Chapter 18

2086 Words

As soon as the boat capsizes, I run toward it and wait for Piper to swim up so I can help her out. I keep my gun aimed toward the water in case Jack reappears. I know the bullet hit him, but I’m not sure where. The boat was swaying hard, and I didn’t want to risk him getting away, so I took the shot. “Piper!” I yell, hoping she’ll hear my voice and find me. I struggle with what to do since my prosthetic can’t be submerged, and there’s a risk of it weighing me down. Not to mention I’ve been shot. The bullet pierced the socket of my prosthetic. I immediately went down, the pain burning through me as I realized that stupid f**k had somehow hit skin. However, the socket acted as a shield, and once I realized what happened, I stood and bounced my foot to re-secure the seal and release the ex

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