1372 Words

I looked over at Silas. His eyes were still blood red, and he looked ready to pounce on me like a lion. I looked everywhere to try and find a way to stop the blood, but there was nothing. I had no choice but to ingest it. I couldn't spit it out anymore; it was just driving Silas wild. We didn't speak a word to each other. Silas was trembling, trying to control himself, sitting next to me while I was bleeding. I thought he was doing well, but every so often, he would move his mouth over mine and start consuming the blood that made it past my lips. He would then pull away, upset with himself. When I did finally stop bleeding, he took about an hour to calm down. The sun rose over the trees, and I still wondered what we were doing here. I had never been to this part of the woods. It was a pl

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