Chapter 5

2664 Words

DAY 3 DAY 3I wake up shivering. My hands are ice cold, and even though I put on socks before I crawled into bed last night, my feet are too. Wrapping the extra blankets around me, I get up to turn on the light. Nothing. We must’ve lost power overnight. Instead of freezing my ass off, I grab my flashlight and make my way to Ryan’s room. Nothing.On the way there, the wind screams outside, and my anxiety gets the best of me. When I’m outside of his room, I lightly tap on the door and wait. He never answers, so I let myself in. Ryan’s sleeping like the dead, and I almost feel guilty for waking him. “Ryan,” I whisper, not wanting to freak him out. I repeat myself a few times until he finally shifts awake. “What’s the matter?” He sits up, the blankets fall down, and I see he’s shirtless. I

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