 means 5!! Now go! Coz you have wasted 39 seconds already! Anant ran to the washroom and somehow had a shower in 2 minutes, he saw the time and only a minute was left now! So he just wore his pant fast and moved out shirtless, panting heavily due to all these activities! T: Anant! Is this how you’ll come to college A: ya! See I have a hot body... and besides your 5 minutes are up! So let's go! Tara got angry and pulled him back and held his neck as if to choke him... T: Anant Malhotra! Stop showing off! A: arey! What showoff ha? Darling I am.... T: DARLING! Anant, I told you I hate all this! A: What kind o f a girlfriend are you? Look at others, one day... one day their boyfriends don't call them baby... then they fight for a month! And you? T: I am not one of those typical girls Anant Malhotra.... A: ha ha! I know. Lets go now, were late for college! T: i***t! Wear you shirt! A: what if I don't!??? T: ok then... even I won't wear a shirt to college is that fine! Saying this Tara took off her tee, showing her sexy lacy bra... Anant got crazy looking at them but ... he controlled somehow A: no ways! Wear you tee Tara! T: first you wear yours! Both wore their shirts and sat in the car... A: by the way Tara! I strongly recommend that you rather not wear a shirt when we are home alone! T: Anant Malhotra! If you haven't noticed yet! I don't wear a bra when we are home alone! A: what!!! Reallly!??!!?? T: yup! Anant drove ahead to college.. Anantara reached and first went to meet fab 5... they opened the door only to find Dhrumil n Arya fighting with each other... the others were clutching their heads! T: guys guys stop! What's wrong Dhrumil? Arya?? Ar: I'll tell you what's wrong!! This i***t Dhrumil... he thinks I still love Anant and haven't moved on from him!! T: what!! Dhrumil!! A: buddy! Arya and I have broken up long time back! And it's all over! Why do you think so! D: I don't know Anant!I feel so from Arya’s side! I can't help it! T: Look Dhrumil Arya! Fighting won't be a solution anywhere! Just talk to each other calmly and peacefully! All will be ok with that! Ar: we did! It just ended into another fight Tara! A: see Dhrumil Arya! You both have to understand what a relationship really means! Fight happens! Ya! It happens all the bloody time! But that doesn't mean that the love is over too!! It's always there somewhere! T: that's totally true guys! Give some time to yourself! Think about it! And then talk to each other! Think from each other's POV guys! They all are in college till evening and then leave and reach their new house, where all would be living together! Nothing was fine between Dhrumil and Arya yet! Arya went to Taras room and talked to Tara. Tara told her some plan maybe like something to make Dhrumil jealous and all! And then he would himself come to her and they can sort out stuff! Arya agreed thinking it was a good plan.... Arya started with her plan and started getting a little closer to Anant... she would sit near him during dinner and hold his hands... Anant didn't notice it that way... but Dhrumil did! After ending dinner all were sitting on the mattresses laid on the floor, and were chatting... Arya was sitting beside Anant wearing a spaghetti top and her shorts! Dhrumil was looking at them and was getting more n more jealous.... finally his peace broke... and he shouted D: guys I am leaving! I can't stay here anymore! And Anant! Arya is my girlfriend damnit! Arya you... do one thing be with Anant only! I don't give a damn about it! Dhrumil left from there angrily! Anant was shocked and went to his room... Tara followed him while Arya too ran away to her room! A: Tara! Dhrumil....You heard right? When did Arya and I? T: Anant don't worry it's just a plan of me n Arya. Dhrumil will be back! Don't worry! A: plan? T: ya... it was our plan to make Dhrumil jealous, well I didn't say your name but she chose you maybe! A: Tara! What the f**k!! Who told you make this shitty plan and all huh?? T: Anant?? Anant angrily held her arms and pinned her to the wall! A: just shut up.!! What do you think this is an awesome plan and it will work huh?? Why Tara! Why do you have to interfere between my friends and me! Who told you to! Just stay away from my family!!! T: Anant! You are again leaving me for your friends? Again prioritizing them over me??? A: yes Tara. Why don't you get it! They were and will always be my greatest priority! And if you weren't holding my child right now