Chapter 5-1

2011 Words
DAY 3 DAY 3After a day from hell yesterday, I’m ready to start fresh. It’s day three of being at the cabin, and I’m already going stir-crazy with Elijah here. Add in my boyfriend breaking up with me, and I’m a ticking time bomb. Last thing I need is to have a full-blown Britney Spears circa 2007 breakdown. Kendall Babe, you okay? I heard about Zane and you. I groan, reading my best friend’s text message. Of course, she did. Even during a freaking pandemic, the rumor mill is strong. I hadn’t told a soul—besides Eli—which means Zane’s already started running his mouth. Who knows what the hell he’s telling people, because he’s known to exaggerate. Kendall Montgomery has been in my life since elementary school, and she’s my ride or die. She also loathes my brother, which cracks me up because I believe she’s secretly in love with him. While she pretends she can’t stand his know-it-all attitude, Ryan makes comments about her being beauty and brains. They’re a match made in heaven, but both are in denial. andCameron I’m fine. He can suck a giant bag of d***s, though. Kendall I can’t believe he broke up with you! What an asshole. I wish we could go to the club and get s**t-faced! I’d make sure you were over that bastard and under a hottie within an hour! I laugh, knowing she would totally force me to go out and party. Her answer to everything is booze and one-night stands. Chanel startles awake and gets comfortable in a chair by the window. She’s not much of a morning cat until she’s ready to eat. Cameron Well, I started with vodka for breakfast yesterday, but that backfired on me real quick when I kissed Elijah Ross, then snapped at him. I skip the broken toilet part because it’s embarrassing as hell, but also because I overreacted after he helped me. I was frustrated about Zane and confused about Eli kissing me, and all of that mixed with vodka was a dangerous combination. After I pushed him and stormed away, I went to the theater room and fell asleep watching Netflix. When I woke up hours later, it was late, and the house was dark and silent. I ruined our dinner plans and ended up eating cereal before going to bed. Kendall Wait, what?! You’re at the cabin with Eli? How’d that happen? Cameron Ryan told him he could stay without telling me, and we both showed up! Now we’re stuck here since neither of us wants to be in the city. I told Eli to leave because having Zane here would be weird, but now that he’s out of the picture, I kinda don’t mind him here. Though he’s still a jerk, and he brought his freaking dog! Kendall I’m laughing so hard right now. You and Eli have fought for as long as I’ve known you. I can’t picture the two of you being stuck together. It’s like a reality TV show. Cameron Trust me, it wasn’t a pretty picture when he arrived. I threw a marble statue at his face. Kendall I don’t know why you don’t just bang it out already. Clearly, you have some animosity to work out. Now would be a PERFECT time ;) Having her encourage me to cross that line with Eli makes me shake my head. Kendall comes from a wealthy family, too, but her life wasn’t thrust into the limelight like mine. The Montgomerys are old money, and she inherited so much after her grandparents died five years ago. Cameron Kinda ironic since I’ve told you the same thing. Kendall What are you talking about? Cameron You and Ryan. Kendall Why’d you have to ruin my day by mentioning him? If he wasn’t dealing with some serious s**t right now in the hospitals, I’d say some not-so-nice things. Cameron Your hostility toward each other is comical. Just f**k already—like you said—and work out whatever tension you have. Kendall That’s a hard f*****g pass. He probably recites medical journals in bed to stay hard. Oh my God. That’s not an image I ever wanted to have of my brother. It’s hilarious that she pretends she hates him when I know she’s crushed on him forever. Cameron Ew, I just cringed. What the hell is wrong with you? Kendall SAME. I laugh, and it feels good to talk to her after having a crappy couple of days. Cameron We should FaceTime and drink together since we can’t in person. Though I need to get started on my schoolwork. So, maybe not tonight. Kendall Yes, definitely soon! Then you can give me all the juicy details about Eli :) Cameron Literally nothing to tell. Kendall From his ** pictures, he’s gotten pretty buff. How does he look in person? I roll my eyes, though it’s true. I hadn’t seen Eli in over a year before this unexpected reunion. He’s had shaggy hair for as long as I can remember, but graduating college and getting a job has agreed with him. Eli’s really taken care of himself, and it shows. Cameron OMG. Don’t go there. Kendall So, are you gonna tell me about this kiss, or are you determined to make me beg? Cameron NO! It was a total fluke. Kendall Fluke or not, get some quarantine action! And you’re no fun. I bet his lips were super soft and warm. Did he use tongue? Cameron Go away. Kendall That’s a yes. But fine. I need to take a shower anyway, so go climb Elijah like a tree so you can give me some gossip to share that’ll “accidentally” spread to Zane. Cameron I’m not gonna hook up with Eli just to piss off Zane. Kendall No, you’re going to because you know you