1714 Words

Silas P.O.V. I was racing through the trees. I heard paws hitting the ground behind me. The wolves were tracking me. I wasn't sure if I should run faster to lose them or hold back so they could keep up. All I knew was I had to get to that blood and suck Emily dry of it. I needed to take her as mine. After all this time, tonight was the night. I arrived in the city. I was apprehensive about going in. The town was filled with humans, and they hated beings like me. The aroma of her blood was too powerful, and it overpowered my fear. I went flying down the street, searching for her. It wasn't too hard to find her; the fragrance of her blood was leading me right to her. I no longer heard paws hitting the ground behind me. The wolves must have stopped pursuing me once we got to the city. It wa

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