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I didn't know what to do about everything. I walked over to a large tree, and Silas followed me. I was out of sight, and I turned back into my human form, standing completely naked in front of Silas. I watched his eyes change to red as he took in my body. His breathing became heavy as he walked closer to me. Then he took off his hoodie and handed it over to me. I quickly put it on and zipped it up. "Silas…" I started to say, only to be interrupted. "You found him, didn't you?" he asked sadly. "Your mate." I didn't want to tell him yet. I just bowed my head. I wanted to wait for a while so that I could break the news gently to Silas. I thought I would love my mate, but instead, I ran away from him. I wanted to have another mate, but the mere thought of it hurt my heart. I was surprised that I could run away from him. "Yes, I did. It is Alpha Dennis Rylie." "You said that was impossible with you being an omega. Why an alpha? I'm not going to lose you to some spoiled alpha brat." "I'm sorry, Silas. I thought it was. I ran from him tonight. He could not figure out who I was. Please don't call him names." "Already standing up for him. I could always turn you. Wouldn't that fix your problem?" he asked with a smile. "You don't want to be with him anyway." I looked over at him with a sad look. "I would lose everything, Silas. Everything I have is attached to my wolf." Silas reached over and pulled me to him. I laid my head on his chest and took in the comfort. His hands somehow found their way under the hoodie and on my bare bottom. He felt every inch of my body under the hoodie, and I couldn't help the goosebumps on my arms. His hands felt so good on my skin. "You may not want to be around me until properly clothed." He moved his hands over my body one last time and then let me go. "I love how you look in my hoodie and just my hoodie," he whispered seductively. I smiled and turned around to head back to my house. It wasn't a long walk, but it gave me time to think. Although I didn't want to become a Luna, I still wanted to be with my mate, Alpha Dennis. I know it's hard to believe, given the things I let Silas do to me, but I truly do want to be with him. However, in order to make that happen, I'll have to give up something - whether it's my comfort or my desire to avoid becoming a luna." Upon arriving at home, I noticed that there were several cars parked in our driveway, which wasn't typical. I felt a sense of unease in my stomach. As I entered the house through the front door, I couldn't locate my mother or father anywhere. A loud commotion from upstairs, specifically from my room, caused my body to tremble with fear. As I walked up the stairs, I suddenly caught a whiff of mint and chocolate. I realized that Alpha Dennis was in my room. I panicked and tried to run away, but he had already spotted me. Before I could even reach the door, I started feeling lightheaded and eventually collapsed on the floor. Emily, My Love, running from me is pointless now. I will be sending everyone away so we can talk in peace. Please come here. I turned my head and saw four people walking down the stairs. My mother looked so excited for me, and my father looked sad. The others were the Beta family. Alice and Thomas Jones smiled at me as I walked up the stairs. I didn't know what to say to everyone. I was frozen to the spot. Emily, come on, Love. I'm no longer mad at you for running from me. I want to meet you. You have nothing to fear from me. I am your mate. Alpha Dennis' mind link left me feeling dizzy and disoriented, so I slowly made my way upstairs. When I entered my bedroom, I found him sitting on my bed, playing with one of my stuffed animals. Despite his mature age, he looked almost childlike in that moment. His sandy-blonde hair was shining beautifully under the light, and his baby-blue eyes turned to meet mine. He greeted me with a warm smile, and it was clear that he was happy to see me. "That is better, isn't it, Love?" he asked. His voice was so deep it sounded almost like a growl. "You are my mate, Emily Wyatt. Why would you run from me? Tell me the truth, please." "I don't like responsibility. I am not luna material. There was a mistake with us." He flashed me his perfect smile. "You're perfect; I don't know what you're talking about, Love." As I sat on the bed, he kept moving closer to me, and with each inch, I could feel the mate bond between us becoming more intense. However, I was still convinced that this was a mistake. I tried to move backward, but he noticed, and his face fell into sadness. Suddenly, he advanced towards me quickly. "I'm so sorry to rush you, Love, but I need you to feel the full pull of the mate bond now," he said as he pulled me into his chest without warning. He held me tightly against his chest, and the overwhelming scent of mint and chocolate filled my nose. I smiled, feeling terrific sparks all over my body and goosebumps forming over my arms. It was the best feeling in the world, and I slowly forgot everything that had made me run from him. I wrapped my arms around him, and he smiled. "You're mine, Little Mate," he whispered sweetly. "I want you to come stay with me." I shook my head. "I don't want to be Luna. I don't want to leave. Don't you understand, Alpha Dennis? That is why I ran from you." "But you are my luna, Emily. That is just something you have to accept. Maybe, if you didn't come to me smelling of another male, a vampire no less, I would be more understanding. You're also half naked, and all I want to do is take you." I pulled out of the hug, no longer feeling like it was a nice thing. Dennis' face was filled with sadness and anger, but I didn't think he had the right to be mad at me. After all, I was only half-naked and smelled like another person because I didn't want to walk home without any clothes. I had friends whom I wanted to meet up with, and I couldn't leave Silas alone in the dark. I felt the need to support him through the tough time. Even though I missed Alpha Dennis' touch, I had to be stronger because the mate bond was intense. "I believe Emily said no," I heard Silas' familiar voice from behind me. He didn't sound so happy. I turned around and saw Silas standing in my room, his face filled with hatred as he stared at Alpha Dennis. Silas had a habit of entering through my window. "And here I thought you two were just friends," Alpha Dennis replied. "This is between my mate and me. Now leave Leech. This matter doesn't concern you." "You're talking about my obsession. Emily is mine, not yours, Mutt." I couldn't go with Silas, even if I wanted to disobey my alpha. It was clear that seeing me in the arms of another was hurting him deeply. Unfortunately, Alpha Dennis would never allow his mate to be taken by someone else. I felt powerless to help Silas as the bond between Dennis and I only grew stronger. "Silas, it's okay. Just go; I will find you later and explain everything," I said, hoping to calm him down. It only made things worse. "It's not okay, Baby. It hurts me," Silas replied, and I could see the pain in his eyes. It looked like he wanted to cry but wouldn't dare to in front of Alpha Dennis. I wanted to go to Silas, but at the same time, I wanted to stay with my mate. I had anticipated this day for a while, knowing that it would be painful. Silas couldn't comprehend the depth of my feelings for Alpha Dennis at the moment. Though he might have understood his obsession, what I was feeling now was much stronger than anything I had ever experienced before. "Please don't go with him, Baby. I am trying my best, but I can only do so much. If I can't have you in any way, that will change. I will only get worse. It would help if you tried also," Silas pleaded with me.
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