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I walked down the stairs and saw my father eating in the living room. I sat in the chair and watched the show he had on. As he left the room to get ready, I smiled at him, and he returned it. I checked the time and realized it was 03:30, which gave me half an hour before I had to be at the pack house. I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror; I felt pretty. I reached into my bag and pulled out three small rocks, then focused on them and transformed them into a beautiful diamond necklace and matching earrings. I quickly put them on and realized they were the missing pieces. I was able to create them using my power, and it made me happy. "Do you think you could make money with your power?" Silas asked, causing me to jump. I was curious to know when he had gotten here. "I haven't had a chance to try. What are you doing here?" I walked up to him. Something about him looked so cute, and I smiled at him. Maybe it was the way the sun was hitting off his raven hair. "The alpha is throwing you and a few others a birthday party. Even I was invited to it. He wants to find his mate, so he invited everyone." "Yes, if you wanted to go, you could have just met me there." "I am not going to that stupid party. You think I want to watch you find your mate," he said sadly. "I don't want you to go to the party either." "Silas, you know I couldn't disobey an order from my alpha. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." "Then let me turn you now. I don't want you to find your mate. Please, Baby." He reached up and stroked my cheek, letting out a long breath. "Please, just let me turn you." "No, Silas," I said, moving his hand. "I want to live my life. I'm sorry; I know it will hurt you, but I also want to feel a strong bond. I want my mate." "You would feel one toward me if you just allow it." “I’m sorry, Silas, but no.” As I stood there, he gave me a sorrowful look and left the house hastily, his head hung low. All I wanted was to live my life the way I was supposed to, but instead, I was feeling guilty because of someone else's obsession. I longed for my mate, and I knew there was nothing I could do for Silas. My family and I got into my father's car and drove to the pack house. I was feeling incredibly nervous and queasy, like I could throw up at any moment. I wish I had brought a friend with me, but I knew Silas wouldn't be interested, and Tate wouldn't want to come either, so I was going alone. The house was packed, which didn't help my nerves at all. I wasn't ready, and I didn't want to be there. "Mom, I'm here; he didn't say I had to go inside." "It will be alright. I promise," she replied as she ushered me forward. Upon entering the party, I found myself surrounded by a large crowd. The music was so loud that I couldn't hear anything else. I tried to sniff around to find my mate, but I couldn't detect their scent. I began to feel unhappy and wondered if my mate belonged to another pack or was too young. Eventually, I felt like leaving the party. As I was navigating through the crowd, I noticed a set of glass doors leading outside. Once I reached the doors, I stepped out into the night air and took a deep breath. The stars were shining bright in the sky, along with the moon, but the clouds were covering the view. Outside, there was a big garden with a dirt path running through the middle of the flowers. As I walked along the path, I was delighted to see fireflies all around me. I picked one of the most beautiful flowers for my mother as a gift. I discovered a fountain at the center of the garden. Water was gushing out of its mouth, creating a splendid view. I saw some coins lying at the bottom of the fountain, and I realized that people were making wishes by throwing coins into it. At the base of the fountain, I found some small pebbles and decided to conduct an experiment to see if I could make some money. I picked up a rock and concentrated hard on it. I smiled as I watched it transform into a dime, an imperfect one. It wouldn't pass for a genuine coin, but it was suitable for my purposes. Next, I closed my eyes and made a wish. "I wish to find my soulmate tonight," I whispered. I then threw the fake dime into the fountain, hoping my wish would come true. As I made my way to the pack house, I suddenly caught a whiff of my favorite scent - mint and chocolate. I knew in my heart that I had found my mate, and I followed their scent carefully, wanting to approach slowly so as not to startle them. The scent overwhelmed me with excitement until I saw Alpha Dennis standing by the glass doors leading into the house. It was him, my mate. I'm not one to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it this time. "She is here, father," he said, talking to his father, Alpha Joseph. "I can smell her." He was talking about me. I was an omega, and I wanted to stay that way. As he began to approach me, I instinctively took a step backward. I could tell he was following my scent. Being a Luna came with a lot of responsibility that I wasn't quite ready for. He kept coming closer, and I was running out of space to retreat. I was almost back at the fountain, and I was starting to feel nervous that he would find me. I noticed a long path leading away from the house into the woods behind the fountain. The bond between me and my mate would only intensify as he got closer, so I ran down the path to get away. The forest was dark and misty, making it difficult to see. While I considered turning into my wolf form to see better, I didn't want to because my wolf was already crying for her mate and would inevitably run back to him. I stood in the woods for a moment, unsure of my next move, when I heard footsteps approaching from behind. The familiar scent of Alpha Dennis lingered in the air, and I knew he was getting closer. I panicked and started running deeper into the forest to escape. It didn't make sense - I couldn't be the Luna. There must have been a mistake. "Why are you running from me? Please turn around," I heard him shout. I wasn't planning to respond to him. I didn't want him to know my whereabouts or recognize my voice, if possible. I don't recall ever speaking to him. However, suddenly, I felt lightheaded and collapsed on the ground. Alpha Dennis was mind-linking with me. Who are you? Please turn around and find me. You are my mate, and I would never hurt you. I want you; I want to meet you. We have so much to discuss, please. I'm grateful that he didn't call me out specifically or give me a direct order, so it was clear that he wasn't commanding me. Despite this, he continued to chase after me at a rapid pace, as an alpha werewolf can. He was quickly catching up to me, so I had no choice but to transform into my own wolf form to try and escape. However, I knew that I still had to be careful not to give in to my natural instincts and accidentally run straight into his waiting embrace. As soon as my bones finished cracking into place, she betrayed me. She was fighting with me to be with him. I was able to overpower her just in time. It was dark, so he hadn't spotted me. I turned around and started running again. I heard him growl loudly in frustration. It was so loud, and I knew he was trying to get my attention. As I was running through the forest, I noticed the brightness increasing. Alpha Dennis had used his power to move the clouds aside, which made me think that he was angry with me. Suddenly, I heard a low growl and saw him transforming into his wolf form. This made it challenging to control my own wolf as she was attracted to him. However, I was still able to come out victorious in the fight. We continued deeper into the woods, but his wolf was much bigger than mine, which made him slower. I was careful not to run back to my house because I didn't want Alpha Dennis to figure out my identity by following me there. Instead, I decided to head towards the swimming hole. However, as I approached, I caught the scent of Silas. I didn't want to fight with him tonight, but Silas instantly turned his head towards me, having picked up my scent. The dizziness returned, and I could hear Alpha Dennis' voice once again. You win, Little Mate. If you are this afraid of me, then I will leave you for now. But I will eventually figure out who you are. I know you will be amazing whether you see it or not, My Luna. I couldn't reply to him to let him know that I didn't want to become a luna. Only the alpha had the ability to mind-link someone without being marked by them. When I turned around to look at him, he had already disappeared. I looked back at Silas and noticed a disappointed expression on his face. However, beneath that expression, I could see that he was completely shattered inside. He knew the truth.
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