want to ;) Cameron Bye. Xo Kendall Love you! My mood instantly lifts, and I’m determined to have a better day, which starts with apologizing to Eli. Even though he gets a kick out of teasing me, there’s no excuse for how I reacted when he brought up the past after helping me. He tried to teach me something new, but I was a brat. I can’t take my frustrations out on him because we’re stuck here for weeks. Given the circumstances, I need to make the most of it. I decide to message Ryan and check on him. Cameron Hey, big bro. You doing okay? I watched the news last night before I cleansed my thoughts with Netflix. It was heartbreaking and depressing to see what was happening in the world and terrifying that New York City is the epicenter of the virus outbreak in the US. It scares me even more that Ryan’s in the middle of it. Ryan I’m about to leave for a 36-hour shift. It’s been pretty rough. Cameron The news says things haven’t peaked yet and that hospitals are running out of protective gear. That true? Ryan Unfortunately, yes. Don’t watch that, though. It’ll make you more anxious. Cameron I’m already there. Ryan Exactly. How are things going at Mom and Dad’s? His abrupt subject change doesn’t go unnoticed, but that’s how Ryan is. Blunt and to the point. Cameron I didn’t go home. Decided to stay at the Roxbury cabin so I can focus on my classes. But then an unexpected visitor arrived… Ryan Hahaha. Cameron I hate you. Ryan You love me. Cameron Yeah, yeah. Well, anyway, he brought his big-ass dog and scared the s**t out of me and Chanel. Ryan So, where did Eli go, then? Cameron What do you mean? Ryan I assume you sent him packing? Cameron Well, I tried. But he refused and said we could “share” the cabin. So we are. Ryan I’m glad you let him stay because he had nowhere safe to go. Though, I’m not sure being quarantined with you is much safer. Cameron Okay, jerk. I’m getting enough shitty remarks from Eli. I don’t need it from you, too. Ryan Oh, come on. As your older brother, it’s my job to pick on you. He just does it to get a rise and response from you. Cameron I’ve noticed the last ten years. Ryan Well, I gotta go. Glad you two are isolating together. Be nice! Cameron Tell that to him! Ryan I’ll get right on that ;) Cameron Ha, I’m sure! Please be careful. I love you. Ryan Love you too, sis. Stay there so I don’t have to worry about you. Cameron I will. I laugh, knowing Ryan is purposely keeping things light so I don’t freak out even more. Losing a sense of control as a perfectionist only fuels my uneasiness. I managed to get a refill of my anxiety medication before I left, but I’m trying to save it for when I really need it. Once I’ve showered and dressed for the day, I go downstairs. “Good morning,” I singsong when I find Eli in the kitchen and head to the fridge for the OJ. “How’d you sleep last night?” He turns toward me, one eyebrow arched as if I’ve grown a second head. Fortunately, he’s wearing a shirt this morning, so there’s zero temptation to ogle him. Walking around him, I reach inside the cabinet and grab a glass, then pour myself some juice. Silently, Eli closes the gap between us, and my breath hitches as he leans in closer. He places his palm on my forehead and squints. “What’re you doing?” I ask, confused. “Checking to see if you have a fever.” He steps back, dropping his hand as he examines my face. “Why?” “Because I’m concerned that you’re sick.” I immediately touch my cheeks. Then I slide my palm down my neck to see if my glands are swollen. “I don’t think so.” I feel fine, anyway. “Hmm…then perhaps you were possessed by a friendly ghost while you slept because you skipped down here way too cheerfully.” He smirks, and then I realize what he’s doing. Grinding my teeth, I narrow my eyes and bump him with my hip so he’s forced to take a step back. “You’re such an ass. For a second, I thought I was dying.” “Yeah, I hear Jekyll and Hyde is a symptom. Better be careful.” I take a sip of juice, then scowl. “And to think I was going to apologize to you. Never mind.” Eli dramatically puts a palm on his chest over his heart and widens his eyes. “Oh, God. Don’t do that. I might stroke out.” “At the thought of me saying sorry?” I ask as he moves around the space, grabbing a pan and items from the fridge. “At you admitting you were wrong about something,” he confirms, cracking an egg into a bowl. “I never said that.” He shakes his head and smirks. “Alright. I’m all ears.” Sucking in a deep breath, I lean against the counter and mentally prepare myself for his sarcastic remarks. “Okay, well, first…” I lick my lips and watch as he continues to prepare breakfast. “I’m sorry for how I reacted after you helped me with the toilet seat. I should’ve said thank you and that I appreciated you checking on me when you heard me fall. I was angry with Zane and took it out on you, and it wasn’t right. It won’t happen again.” “Apology accepted.” He grins. “You hungry? I’m making scrambled eggs and hash browns.” Blinking, I stare at him. “That’s it?” “What do you mean?” “You’re not gonna give me some smart-ass comment? Make a joke about how I’m a spoiled rich girl who uses her money to right my wrongs or some s**t like that.”
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