Chapter 4

655 Words
I just got out of the shower when I heard Ryan yelling at Jackson asking if it's true. So I rushed to my room out on some black spandex and a red sports bra and made my way towards the kitchen where my mother is currently at on her phone drinking a cup of coffee. She just got back this morning and didn't feel the need to let Ryan or myself know that she is back. b***h.  When I'm in the kitchen she looks up from her phone to see who it was once she seen it was me she just went back to looking at her phone. 10 seconds later we hear two set of feet running down stairs until a red face Ryan is in view and Jackson behind him leaning again the door frame with his arms cross. we made eye contact and he nods in acknowledgment.  "Tell me this is true." Ryan said throwing the folders that has the pictures in them at her. She grabs the folders and looks at what is in side. She freezes and her face turns pales. But she quickly recovers and puts a smirk on her face.  "I guess you were bound to find out one way or another but yeah it's true. Been f*****g James for the past year or so." She says shrugging her shoulders like it's no big deal. Ryan for a split second had a look of hurt across his face until he masked it with a blank expression. I have never seen this side of ryan and to be honest even I'm a little scared.  "So your the reason I didn't get the deal."  "Ehh. James just didn't want to deal with the husbands  wife he's f*****g so yeah I guess so. Oh well." "f**k this s**t man. Sign this pack your s**t and be gone." "Gladly." And like I said before she blindly signed the papers with out reading the fine print.  "And since your at it you can take your gold digging w***e of a daughter with you. Like mother like daughter right." I felt like the wind had been knocked right out of me when he had said that. Why would he think that. Have I came across like that for these past 2 years he had known me.  "Hey man don't you dare bring Sophia into this mess man leave her out of it." "It's true. I'm pretty sure she was the one who set them up to." "Well legally she is 19 and I'm no longer responsible for her so if you have a problem with her than you can kick her out your self. And no need to pack my things honey you can go ahead and throw it all away. It's not like I can't get them replace with even better things." My mother said walking out the front door.   "b***h" Jackson muttered under his breathe standing right next to me.  "Well you heard me. Pack your things and get the f**k out my house. Unless you want me to throw your s**t out like your mothers" Ryan told me. Giving me the most coldest glare. I just nod at him walking with my head held down so he doesn't see these Un shed tears.  "It's alright soph you can move in with Sammy and me. I already texted her what happened and she is getting the spare room ready as we speak. Let's go start packing. I'll help you" "Thank you Jackson really for everything. And no it's ok. You have to go get Ryan ready for the meeting tomorrow. Get him up to speed on how the system works and what not. And when your done you can come back to finish helping me pack deal" "After everything he has said and your still looking after him. Unbelievable. You are to nice for your own good you know that." I just laughed at him. "I hear that a lot. So now go go chop chop times a wasting."
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