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The following day, I woke up feeling different. I felt like something had changed within me. Today was when I got my power, hopefully, my mate, and my new job. I smiled; I couldn't hold in my happiness. I just wanted to get my day started to find everything I was looking for. I hoped to get it all today, even if it was rare. As I walked down the stairs, I picked up random objects in the hope of triggering my power. My mother was already in the kitchen and had prepared breakfast for me. She could sense that something was different about me. She smiled and asked me to sit down and eat. I began picking up pieces of food, hoping that my power had something to do with it. Unfortunately, I realized that it didn't. "Be patient, Emily, Dear. It will come to you," my mother said when she saw me struggling. While I was eating, I attempted to activate my power by channeling my emotions. However, I did not experience any success, which led me to think that my power might be related to objects. My mother only had to feel sad to reverse time; my sister only needed to concentrate on a plant to make it grow; and Alpha Dennis had to be angry to move the clouds. Feeling frustrated, I decided to take a break and go for a walk. While on my way, I was thinking about growing flowers. I was determined to match my sister's gift. I tried really hard to do so. I even attempted to move the clouds like our alpha, but it didn't work. I even tried to manipulate the water like my father, but all my efforts were in vain. When I finally gave up, I found myself at the swimming hole. The swimming hole was a spacious pond encircled by enormous rock formations, which provided an ideal platform for guests to jump off. The area was also surrounded by several willow trees and even a few rope swings, making it a popular student hangout spot. Fortunately, it was located within the territory of the Blood Moon Pack. I decided to skip rocks at the water's edge to lift my mood. To my surprise, I saw a witch from our school surrounded by fairies. Although I usually kept to myself and avoided people, I was glad I wasn't alone. I noticed Silas was here, hanging out with his friends from yesterday, Max and Eevee. He was smiling at me. He could probably smell me coming. I tried to ignore him and skip my rocks, but it was hard. He was so confident while he was walking over to me, so beautiful. "Hello, Baby," he said as he came to me. He used to use his vampire speed, but it scared me whenever he did, so he stopped. Now, he would walk super slow to get to me. "Hello, Silas. How are you today?" I asked while picking up another rock. "Don't beat around the bush. Have you found your mate yet?" he asked sadly. "No." "Oh," he replied with a smile. Of course, he was happy about it. "Well, what about your power, Baby." "No mate, no power. I'm starting to think I don't even have a power." I don't think Silas was even listening to me. After I told him I hadn't found my mate yet, he had a smile on his face. It just meant that either I hadn't come across him yet, or he was younger than me. It would have been even worse if he was from a pack that we don't associate with. The thought of not finding my mate made my stomach turn, and I became angry. I had a maximum of two years to find my mate. The longer I waited, the more difficult it became. I was not particularly concerned about finding my mate or gaining power immediately. However, I hoped to at least achieve one of these goals. Silas stared at me, waiting for me to speak, but I did not want to say anything more. I was upset. As I was thinking about having to attend the birthday party, I picked up a rock and held it in my palm. To my surprise, it turned into a balloon and rose into the sky. The words 'happy birthday' were written on it. Silas and I looked at each other, confused. I picked up another rock and thought about the birthday party again. This time, it exploded in my hand, causing Silas and me to jump. "Silas, did you see that?" I asked excitedly. "Of course, I saw it, Baby. It's your power, isn't it?" I picked up a rock and tried to turn it into a balloon. To my surprise, the rock actually turned into a balloon and popped. I tried it again with another rock, and the same thing happened. I repeated the process several times and realized that my power was turning rocks into balloons. Although it was not exactly what I wanted, I was still happy with the outcome, as I could now do birthday parties. "Is it just balloons? Why don't you try turning it into something else," Silas said, coming closer to me and wrapping an arm around my waist. "Like what?" After thinking for a minute, he said, "What about a blood bag for me? I'm hungry. " It was unsettling to know that Silas, being a vampire, drank blood. He and his family consumed blood bags to remain discreet and sometimes resorted to drinking from animals. I picked up another rock, and instead of concentrating