Chapter 3

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Graduation day "Are your parents here?" I asked Samantha.  "Yes both my moms couldn't stop crying" she says rolling her eyes. "How about you are your parents here?" "Nope" I say popping the p at the end.  "What why not." "Mom couldn't care less. She went on vacation with that guy for the week and Ryan probably forgot. He's trying to get a bull proof security system on the website to avoid any hacking to happen so he can sell his pitch to get a deal. And Jackson obviously couldn't make it because he is with Ryan but he texted me telling us good luck and that he's proud of us." I tell her. She starts to blush.  "Come in b***h. Let's get this graduation over with so we can paaarrrrrrrty." She says hooking her arms with mine. After graduation was over both her moms were taking pictures of us crying about how much we grown.  "Next stop college." I tell her "Mhm" Another year later Sam and I finished our first year of college. One more and we graduate and become full on RN nurses. I made my way towards the kitchen when I heard Ryan talking to my mom about how James st. Patrick denied to become a partner with him and Jackson. My mother being the fake b***h she is was soothing him telling him there's always next time if only he knew the real reason behind it. I just need to take matters into my own hands. That's pretty f**k up that she would f**k with his company like that after everything he has done for her.  My father and I were really close before he past away. And being the close means I know everything about him and knowing everything also means I know about his older son my half brother. I keep in contact with him here and there. But it seems like a perfect time to get into contact with him again.  "Anywho Jackson and the boys are coming over today going to watch the games and drink a couple of beers." "Mhm ok that's fine. I'm going to be gone for the next 3 days going to bora bora with Sarah and the gang ok." She hops off the stool and makes her way to her room to pack.  "If you don't mind Samantha is going to stop by." I tell him grabbing an apple and hopping on to the counter.  "No that's fine. She's always welcomed here" "Thanks" Samantha got here right when Jackson and two other men from their company got here. "I need a favor" I asked her when she entered my room.  "Sure what's up" "I need you to be my eyes down here while I make my way up to Ryan's office. And I need you to tell me if he makes his way up there." "Why?" "Because I'm going to hack into his system and put up a bull proof security measure that Peter would agree with and partner up with him and jackson." "Are you sure you can do it." She asked me and I just give her a look that says really dude.  "Right stupid question of course you can do it. Papa Peter taught you well." She finally says. I felt a ping in my heart at the mention of my dad. Man I miss him so much. "But what if that's not what Ryan wants?" "Then I'll take his lashing out on me like a champ. I'll own up to it. They need this Sam. They have been try for 2 years to expand there business and partner up with someone that will help make there names known. I have to do this for him for them." "Ok soph I got you." Once I am in Ryan's office I start to get to work put it in my own secure security system and adding the code to my phone so it wouldn't notify me right away if anyone happens to be hacking into the system while I'm waiting for the program to download from the computer to my phone I look up when I hear the door open shocked to see Jackson standing there. " well well well what do we have here baby girl." " you can't tell Ryan about this. He will be so mad at me for meddling in his business stuff." I pleaded with Jackson. He made his way to stand behind me looking at the laptop looking at my phone then looking at me. " what are you doing." " i'm doing what Ryan has been trying to do for the last two years but better you see here this is what will notify you guys if anyone was to hack into the system once it notifies you guys on your phone and you guys get to work you're able to copy the code to the person trying to hack into the system while putting that code onto a loop  basically the person would be coding his own code back-and-forth to the point that he would not be going anywhere and he'll be stuck on that loop. Then after five minutes of him trying to get out of the loop are you virus will take over but before that virus takes over you're able to track where that hacker is coming from pinpointing his exact location." " wow you did this by yourself. Who taught you how to do this and why haven't you brought it to our attention before." " my dad taught me everything I know from the age of nine and I didn't bring it to your guises attention before because I didn't want to Meddle into your guises business life plus I didn't think you guys would believe that I could actually do it." " soph you know I would have believed you if you would have brought this to my attention. Second what do you mean you didn't want to meddle into our business stuff your family you will never be meddling." " I know Jackson it's just I don't know I decided to meddle because of my mom." " what does your mom have to do with this." I looked up at Jackson and I know that I can no longer hold this in. Holding this in for a year has been killing me the only other person who knows about this is Sam but how can I bring it to Jackson's attention knowing that he is Ryan's best friend. " my mom has been cheating on Ryan behind his back for a year. The person she's been seeing is James St.Patrick. She is the reason why you guys didn't get the deal in the first place. It pissed me off that she could do something so selfish knowing that Ryan has been supporting her for the past two years And has done nothing wrong to her. So I decided to take things into my own hands and get you guys the best deal you guys can to show my mom that he does not need her that he could do things on his own and that hopefully he will see her cheating ways."  Jackson stood there shocked looking at me like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. But he shook his head clear his thoughts and looked at me again. " you know I never like that b***h. And I knew she was with ryan for his money but he was young and he was dumb and he was in love with her s**t he still is in love with her and what do you mean by a better deal." " well I'm going to tell you something that you promise not to tell no one not even Ryan." He shook his head in agreement. " I promise you have my word Sophia" " I had my brother Peter Ramirez look at this system I had put  right now he had just texted me that he loved it and that it reminded him of something dad would have done and that he wants to sign both you guys as a partner to expand your guises business" " hold up hold up hold up you're telling me Ramirez enterprise is basically your company. And that Peter senio was your dad and that Peter Junior is your brother. Making this business contract a multibillion contract so basically you helped Ryan and me become multi billionaires. Which also means that you're a billionaire as well. Does Sam know about this." I laughed " basically yeah I guess if you put it that way. But I  have nothing to do with the company I sign over my rights to my brother because he knew that was something I do not want to do with my life what I wanted to do with my life is to help people in the medical field. Reasons why I am in the RN program.  An of course she knows. She is a billionaire to you know. Like I'm not going to share the wealth with her. Are you crazy." "Holy fucken s**t Sophia this is huge."  "I know my mom doesn't know about the money. My dad left her with nothing and gave it all to me. Follow me to my room so I can give you key point to this system for your meeting with my brother on Wednesday at 10 o'clock remember."  After explaining everything to him about the system the phone notification and how it works I remembered Ryan gave me $60 for gas money so I've went to get my shoe box.  "What is that." "All the money Ryan has given me for the past 2 years." I shrugged.  "And you saved it.?" It wasn't a question for like a statement.  "Yeah. I've been working since I was 16. So I've been able to provide for myself. My mother spends his money like it's water. I on the other hand don't want him to think im the same way. So the day Ryan has had enough of it with my mom I don't want him to blow up on me as well and I can just hand him the box." I shrugged. He makes it seem like a big deal.  "You are nothing like your mother. Your humble. A pain in my ass but humble."   "But you love your baby girl right."  "Of course. Thank you Sophia for everything really. You really are a great friend." "Of course. But I really want you guys to confront my mother about her actions before You guys sign the contract. She doesn't deserve the money heading your guys way." I had him evidence of my mother adulterous ways. Perks of having a lot of money I can hire people.  "She comes back the day before you guys have the meeting. And also here's this." I handed him divorce papers.  "In the divorce papers there's a prenup agreement in there. My mom wouldn't bother in reading it thinking she has a safe Heaven to fall back on. And that safe Heaven being James that she would just blindly sign it not having a care in the world." "You really have thought this through" "Obviously. In the mean time I would start looking for a place of my own. I have a feeling this is really going to blow up." "So when should I tell Ryan about the meeting?" "Um the same day he divorces my mom? So he can see the bright side? Gives him something to look forward to" "You really care for him don't you" "He's a good guy. Who wouldn't."
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