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My birthday was tomorrow, and I had to be presented to the alpha. I was only an omega, so I wasn't sure why. It wasn't like I could be an alpha's mate. I was too low of a rank. Not that I wanted to be a luna. The job came with too much responsibility. "Please be safe, Baby," Silas responded. He reached up and stroked my cheek, leaving goosebumps on my arms behind. I went outside and noticed it was still a bright, sunny day. Vampires around here were not like the ones you read about in books. They didn't burn in the sun, and they most definitely didn't sparkle. Nothing happened to them. They occasionally get a headache if they stay in the sun too long. Silas told me he had one for ten days because he was outside the whole time. The werewolves were also different. We got powers when we turned 18 years old. There's nothing fancy like flying or invisibility, but there are still some cool tricks. My sister, Avery, could grow plants at will, including the trees, if she wanted to. Whenever she would forget Mother's Day, she would grow a rose in her hand, and mom would forgive her. Our alpha, Alpha Dennis Rylie, who recently took over for his father at age 20, could move the clouds in the sky. Whenever he wanted the sun to be out, he just moved the clouds out of his way. He could even turn them into shapes. My mother, Grace, had the most extraordinary power. She could reverse time. Only for 10 seconds, but sometimes that was all you needed, like when Avery pushed me off a cliff when I was eight. Mom was able to save me. The angel of death wasn't too happy about it, but he gave up my soul. I can't wait until tomorrow. Wolves get to meet their mates. Well, sometimes, they could be hard to find. I get to find out what my power will be and become an official member of the pack by getting a job appointed by the alpha himself. I walked over to the tree line and looked around. I was alone. I started stripping off my clothes so that they didn't rip during my transformation. My bones cracked, and pain shot through my entire body. I was still new to changing; this was only my second time. The first was when I turned 17 and got my wolf. I turned into my beautiful, red-haired, blue-eyed wolf. I was smaller in size, but that was normal for an omega. Before I could take off, I got dizzy, and Alpha Dennis' voice drifted through my head. I need all my wolves to return to the pack house immediately. That's an order. I let out a huff. Of course, it was an order. Everything was with Alpha Dennis. I couldn't disobey him even if I wanted to. I quickly turned back into my human form and got dressed. Each time was more straightforward than the last. There was little pain. I went to my car and started it up. I started going to the pack house, the place I hated most. Even more than human territories. When I got to the pack house, cars lined the trees to the front gate. We were the second oldest pack in the land but didn't have many members. Alpha Dennis was very picky, along with his father, Alpha Joseph. They only brought in new members if necessary. I found my mother, Grace, and my father, Logan, waiting for me at the door. We walked inside, and Mom was smiling happily. I was not. I didn't care for authority. Once inside, I spotted Alpha Dennis standing at the top of the grand staircase with his mother, Luna Evelyn. Alpha Dennis was, of course, gorgeous. Most alphas were. Alpha Dennis had medium-length sandy blonde hair and baby-blue eyes. He also had a perfect natural tan. Alpha Dennis was wearing a simple white button-up T-shirt and blue jeans. He was a kind alpha, just like his father if we obeyed him well enough. "Good evening, everyone. We have five pack members turning 18 tomorrow, and I will be throwing them all a birthday party." It was weird that the alpha would throw a birthday party. It wasn't like we didn't have to be presented to the alpha anyway. This made it easier in the long run, with so many of us turning 18 tomorrow. I know it didn't sit well with me. I was too old for birthday parties. "As you know, I, your alpha, have yet to find my mate. So many have been presented to me. I have a good feeling about tomorrow. Sometimes, the bond could take some time to show, so I would like to spend some time with all of them at the party. I don't want to overlook anyone." I knew many of us, but he still could have done this one-on-one. The other four wolves were all friends. I didn't make the cut. There were two boys and three girls, including myself. "The families that must attend are the Wyatt family. Make sure that Emily is presented here tomorrow," he said. Of course, all eyes turned on me, and I felt so small. Alpha Dennis' gaze seemed to linger on me, but I was sure that was because I was so awkward. "The Sanders family, make sure Olivia is presented here tomorrow. The Peterson family will make sure Lynn is presented here tomorrow. The Turner and Simons family are to be here as well. Make sure that Sebastian and Gabriel are here tomorrow. They may not be my mates, but the party is also for them," Alpha Dennis demanded if we could disobey him. He worded everything as an order. We had no choice but to show up. With all that said, Alpha Dennis and Luna Evelyn started descending the stairs to mingle with the pack. I made a quick getaway since I was no longer needed there. I was grateful that the alpha included me, but there was no way I was his mate. My mother and father stayed behind to chat with everyone. I wanted to go for my run. When I was done with my run, I went home. My mother and father were home. Mom had made dinner, and I had missed it. I felt terrible about it. "Hello, Mom. I'm home," I said as I shut the door. "Oh, Emily, Darling. You'll never guess what Alpha Dennis told me today. He said he would be pleased to have you as his mate and that you are beautiful. Can you believe it?" "There is zero possibility that I am his mate." "There is so. You have just as much chance as anyone else. I, for one, think you would make a fine Luna." Luna, even the word made my stomach turn. I didn't want it. I would just make a fool of myself. I wasn't Luna material. I would already make a fool of myself at the party tomorrow. Alpha Dennis was so intimidating. I was going to be a wreck. "When does this party start?" I asked. "You are to be ready and there by 4 o'clock." I nodded and then headed to my room. When I arrived, I noticed that my entire room had been ransacked. I wondered who would come into my room and do this, and then I remembered Silas. He probably had a bad day after I left and had a meltdown. This wouldn't be the first time. While cleaning up, I found a knee-high black dress I decided to wear to the party tomorrow. I also found a pair of red heels that would go great with the dress. It was classy and elegant and made me look like an adult. I might not have been Alpha Dennis' mate, but I was still hoping to find my mate tomorrow, so I still wanted to look good. I was growing more and more excited about turning 18. I just wanted to see what I would become. Once I was done cleaning, I crawled into bed. I lay down and thought about everything. My mind was running away from me. What if Alpha Dennis was my mate? What if Silas was? He would be so happy. It was rare for a wolf to have a human mate, let alone a vampire mate. I fell asleep thinking about crazy things.
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