Chapter 5

1064 Words
Ryan POV  To say I am pissed would be an understatement. I AM SEETHING. That ungrateful b***h after everything I have given her, after everything I have DONE for her and she does this s**t to me. Talk about a slap in the fucken face. But I should of seen this sooner. Everyone warned me about her but I still went for it. I am brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock.  "WHAT" I yelled.  Jackson walked into my office looking just as mad as I look.  "What's your problem." I asked him.  "You. Your what's my problem. You had to right to speak to Sophia like that. She has done nothing wrong to you for the way you had treated her." I know he was right. But it was the heat of the moment and she was right there and I had already said those things before I can stop my self. And what made things worst was the look of pain in her face. The confusion. She was probably thinking what has she done wrong.  But what broke me on the inside was her walking by trying to stop the tears from falling down her face.  "What ever what is done is done. Is there a reason why your in here." "Yes we have an meeting tomorrow with Peter Ramirez from Ramirez enterprise. He wants to sign a multi billion contract with us and co partner with us to help expand our business." What the actual f**k. He can't be serious right now. Peter is a very high profile person in business. Signing with him mean we finally made it to the big leagues. f**k signing with James. This is where It's at.  "Your f*****g lying. Please tell me your lying." He just shakes his head. f**k he's serious.  "I'm going to go over some key points just in case he ask any questions about the system upgrade." "System upgrade?" "Yeah. Um. s**t. Give me a second." He pulls out his phone and started texting god knows who. After a couple of minutes he received a message. He looked at me and continued what he was saying.  "A family friend put in the missing puzzles we needed that made it bulletproof. And before you ask no I can't tell you. You would more than likely find out who it was tomorrow. So chop chop. Let get this over with. I have to go back down stairs and help soph." We've spent the last 3 hours going over everything for our meeting tomorrow. Who ever this person was that had done this was a Genius. Wished I had thought of it sooner.  I woke up extremely nervous for my meeting today. Jackson said he would be picking me up any minute now so we can make our way to our business. When I heard 2 honks I know he is here.  "Good morning Jackson." I looked to the driver "Good morning Sam?"  "She offered to drive. Saying she needs to car for something. Idk man. I don't question my women I just do as she says." He shrugged  "Alrighty than let's get going" When we are there Peter is already waiting for us in our lobby.  "Mr. Ramirez." I greeted him.  "Mr. Deluca I had heard so man great things about you." He turns and looks at Jackson.  "Mr. Romero same goes for you to. My baby sister is very fawned over you to. If she wasn't I wouldn't be here right now" he laughed. Who is his sister? I looked to Jackson and he just shakes his head.  "Shall we" I lead the way towards my office.  "Let's cut to the chase. I love the system and everything you guys have going on for you two. By the signature I can tell my sister did a great job. After all our dad was the one who taught her everything she knows."  I just nod not really knowing what to say because I have no idea who he is talking about.  "Yeah she is actually very brilliant. I didn't know she knew how to do any of this until a couple days ago" Jackson answered.  "Yeah my little sister is a very private person. Prideful to." He shakes his head as if he was having a wonderful memory of something. "She gets that from our father as well." He chuckles. "Well if you guys want to start signing the paper work. I have another meeting to attend to in 20 minutes." Jackson and I go over the contract to make sure everything is what to be expected. Once we were pleased with it we both signed officially making us wealthy men.  "Great. Nice to business with you guys. And please tell my little sister she need to stop by more often the kids miss her and my wife wants to see her more than once a week. But knowing Sophia she's probably busy with school and work to stop by more than once a week." Wait did he say Sophia. As in my Sophia I look to Jackson to confirm it and he just nods. What the actual f**k.  "Will do Sir." "Peter please. We are not only business partners but we're family. Someone who Sophia would go through great length like this must be very important in her life. So please take care of her. And send her my best."  With that he is out of sight.  "You knew didn't you" I asked Jackson. I couldn't believe he didn't tell me.  "Yeah." "How long" "Couple days ago when I caught her hacking your lap top. She told me everything" "f**k man I f****d up." "Yup" "I need a drink. Want to go to the club." "Sorry man. I can't Sophia taking me out on a celebration dinner."  "Can I tag along. I really need to make things right with her."  He looked like he was thinking it over.  "Sure why not. It's your business to you should celebrate." "Where she taking us?"  "I'm not sure she said it is a surprise. We should start heading down stairs. She said she got us a driver and that he will be here in 5 minutes."  As we are waiting in the lobby I can't help but think how bad I f****d up with Sophia. How can I possibly make this up.
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