Chapter 7 Brody Goes Missing

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“Brody, why are you up so early?” Lily hugged her little boy, her gentle voice carrying a hint of laziness. Her brat always slept in. Whenever she made him wake up, she’d have to use both brute force and sweet talk. Even after, he’d try to act cute in her arms.   “Hehe. Mommy, new environment, new me! I’ve decided not to sleep in anymore.”   He looked around the room before continuing, “Mommy, since I’ve been a good boy, can we go shopping? I want to check out the city you were born in. Are the supermarkets fun?”   As Brody’s mother, Lily knew him well. He was up to no good.   “Alright! I see why you’re up early today. You just want to go out and play. I’m not taking you.” Lily turned her head and teased.   “Ah! Don’t be like this. Mommy, take me with you! I’ll be a good boy. I promise. I won’t cause trouble.” Brody looked sincerely as he begged. He was quite a good actor. Whenever she went out with Brody, the boy always caused him so much worry.   “Fine, fine. Let’s go.” Lily carried Brody, her face full of happiness.   The biggest supermarket in Amsterdam.   An adorable head buried itself in the toys section.   “Mommy, look! Isn’t this Spongebob cute?” Brody picked up a Spongebob about the size of him from a pile of toys, his eyes sparkling.   “Cute, but it’s not as cute as my Brody.” Lily smiled and bent down, patting Brody’s head as she scooped the Spongebob out of his hands and placed it back in its original spot.   The light in the little boy’s eyes dimmed before it suddenly brightened. He picked up the Pleasant Goat and asked sneakily, “What about this one? It’s cuter than me, right?” Saying this, he placed his face next to the Pleasant Goat and waited eagerly for an answer.   “It’s as cute as you, but I think we just need one cutie in the family. We don’t need another one.” Lily knew what the boy was up to. Brody was a crazy collector of stuffed animals. He might act like a little adult, but he was a child with toys.   “Wahh. Mommy, you’re so mean!” Brody watched as the Pleasant Goat in his hands was snatched by Lily and placed back on the shelf at the speed of lightning once again. He pouted and started to act cute again.   “Brody, you said you’ll be a good boy, and you won’t cause trouble. You have to keep your word.” Lily carried him and decided to save Brody from the pile of stuffed animals.   The little boy crossed his arms over his chest in Lily’s arms and turned his head, feigning anger. “I wasn’t causing trouble. Mommy, don’t blame me for something I didn’t do!”   Lily kissed Brody’s cheek and coaxed, “Brody, don’t be angry. I’ll treat you to ice cream, alright?” She nudged Brody in the direction of the ice cream section. She planned on diverting his attention to someplace else.   As expected, the little boy’s eyes brightened again like two stars in the sky. “Mommy, you’re the best!” Lily placed Brody on a long bench not far from the section. “Stay here. I’m going to buy your ice cream.” “I want chocolate ice cream!” The little boy sat comfortably on the bench, reminding. Lily glanced at her son who was wearing a mature look as if he was ordering a servant around. She rolled her eyes, but she was happy. “Got it, my little boy.” Zachary called when she was in the middle of buying ice cream. He asked if they were settling down comfortably and if they were used to it, whatnot. He was really concerned, and his voice sounded a bit tired. He must’ve had lots of business to deal with since he just got here. Lily made some small chat with him before hanging up. She looked back, carrying the two ice creams in her hands, only to realize the little boy who was supposed to be sitting on the bench was gone! 
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