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"She doesn't have to do anything for you, Leech," Alpha Dennis said. "She has her mate, and you can leave any time now." Silas became visibly angry, his eyes turning red. I was unsure of what to do as Alpha Dennis was the one in charge. Alpha Dennis locked eyes with me and took a few deep breaths while Silas tried to control himself. However, realizing I wouldn't budge, Silas left through my window. I felt terrible, my heart sank, I didn't want to hurt him. The guilt was overwhelming. "I would like to stay at home. Please consider it," I finally said, returning my attention to Alpha Dennis. "For a vampire that believes he has a claim on you," he replied disgustingly. "Just like you feel like you have a claim on me," I said, slightly nastier than I expected. I bowed my head; I didn't mean to raise my voice. I expected him to be mad at me, but he just laughed. "I do, we're mates, Emily. You are mine," he replied possessively. "He is nothing to you." "He is a friend that I don't wish to lose." "If it weren't for his obsession, he wouldn't want anything to do with you." The way he said his last remark made me feel ugly. Like I couldn't get a man unless I were mated to them or they were obsessed with me. I could get someone if I wanted to. "So, you think I'm too ugly to get a guy without a mate bond or obsession." "That wasn't what I meant, Love. You're beautiful and could have anyone you wanted. I'm lucky to have you. Look, it was never my intention to be an over-possessive mate. Now that I have you in my arms, I struggle to let go. However, I told myself I wouldn't force you to do anything you didn't want to, so you can stay here for now." "I will stay with you on weekends if that is okay with you." He smiled and hugged me tighter. This way, I would have the time to help Silas through me finding my mate. The look of sadness on his face when he walked away was still heartbreaking. The only thing I could do was make sure Silas knew I was sorry for his pain. Silas was a sweet man. As a werewolf, I knew there was no control over the mate bond, so I believed him when he said he couldn't control the obsession. I wished that, for one day, I could be a vampire to see what it was like to be Silas. "Alpha Dennis…" "Just Dennis, Emily." "Oh… Okay," I replied. It was going to be hard to change his name. "Alpha Dennis… I mean… Just Dennis, I will come and stay with you tomorrow until Sunday. If that is cool." Dennis leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek. It was a rare gesture for me, as the only other person who had ever kissed my cheek was Silas, and his kiss was quite different from Dennis'. Silas' kiss felt cold and gentle against my skin, while Dennis' kiss was warm and electrifying, sending sparks through my body. "You can stay with me whenever you wish, My Love." As I walked down the stairs, Dennis held my hand tightly. His beta, Thomas, was waiting for us, looking confused as to why I was not carrying anything with me. Although he knew that I was supposed to leave with Dennis, he did not say anything about it. Before leaving, Dennis gave me another electrifying kiss on my cheek. Before I could run back to my room, my father stopped me. "Are you hungry? You haven't eaten much in the last couple of days." "Yeah, kind of," I replied. I wasn't, but if he were going to offer, I wouldn't pass up the chance for bonding time. My father quickly made us some hamburgers and fries, with some soda to drink. Not the healthiest meal, but it was good. "So, how do you feel about having a mate now," he asked. "I love having a mate, just not the position. I'm not a luna." "That is true, but you must get over that soon. You will be Luna." "If I don't want to be Luna, I have a way out, unlike others." "A way out. What do you mean?" "Silas will turn me if I ask him to. Even if I don't want him to, he would help me run away." "You can't run away from your destiny, Emily." "I can if people don't try and stop me." "Are you planning to do so," he replied, looking interested. "No, I'm only saying I have a plan if needed. After we finished talking, I went upstairs to my room and changed into my night clothes. When I returned to my room, I was surprised to find Silas sitting on my bed. He had entered through my window again. He looked at me, visibly happy that I chose not to go with Dennis. "What are you doing here, Silas? I was going to come find you tomorrow morning." Silas stood from the bed and walked over to me. He grabbed me tightly around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He shoved his face into my neck and breathed in deeply. I felt him leave a soft kiss on my neck, and then I pulled away. I knew Dennis wouldn't like this, but it was useless; Silas pulled me back to his chest. I tried to get away again, but it wasn't working. "Silas, what are you doing?" I could feel his fangs rubbing up and down my neck, ready to penetrate me. He nibbled my neck a little, and I started to panic slightly. He wouldn't turn me without my permission, would he? I just stood there frozen. I had to let him figure himself out. If I struggled too much, it was only going to excite him. Vampires loved the chase. Silas was leaving soft, cold kisses down my neck and across my chest. He nibbled on my skin every so often. Silas moved his kisses up my neck and over my jaw, causing a small moan to leave my mouth. He smiled against my skin and moved his hand between my thighs. He was holding on to me tightly as he rubbed my most sensitive area through my pants. I felt the wetness pool between my legs. He was making me feel so good. Silas then started kissing my lips. This was the first time I had been kissed on the lips. It was amazing. He slipped his tongue past my lips and started twirling it with mine. I followed along with his motions. He was a glorious kisser. His hand moved inside my pants and started massaging my sensitive nub. After a few more seconds of assaulting my clit, he shoved two fingers into my entrance. My legs became weak as he shoved his fingers in and out of me, slow at first, and then he picked up the pace. He laid me down on the bed and took off my pants. I was finally able to see his eyes, and they were blood red. He wasn't in control of himself. I was having a fantastic time with Silas, but he wasn't in control and could snap anytime; I had to stop him. "Silas, you need to calm down," I said softly at first, and then I repeated it sternly. He shook his head and moved it between my thighs. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out of me as he licked and sucked on my sensitive core. Loud moans were leaving my mouth, and I couldn't stop them. My fingers tangled in his hair, and I held his head in place as he continued his assault with his tongue. Not only did I need to get him under control, but I also had to get myself under control. “Silas… you… need to… stop," I said through heavy breathing. He let out a loud growl and stopped everything he was doing to me. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to c*m, but it needed to happen. My first time should be with my mate, not Silas. He was breathing heavily, and his eyes were darker than ever before. His fits were clenched, and his fangs were fully extended. He was struggling not to turn me. After 10 minutes, he finally calmed down. I was surprised he could still control himself when I asked him to. "It keeps getting worse, Baby. I want you so badly." "That was fun, though," I replied, and he smiled at me. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to help you." "Ignore the alpha and be with me instead." "It's hard for me to ignore my mate. Even now, I feel the pull of the bond. It might not be as strong as when he is around, but it is still there." "I will continue to fight for you, but I don't know how long I can hold off. I don't want to hurt you." "I trust you, Silas," I replied with as much hope as I could muster. "Putting your trust in me isn't the best idea right now, Baby." Silas may have been telling the truth, but I continued to trust him. I knew that he would fight fiercely for me. After giving me a sorrowful look, he left through the window; after saying a quick 'I love you,' I went to lie down, feeling exhausted after the events of the day. Before I was able to fall asleep, I started to feel dizzy. Dennis' voice came to my mind. Hello, Love. I just wanted to say goodnight. I hope I didn't wake you. I will mark you soon so that you can respond to me. I feel so close to you already. I will see you tomorrow, Emily. I wasn't ready for what had just happened between Silas and me, and I felt guilty. I quickly fell asleep, knowing I needed to stay away from him.
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