on the party, I focused on the fact that Silas was hungry. I brought my feelings for him to the forefront of my mind, and soon, a blood bag was sitting in my hand. Silas snatched it away quickly. "Just in case. I wouldn't want it to explode like the balloons," Silas said jokingly. "You're not going to drink that in front of me, are you, Silas?" "Not if you don't want me to, Baby," he replied, grabbing my hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it, making me smile. He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but marvel at his beautiful face. "You want to go show people, don't you?" he asked sadly, knowing our time was ending. "Yes, I'm sorry," I replied, hugging him. I was too excited to think about the consequences. "Will you help me gather some rocks?" When I went to back away, he held me in place. His breathing became heavy, and he moved his eyes to mine. His grip was so tight on me. His eyes were blood red, and he was fighting against his nature. I wasn't too worried. He always managed to pull himself back from the edge; he just needed a few seconds. I knew that as his obsession, he wouldn't hurt me. "You can't hang on me like that, Baby. It makes me lose control. I get so excited," he said while releasing me. "I'm sorry, Silas. I am just so happy to have found my power." Silas honored my request to not turn me into a vampire. However, I could sense that he was not pleased with my decision. I hated that our circumstances were causing him distress, and I always felt guilty for it. But he didn't let his frustration show for long and soon smiled back at me. "I wish I could show you what you do to me, Baby." Silas leaned in and softly kissed my cheek, leaving a chill on my skin behind. I couldn't help the funny feelings creeping up into my heart. He let out a little laugh, likely feeling what I was emotionally. He then bent down and started gathering up some rocks for me. When we had enough, we both stood up. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it with a smile. "I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Baby. I am happy I got to see you, even briefly." As I felt a slight pink tint on my cheeks, I turned away from Silas so he couldn't see. I didn't want to give him any false hope. Although I knew Silas could sense my emotions, I didn't want to confirm them for him as it would only make things worse. As I walked away, I could feel Silas' gaze on me, and a sudden jolt of electricity ran through my body. I started making the short walk home. I knew I had to prepare for this party, but I wanted to show my mother and father my new power. I was surprised to see my father home again. I figured he would have been out driving a truck. He must have had to stay home and attend the party because the alpha demanded it. "Mom, Dad, look. I found my power," I said, pulling a rock out of my bag. I quickly turned it into a piece of cake. I handed the cake over to my father, and he smiled, taking it. "Not bad," my father said, taking a bite. My father had an amazing power - he could control water, including rain. Whenever we went to the swimming hole, he would often splash me with water while I sunbathed. Dad and I had a habit of constantly bickering. He would sometimes make it rain only over my head or splash me while I did the dishes. On other occasions, he would stop the water flow going to the shower, leaving me with soapy hair. "Emily, Dear, you must get ready for the party." I walked up the stairs to my room and picked up the dress and shoes that I had set aside in my closet. After taking a quick shower, I straightened my hair and applied some makeup. I wanted to look good in case I met my mate tonight. Next, I put on the dress and shoes, even though I had only worn heels once before in my life, and I knew it was going to be a struggle. I exited the bathroom and returned to my room. As soon as I sat on the bed, I got dizzy and heard Alpha Dennis' voice in my head. Emily, I invited your friends, Tate Young and Silas Porter, to the party. I have yet to get a response from them, but it would be better for you to have friends around. I knew Tate wouldn't want to go to the party. He just wasn't the best one to have in a happy setting. I then thought of Silas. I hoped he wouldn't show up if I found my mate. I wanted to tell him when I was ready, not when he found out. Silas could be impulsive and act irrationally at times. I wasn't sure how he would react to me finding my mate. But, I hoped he would continue to support me and be the best friend he could be, even after I found my mate. I took one last look in the mirror. I was a tall girl, and with the heels I was wearing, I was even taller. I was skinny but had curves in all the right places. Most she-wolves looked like models, and I was no different, even though I was an omega. Most male wolves were tall, so the extra height from my heels was a good thing.
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