Chapter 4

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What the hell just happened? What the hell just happened?I scratch my head at Cameron’s sudden mood change and abrupt departure. She can’t honestly be that upset I teased her about the damn cheese. That’d be a stretch even for Cameron St. James. that “Well, I guess it’s just you and me, Bruno.” I shrug, setting my plate and juice down on the table. The espresso machine looks complicated, and I had planned to figure it out later, but now I’m contemplating taking a shower and going back to bed to restart this weird-as-f**k day. Moments later, Cami stomps down the staircase, and I watch in silence as she marches to the kitchen. I stab a piece of meat with my fork and shove it into my mouth, keeping my eyes on her. When she’s not shouting at me or having a tantrum, she’s quite breathtaking. Blonde hair sweeps along her face and shoulders. Her shining blue eyes glance around as her nostrils flare. “Digging out the alcohol already?” I ask with amusement as she grabs the vodka from the top shelf in the liquor cabinet. Her mood shift has me eager to find out what the hell happened because she obviously has a problem. She ignores me, opens it, and takes a long swig. My eyebrows pop up, impressed that she swallows it down so easily. “Did I drive you to drink already?” I grin, waiting to see if she cracks. She brings it back to her lips, downing another long swig. “Damn, killer. I made you breakfast, gave you a dance show, and pissed you off—all before ten? That’s gotta be a new record for me.” “It’s not you,” she says calmly, gripping the vodka and swinging it as she walks to the table. “Zane broke up with me in a text message.” I hadn’t expected that. Dropping my fork, I say, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” She sits across from me and gives me a side-eye. “No, you’re not.” “Actually, I am. I was hoping he’d bring pot.” Cami laughs, and it’s the sweetest, most genuine sound I’ve heard since we both arrived. “You mean you didn’t bring any?” “Of course, I did. But I figured a rich boy like him would have the good stuff. If you want to wallow, I’ll share mine with you.” I flash a grin. “How nice of you,” she deadpans. “I don’t smoke it with him. He looked like an i***t but did it around his stupid friends to seem cooler than he was.” That’s not surprising. Zane’s a f*****g moron, especially if he broke up with her. heherI inhale half my omelet. “I can teach you. I brought my pipe.” “A pipe? Oh my God. What are you, eighty?” She crosses her legs on the chair. Right now, in her non-designer tank top and cotton shorts, she looks normal. Not at all like she’ll inherit billions of dollars before she turns thirty. normal“Oh, I’m sorry. Would you prefer to be classier and smoke it rolled in a joint?” I take a sip of my juice and grin. Cami’s frown turns into a full-on smile, and knowing I made her laugh gives me a small sense of pride. “Vodka and weed. Sounds like the perfect medicine for heartbreak.” “I’ll even sweeten the deal, but I’m gonna need something in return.” She waves her hand. “Like what?” “Since I made you breakfast—a delicious one, might I add—you have to make dinner.” Cami narrows her bright eyes at me. “You’re joking.” “No, really. Try it. This omelet is fan-f*****g-tastic.” “Not about that,” she says. “I can’t cook.” That I knew. Cameron St. James has never had to cook a day in her life. “Well, now’s a good time to learn.” I flash her a devilish smirk. She shoots a death glare my way, folding her arms. “Okay, okay.” I laugh. “I’ll help. Consider me your personal cooking tutor.” help“That’s a horrible idea,” she states. “I’ll probably poison us both.” “I guess that’s just a risk I’m willing to take.” I tap my knuckles twice on the table, then stand and grab my dirty dishes. “We’ll start nice and easy.” “Like what? Boiling a pot of water?” “Well, that’ll be the first step for making pasta.” I rinse my plate and mug. Cami follows with her vodka in hand, and I watch as she takes another gulp. “You’re gonna be drunk before we make it to dinner.” “That’s kinda the plan. I’d like to numb as many feelings as I can right now, so you can either find more alcohol or you’re a part of the problem.” Chuckling, I take the bottle from her tight grip and put the cap back on. “Go take a hot bath and relax. I’ll be here to shout curse words at later.” The moment the words fall from my mouth, her shoulders slump, and guilt washes over her face. “I’m sorry about that,” she says softly. “I know.” I flash her a wink, and she groans with an eye roll. “Now, upstairs you go. Take a nap after the bath. Once you’re awake, we’ll cook a delicious