Chapter 9

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Diwali party was in full swing... when Tara noticed that Arya and Dhrumil were being very distant... she then went and told the same to Anant and told him to talk to them... as she didn't want to interfere between famous5 and their matters... Anant agreed and went over to Arya... A: Arya... A: Arya!! Ar: ha Anant! Say na... A: what's wrong between you and buddy (Dhrumil)? Ar: vo nothing's wrong... A: Arya!!! You won't tell me!?? Ar: ok so the thing is, you know na Dhrumil had started his dance classs... A: ya... so? Ar: ya so today I had gone there to surprise him and saw him very close with another girl... I know he was teaching her, well he was but she wasn’t actually interested in the dance at all, I could clearly see that she was interested in him solely; so I couldn't take it and I talked to him... so he said that he was just dancing and that I was probably overthinking! And after that we had a small argument and since then we are not talking to each other.... A: ok... then how about revenge?? Ar: what do you mean Anant? A:I mean that why don’t you take the wrong way to get him on the right way; like this is when you can actually use your past relationship with me Anant told her the entire plan and she agreed to it... he also told the same plan to Tara... so that she wouldn't get angry on him.... as per the plan Tara went over to Dhrumil and started talking to him while someone announced a special performance of a couple.... both Dhrumil and Tara turned to see and Dhrumil was shocked seeing Arya in the dress and also seeing her with Anant.,,. (Imagine Anant as the guy in red.... Arya as the black girl.... Tara as the girl in white... and Dhrumil as the other guy... and ignore the dialogues in the middle of the song) As the song ended Anant dragged Tara to a corner while Arya was dragged by Dhrumil to a room in which he lived when they used to stay together at Anant’s house.... T: Anant! Why did you bring me here.... A: why were you dancing with Dhrumil! T: why were you dancing with Arya?? A: I already told you about the plan Tara! T: ya but I know that you were doing over the top acting to make me jealous... A: no! No! Of course not... by the way did it work? T: shouldn't I ask this question? Did it work on you?? Anant held her waist and pressed her tightly on him... A: I can't stand anyone else near you... only I have the right to touch you, dance with you! T: so possessive?? A:First time in life I found someone who loved me and cared for me... of course I can't lose it to anyone else... I need you with me Tara! T: Ya Ya I know I am not someone to lose ever A: On another note, I had this question since a long time... when did we do it for the second time... coz I don’t remember anything about it! T: umm actually... that night at Sona’s farmhouse... remember? I had come there and you were wasted... that night... you told me about your life and all... after that out of nowhere you started kissing me.... and after that.... Anant nodded! A: so I was right! You did take advantage of my intoxicated state! I never knew you had nymphomaniac tendencies! T: Anant! Shut Up! How mean of you! Anant started giggling while Tara hit on his arm... Suddenly Anant shouted!! A: oh s**t!! T: what happened?! A: I forgot the most important thing in the world!! T: what? A: talking to my baby! I didn't even talk to her! T: Anant... A: shh! You shut it.... its papa-daughter talks! T: ok! Anant bent down and took her dupatta (stole) to a side revealing her tummy.... A: hi baby doll! I know you are happy and safe in there! So, tell me one thing princess don’t you get bored in this boring person’s tummy? If you were in my tummy you would have got interesting things like... pizza, beer, vodka, pasta, noodles, lasagne, Pav Bhaji! You’ll only get idli dosa here! T: Anant!! A: ok ok! But you’ll also get chicken only in my tummy!! Anyways...come soon! I am waiting with a bated breath. Try to grow faster... like 9 months is too much girlie! Grow up fast! And when you come out na sweetheart... I want you to be like me only... not this boring mommy of yours.... T: mom? A: ya you are her mom right!?? T: ya of course I am... but Anant... think over it... within a year there would be someone calling us mom and dad.... do you think we can handle this tag Anant? We both are so immature, like we keep fighting on trivial things, then what about the baby? How will we handle a big responsibility... A: Tara I know you're right... and I don't know why I never used protection with you... maybe coz we hadn't even thought of it both the times... but now you are pregnant... I am going to be a father... you are going to be a mother... tell me would your heart agree to abort the little baby in there? T: of course not Anant! But I am very tensed! And then there's Nika... what do we do of her?? What if she now harms us using the baby... I am scared Anant! A: you need not be scared... before she knows about this news... I will be 20 and till then I will be rightful heir for all the property, business, everything.... I will sort it all out! Don't worry! T: Anant!! I need to ask you a question! I know it's very silly.... but still I need to ask… A: ya ask na! T: When is your birthday Anant?? Tara asked with a sheepish smile and both realized that they had never talked about birthdays.... Anant laughed and then said A: 3rd December and yours?? T: 11th march... Tara too laughed and replied T: acha Anant let's go back... let's spend some time with your friends for Diwali na! A: ya ya... let's go... now toh time for patakhe (fire crackers) and food! Tara giggled at her man-baby... and then followed him... Anant joined all his friends... and they all together started bursting the crackers... famous5 were having their time after a long while and Tara and Prerna were adoring them... from behind Tara, some one came and called the girls... man: Tara Prerna! T: Parth ji aap?! Pa: hmm... I heard something about you Tara... Tara was thinking what to say when Anant came from behind, held her waist and said A: that's none of your business... Parth ji. And what you heard, it's true.... now just mind your own business and instead of gossiping with the students, go n talk to the other teachers.... bye! Parth left angrily looking at Anants hand which was settled on Tara’s waist and she was not minding it at all.... then Anantara went to dad Mom who were sitting there too looking at all their children, all 8 kids... (Tara and Prerna, famous5 & Rish) A: hello uncle, aunty! T: What’s up my sweeties?? Td: You don’t even have time for us Tara, after you get Anant... Tm: Exactly, your friends were only with us, where did you and Anant disappear? T: umm we… we were just around! Tm: ha ha we know where ‘around’ you were! Tara blushed and looked down while Anant looked here n there after being caught by his girlfriends family.... Td: Leave your blushing aside now! What do we do next? A: FOOD! All laughed at the foodie Malhotra... and they all went in for food, taking famous4, Prerna and Rish along.... all had dinner laughing and talking all the while, while Anant was feeling happy, homely... after his entire life... this moment was the best for a lonely boy like him.... he had got a mom in Tara’s mom, a dad in her dad, a brother in Rish, a true soul mate in Tara, a cute sister in Prerna, and his true friends, who were there with him through his life and were important to him too... after 19 years of his miserable life, he got the family that he wanted and now the only one kami was of his baby.... when her small-small steps would bring in happiness in his life.... This way diwali night ended and the next day was a holiday at college due to the new year... but Anantara had to visit the doctor.....
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