Chapter 19-1

2000 Words

I’ve impatiently sat in the waiting room for the past two hours, and I still haven’t heard any updates about Piper, nor have I seen her parents. My mind is going wild with thoughts on how she must be feeling that I’m not there with her. I can’t predict how her parents will react. I wish I could tell them what really happened before they hear a washed-down version from the staff. After another thirty minutes, Piper’s parents finally walk in, and I wheel myself to them. “Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. I’m relieved you made it.” Her parents" faces are stone cold, and they don’t even offer me a hello as Mrs. Montgomery stares at my leg. “You’re in a wheelchair?” she asks in shock. “Yes, but I’ll recover quickly.” “You’re an amputee.” Mr. Montgomery analyzes my wound sock. “I am, sir. I didn’t

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