non-poisonous meal, then smoke.” Cami snorts, and I can tell she’s already feeling the vodka. “This really must be the twilight zone.” “What do you mean?” “I’m at the cabin—one I haven’t been to in ages—with you, and we’re talking about weed. I must be dreaming.” you, “Well, that’s very possible, but just in case, we should make sure.” Sauntering toward her, I close the gap between us and grip the back of her neck. She steps forward, and I cover her mouth with mine. I halfway expect her to push away and slap me, but she leans in and wraps her arms around my waist. Cupping her face, I slide my tongue between her lips and deepen the kiss. Cami moans against me, and her response has my d**k reacting. I’m not sure what came over me—especially since she’s been single for barely a few hours—but she looked so sad and helpless moments ago, and I wanted to help her forget that asshole. “Well?” I ask, breaking the kiss after a few moments. We’re panting and out of breath. Cami blinks and brings a finger to her mouth. “Um…” Swallowing hard, she looks up at me. “What the hell was that?” I shrug as if it didn’t affect me, but truth be told, I’ve imagined kissing her like that since when we were teenagers. “Guess you’re not dreaming.” Cami blinks again, licks her lips, then nods. “Apparently not, though I’m unsure whether I’m happy about that or not.” “Well, dreaming would almost be better because the current circumstances kinda suck.” “Oh, uh, right. Yeah, that part definitely does.” “Okay, well, I gotta shower and check in with my boss.” Walking toward the stairs, I notice she’s flustered, which has me grinning, but I tuck it inside. “Don’t forget about our dinner plans.” I point at her. “Five o’clock sharp.” “Sure. Maybe eat a big lunch in case it’s a fail.” “Nah, I have faith in you.” I flash her a wink. “But just in case, I have snacks.” Bruno follows me to the stairs, and I take two steps at a time, then go into the bathroom. I’m not sure what the f**k came over me, but I don’t regret it. Even though Cameron tormented me for years, I still fantasized about kissing her. And it was everything I thought it’d be—searing hot and passionate, greedy even. Since Zane just broke it off, and she was in a vulnerable state, I shouldn’t have taken advantage, but Cami didn’t push me away either. Once I finish showering and get dressed, I hear the water running upstairs, and smile, knowing she’s soaking in the tub like I suggested. Cami’s so damn uptight; she probably doesn’t know how to chill out, but it makes me happy that she’s trying. “Alright, Bruno. Work time, buddy.” He nudges me with his wet nose, nearly climbing on my lap as I sit at the desk. “Lie down and take a nap. We’ll play later,” I tell him. He’s used to constant attention because one of my roommates played with him while I was at the office, but he won’t be getting that here. I have to complete my tasks remotely through this crisis, which is f*****g with my head. On one hand, I need to figure out new ways to connect with clients and am even hoping to get promoted soon to an appraisal manager. But on the other, I hate pushing people to sign contracts on leases they don’t need right now. Nevertheless, I still need a paycheck, and I’m grateful to receive a salary when millions have lost their jobs. After an hour of responding to emails and following up with a few clients, I take a short break to get a drink. As I’m walking down the hallway, I hear a commotion from above and pause. I wait and then hear Cami scream, followed by a loud thump. Rushing to the third level, I knock on her door and call her name. “Cami? You okay?” Her feet pad against the floor, and when she opens the door, she’s only wearing a towel. “Uh…” I lower my eyes, not hiding the fact I’m looking. “I heard something. Are you okay?” “Aside from falling on my ass, I’m fine,” she says, breathlessly. “You fell?” I meet her eyes. “Getting out of the tub or what?” She bites down on her lower lip and fidgets. “Well, no, not exactly.” Leaning against the doorframe, I wait for her to explain. This is going to be amusing as hell; I can already tell. “I half-dried off and needed to pee, but then the f*****g seat broke, and…” She hesitates, closing her eyes briefly. “I fell off.” Standing straighter, I blink. “You fell off?” I hide my smile, trying my hardest not to chuckle at the utter defeat in her eyes. off“Yes. The seat shifted, and I guess I was too wet and slipped.” The expression on her face is pure annoyance and shock that a toilet seat would dare to break while she’s using it. Her reaction has me doubling over. I can’t help myself and burst out laughing. “Shut up! I landed on my tailbone, and now it