Chapter 5-2

1139 Words
“Were you offering me money?” I sigh. “Well, no, but that hasn’t stopped you before.” “See, you’re not the only one who can turn over a new leaf.” “So, no more snide comments?” I wait as he mixes cheese and milk in the bowl, then pours it into the pan. “Now I never said that.” thatChuckling, I move to the espresso maker. “Figures.” We easily move around the kitchen, him making breakfast and me brewing coffee. Bruno even lies close and doesn’t attack me, but his head perks up when he smells the eggs. “Would you like some toast?” Eli asks. “Sure, did you bring any bread?” I haven’t had any in months. He laughs. “Yes. But it’s not the healthy no-carb s**t. It’s the good stuff.” “That’s fine. I’ll have a fruit smoothie for lunch to even it out.” Eli smirks, shaking his head as he pulls a loaf from the cabinet. “A protein smoothie would be better for you. It’s more nutritious than blended fruit and is balanced.” “Is that so?” “Yep. I drink one after my workouts as a meal replacement.” “When did you start going to the gym so much?” I ask after he sits across from me at the table and hands me two slices of buttered toast. “Thank you.” “Welcome.” He stabs his fork into his hash browns. “It became a habit for me after college.” “Any particular reason?” I say before taking a bite. “Needed a distraction.” “From what?” “A girl.” “Oh.” I swallow. “Were you together long?” “Not really. About six months.” This is probably one of the most personal conversations Elijah and I have ever had, and it’s oddly normal. I had no idea he’d dated someone, but that’s not surprising since we hardly crossed paths after high school. “What happened?” “Found her mouth wrapped around my roommate’s cock.” He says it so casually as he continues stuffing his face. I nearly choke on my eggs. “You’re kidding.” “Nope.” He shakes his head. “The icing on the cake is we still live together, and they started dating after we broke up.” “Oh my God, no way!” My eyes widen in horror. This chick is a straight-up b***h. “Yep. So, it was either be in the same apartment with them after work or go to the gym.” “Wow…” I take a sip of my coffee. “Are they still together?” “Engaged, actually.” This keeps getting worse. “Please tell me he didn’t ask you to be in their wedding.” “f**k no. They invited me, though.” “What a douche. Both of them. Seriously. I can’t believe some people.” “Don’t worry, karma came to play.” “What do you mean?” “The ceremony was supposed to be in two weeks, but with the restrictions on social gatherings, they had to cancel it. They’re losing their asses in the money they spent.” I laugh, smiling wide at his victory. “Good. I mean, the circumstances are awful, but at least they got what they deserved.” “I’m over it now. We weren’t right for each other, but I would’ve preferred she break it off before sucking off one of my friends.” “No kidding.” I finish my eggs that seemed to melt in my mouth. “I’m pretty sure Zane cheated on me.” “Zane’s a f*****g moron. For several reasons, but especially for taking you for granted.” “Yeah, he really is. I guess I was fixated on the idea of us, not really him. I should be more upset than I am. It’s not our relationship I’m grieving, but rather the fact that he made a fool out of me.” ideaBruno gets up and walks over to me, setting his head down on my lap. I’m a little stunned and don’t know what to do. I grin down at him. “What do you want?” “He knows you’re sad,” Eli explains, standing and grabbing our empty plates. “He’s offering you himself to pet so you’ll feel better.” I snicker at the way Eli talks about Bruno as if he can read the dog’s mind. “Is that so? You want to be my comfort animal?” “He’s a good boy, aren’t you?” Eli saunters over after placing our dishes in the sink. “I’m gonna take him out for some exercise for a bit. Wanna join us?” I look at my phone and notice the time. “I would, but I have to start my schoolwork so I can stay ahead. Need to make sure that ho Francine Withers doesn’t steal my valedictorian spot.” Eli raises his brows, amused. “She flirts with all the professors, so trust me, the label is accurate. I’m pretty sure she slept with the dean just to get into the program.” “Wow, desperate times call for desperate measures. Well, if you change your mind, you’ll know where to find me.” He grins, then finishes his coffee. “My offer to help you make me dinner still stands, by the way.” Laughing, I get up from the table and grab my mug. “How sweet of you.” “I’m a nice guy, babe.” He winks, then calls Bruno, and the two of them head to the front door. I grab Chanel’s food and water dishes from my room, then refill them in the kitchen. As I walk back to the staircase, I peek through the window and see Eli throwing a stick for Bruno in the backyard. He’s smiling widely as he grabs it from Bruno’s mouth and stretches his arm back, tossing it as far as he can. Bruno gallops like a small horse and happily fetches it. As I watch them, a strong sensation ripples through me. I’m relieved and glad Eli’s here, so I’m not alone, but he’s also great company. It doesn’t hurt that he cooks, too. However, he’s helped keep me distracted from what’s happening right now. My anxiety spikes just thinking about it, and if I were here by myself, I’d drive myself crazy watching the news. I’m not being ignorant about the extreme situation we’re in, but it doesn’t help to overly obsess either. If there’s anyone I have to self-isolate with during times of uncertainty, I’m glad it’s Elijah.
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