I would truly leave you! Just stop interfering! T: you are with me now just coz I am pregnant because of you?? A: yes! For now I think the same! T: then Anant Malhotra! I don't need you! I am good enough for myself! And my family will support me! I'm sure! Just go to hell Anant!! Tara walked out of the room pushing him away, she goes out of the house, catches a cab and goes to her dad Moms house.... she was crying all the way... thinking about all that Anant said in his anger... thinking that again she was a second priority in his life! She reached and went inside to see everyone was asleep... she went to her room and shut the door... she was crying all night long. And finally asleep late at 4am! At around, 6am she got a call on her phone... she thought it must be Anant... so she hurriedly got up and picked the phone! But it was Arya Ar: Tara!!!! Thank you so much darling! Your plan was awesome! Dhrumil came back last night and then we had a talk! It's all sorted Tara!!! T: that's great Arya! Ar: I know right! Ok bye! Tara thanks!! T: ya bye! Tara fell back on the bed thinking about Anant again n again! She came down for breakfast after getting ready and all were shocked seeing her at home! Tm: When did you come here Tara?? T: wo Mom I was missing you all so I came last night but you were all asleep. Tm: Awww, great you came home, we were missing you a lot too. Where is Anant though? T: He has gone for college; I am leaving now! Tara left soon after breakfast! She went to college and saw famous5 and Dhrurya were all lovey dovey Tara smiled looking at them and then she saw Anant, his face full of guilt... she just went away from there to her rehearsals... all the students were gathered in the Audi... P: so students.... it's been a month since our training! So I want to test all of yours individual capabilities! So all of you have to one by one, come up on stage and sing a song of your choice... but it should convey your feelings.... All of them had a song in their mind... first it was Mukta, then Prerna and then Tara’s Chance! Tara went up on stage and closed her eyes! All she could she was Anant’s face and the anger she saw in her eyes when he said all that to her... she slowly started singing and Anant knew the song was only for him! (Song: Go to hell dill from “Dear Zindagi” movie) All the while, her eyes were looking into Anant’s... conveying to him how she felt last night when he said all those words about her... Anant looked on with guilt! Guilt that was eating him from inside! He couldn't look into her eyes at all... she ended the song and came down! She wiped her tears and joined the gang, they knew something was wrong with Anantara but didn't know what... next was Karan and then Anant... Anant looked at her and started singing... with all his love, regretting whatever his stupid had uttered! (Song: Mere bina main from “Crook” movie) He ended the song and came off stage and this continued for a while and then all went home... on reaching... famous5 and Prerna took Anantara to a room and locked it! Mu: Anant! Tara! What's going on? T: what? Nothing!! Nothing at all! A: y..ya....ya! Nothing! K: Stop lying you two! Pr: We saw everything on the stage and we aren't dumb! Ar: exactly come on Tara! Tell me what's wrong between you two! A: It’s nothing guys! D; buddy famous5 has a rule no more secrets remember! Anant closed his eyes in frustration and narrated all that happened last night... As soon as he stopped he received a slap on his cheek... by whom? well.... it was Dhrumil ! D: buddy! Like seriously! K; Anant we never expected that you will f*****g say this to her! Mu: What do you think of yourself huh? Are you doing a favor on her by letting her be with you ha?? Then let me tell you! No you're not! Ar: Anant we shouldn't be your first priority! We aren't your kids! She has them! You cannot disrespect her like that! A: I know guys! And I am sorry Tara! T: I'm sorry Anant... but I think I can't trust you anymore! A: (stunned) Tara??? Look Tara I was just angry... I spoke all that in the heat of the moment! I am sorry!! T: Anant! I know you get angry n all.... and I will always be there to calm you down! But that doesn't mean, you can take me for granted and speak any s**t that you want and then just say sorry for it! A: I know Tara! But trust me! Please!!! T: I can't Anant! You just told me, that you were bearing me because of the child!! What does that mean Anant! What do I mean