Chapter 19-2

1915 Words

“I love you so goddamn much. I thought I was going to lose you. I was so worried and didn’t know what to do. The thought destroyed me, Piper. The nurses refused to give me updates or let me see you. I was in a full-blown panic.” “You’re never going to lose me, Tristan. Never. When I was on that boat and Jack was dragging me away, all I could think about was the possibility of never seeing you again. I promised myself if I survived, I’d tell you how much I love you. Words can’t even describe how much.” I brush my lips against hers, knowing exactly what she means. “I thought the same thing, baby. You’ve changed me for the better, and although it hasn’t been that long, it doesn’t matter because when you know, you know. I’m in love with you in ways I’ve never experienced before.” “Tristan,”

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