Chapter 4

2481 Words

f**k. FuckI screwed up. Kendall overheard me talking to Eli, and I regret what I said. I was frustrated about the weather and not being able to work, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on her. Especially since Kendall Montgomery is the poster child of happiness and has a genuine personality. She’s never snapped at me like that before, and I hate admitting it turned me on a little. As soon as Kendall walks away, I mentally slap myself. Those words hurt her, and that’s the last thing I want to do. Once they left my mouth, I knew it was too late. Though she didn’t think twice about putting me in my place and marching off. I thought about running after her, but I didn’t want to risk her smacking me across the face. I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit down with my laptop. Between checking t

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