to you Anant??? A: Tara... you mean the world to me! Even if you didn't have my baby, it didn't matter... I would still love you the same and always... forever! T: and what about your priorities Anant?? Anant... you are going to have your child!! Does he/she go second in your priorities? Really? A: Tara! Neither the baby, nor you would be my second priority! You both are my first priority! T: That's totally opposite of what you said that night Anant!! A: I know! I admit... I confess that I am wrong here! I was just angry because Dhrumil shouted at me.. I though that I was ruining their relationship in someway... I was frustrated by myself!! I couldn't think of anything Tara! At that moment I could have harmed myself or anyone! I don't know! T: Anant.... A: let me finish Tara.... see Tara! Before you I haven't had people who cared for me and were so bothered by my words... ya I would also lash out at famous5 sometimes... but they would shrug it off as my anger! Then there was Nika... I don't think I need to tell you anything about her! And who else Tara! There was no one for whom I had to care. But now you... you are someone who listens to me, cares for me, and you are the one who gets really hurt by my words! I am not used to these feelings Tara! I am sorry for whatever I did! I know whatever I said right now doesn't justify my behavior but I just said whatever is true.... I am sorry Tara! Please!!! T: I have a condition! A: What? T; whenever you get angry next time... you will come to me and talk about it... I will always sort you out! I promise! Do you trust me enough for this?? A: of course I trust you more than myself Tara! I promise you! And I love you Tara! T: I love you too! K: wohoo! That was a nice patch up! Anyways guys, now that it's all sorted... Ar: I guess you guys should kiss! Tara widened her eyes and looked at Anant who smirked and raised his eyebrows at her... Mu: oh come on Tara! We all know you're a couple and it's fine! Go ahead Na!! Tara looked at Anant and closed her eyes, she waited for him and opened her eyes quickly when she felt a soft peck on her cheek... she looked at him confused... A: I wouldn't do it if you're uncomfortable... Tara smiled and pecked him back All laughed at this.. And then they moved for dinner in Anantaras room so that Tara could rest simultaneously... Mu: yaar Anant! When did you switch to a vegetarian? K: Ever since Tara entered his life Mu: ya right! Stupid of me!! T: Anant? When? Ar: arey Tara! You don't know Anant loves chicken! It's his life! I mean everyday he needs something or the other made of chicken! T: really Anant??? A: no... no.,.. what Arya...Stop lying! T: Anant tell me the truth! A: it's true! But I hate it if you don't like it! T: acha! Then you know what Anant... I love eating only lentils everyday. A: If you say, I can do that too. Tara looked at him surprised while the others were shocked looking at him! D: buddy! Really? Pr: wow! Yaar Tara! You’re lucky... Else you know nowadays boys consider you a burden! T: Prerna.... K: ayee! Prerna Sharma, all guys aren’t the same! T: Karan’s right! All guys aren’t the same all the others smirked naughtily at her... Mu: acha! Who isn’t like that Tara?? K: She means any examples? T: ummm... You! Karan you aren’t like that! K: well thank you, anyone else? T: Rish.... dad.... they aren't like that... Ar: anyone else? T: ummm... college watchman!! D: what?? Pr: Tara look closer... T: oh ya of course! Dhrumil ! You too Mu: anyone else Tara! T: the butler... He too isn’t like that! A: hmm great! What about me, Tara? Who am I? Someone who leaves girls after using them, who doesn't care for others feelings, who wants a new girl in bed every night.., that type right?? T: no A: Then why didn’t you take my name? T: coz you're special... for you... my respect keeps on increasing every day... you are the best out of everyone! No offence guys, but Anant you don't even belong to this category... you are way above this one too... Else you tell me which college boy would willingly take the responsibility of his pregnant girlfriend and also her family??! I don't think of anyone like that... and you!! You care about everyone else but never about your own self! So you're special! A: wow! Finally I got my compliment! Tara smiled... then all continued dinner with some necessary jokes by Karan and a little leg pulling of Anantara and Dhrurya...
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