1998 Words

I had a headache when I woke up the next morning. Silas had sucked all the blood out of my body minus a drop. I trusted him. I was wrong, too. How could he do this to me? One minute, we were making love, and the next, he was draining the life out of me. He didn’t even try to fight it. What was going to happen to me? I already knew. I was going to become a vampire, and when I did, I was going to kill him. To become a vampire, you had to be bled dry of all but a drop of blood in your body. After that, it wasn’t a pretty sight. I would become feral. The process of becoming undead was rough. It consisted of a high fever, vomiting profusely, dizziness, hunger, and then death. It wasn’t going to be good for me. I was so mad at Silas. What has he done? I couldn’t show how mad I was because I kn

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