Chapter 8 Liam Coleman and Lily Cox’s First Encounter

541 Words

She looked around, but Brody was nowhere to be seen. She frowned. Where did her little boy go? She was uneasy, and started searching for him in the supermarket. She looked in the snacks section, the toys section, and everywhere else. Yet, she didn’t find her boy. Where did he go? Lily became more and more anxious. While searching, the ice creams in her hands started melting. She was restless, unable to think clearly. In the end, she went to the broadcast room of the supermarket to seek help. She stood at the ice cream section waiting for him, but the familiar cute little boy never showed up. What do I do? What do I do? Lily was about to call the police when she saw her little boy in a well-known clothing store brand. Tears burst into laughter as she rushed over. She scooped Brody

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