hurts!” She steps closer and smacks me against the chest. “You’re such a jerk.” I hold up my hands and grin. “I didn’t do it. Why am I a jerk?” She folds her arms over her half-bare chest and scowls. “You’re laughing.” “Well, I’m sorry. But it’s hilarious.” “It’s not.” “No, trust me. It very much is. Considering you slipped off a toilet seat, buck-ass naked, is the funniest thing I’ve heard in months. Actually, I’m going to replay it in my head anytime I need a good laugh. This moment might last a lifetime.” “Alright, asshole. Bye.” She starts to shut the door, but I stop it with my foot. “Oh, c’mon. I’m just messin’ with you.” “I’m gonna have the biggest bruise.” She pouts with a frown. “It sounds like it needs to be tightened. You have a screwdriver?” “A what?” “Oh, God. You don’t know what tools are, do you?” “Can you not mock me right now?” “Sorry, but you make it a little too easy.” I grin. “I’ll look in the garage and see if your dad has anything in there. Get dressed, and I’ll help you fix the broken seat situation.” “Okay. Thanks.” “And maybe get some ice for your bruised ass,” I mumble with a chuckle as I walk toward the stairs. “I heard that, asshole.” “I know,” I mock. “Be right back.” I remember seeing a basic tool set sitting on a shelf in the laundry room, probably from when they installed the appliances. Grabbing it, I notice it’s never been opened, which isn’t surprising. No one in the St. James family, aside from Ryan, would know how to use them. Cami lets me into her room, and I follow her to the bathroom, which is f*****g massive. She’s dressed in casual black leggings and an off-the-shoulder sweater. With her hair pulled up and face bare, she looks so different from the pictures printed in the magazines. I much prefer this Cameron—casual and not trying to impress anyone. Kneeling, I discover a screw on the floor. “Just as I thought. The screws were loose. See?” I hold it up. “Now you want to line it back up with the hole and twist the washer while you—” “Huh?” she asks. “Can’t you do it?” “Yes, but it’s time for you to learn, princess.” She folds her arms and narrows her eyes. “I can watch and learn.” “Nope, you’ve gotta get your hands dirty every once in a while. What would you do if I wasn’t here?” “Use the other bathroom.” I snicker at her immediate answer. “Not happening. C’mon. It’s not that hard.” She inhales with annoyance. “Fine.” She kneels next to me and takes the screwdriver. “Now what?” I give her simple instructions, and she grunts with every step. It’s quite humorous, considering it’s child’s play. “Tighten it up a bit more. That way, it won’t happen again.” “I’m trying!” She groans, using all her strength. “Put a little muscle into it, geez,” I tease. Once she’s done, I check and make sure they’re secure, then smirk. “Not bad for an amateur.” “Har har.” She gets to her feet and brushes off her knees. “I feel like I need another shower now.” “Wait until a light bulb goes out, and I make you change that, too.” “Do you have to mock me about everything?” I put the screwdriver in my jeans pocket as I stand, then face her adorably pouty face. “Well, it was on my agenda for the day, but I could move my mockery to tomorrow if you’d prefer to reschedule?” was“I swear, Eli.” She huffs, busying herself by picking up towels around the bathroom. “You wouldn’t know how to have a serious conversation if it bit you in the butt.” “Now, that’s not true.” I cross my arms, ready to play her little game. “How about we talk about why you were such a b***h to me when we were teens?” “Me?” she snaps, quickly spinning around to scowl at me. “You’re the one who teased me every chance you got. Constantly made fun of me for every-f*****g-thing, and you’re still doing it now.” She holds out her arm. “Let’s talk about that.” that“I think you have your memories twisted because you humiliated me anytime your uppity friends were around. If I recall, you started calling me trailer trash because my mom worked for your family.” “Because you called me a Paris Hilton wannabe!” I take a step forward as both of our tempers heat. “Well, it was true. Hell, it probably still is. You can’t even sit on a damn toilet without hurting yourself.” “God!” She comes for me, pushing firmly against my chest with her hands. I barely flinch, which only pisses her off further. “You’re such a f*****g child. Grow up.” She walks around me and storms out of the bathroom. Well, it wouldn’t be a conversation with Cami if we weren’t screaming or annoying the f**k out of each other, but I hadn’t expected it to be on the same day I finally kissed her. A kiss I selfishly want to relive.
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