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As Tanya went to school, she couldn't help but worry about her family's predicament. When she passed by Tanner conglomerate, she once again recalled Colby's offer to her. Afraid that he was going to see her, she ran quickly and left the premises of his company. Colby Tanner saw her running away and laughed loudly as he found it quite amusing. He called his assistant and said, " If Tanya doesn't agree to my terms today, make sure you throw her entire family out of the house. I want to see what she would do if I happen to be the only solution to her problems." Colby's assistant couldn't help but feel sorry for Tanya. He knew Colby Tanner never took no for an answer and Tanya had innocently come under his radar. There was no way out for her now. When Tanya got to school, she decided to swallow her pride and ask Elaine for help. She was hopeful that, for the sake of the relationship they shared when they were little, Elaine was going to help her. She could probably lend her the money or convince her parents to create a space for her and her grandmother to stay in one of their bedrooms for the time being, since they had many rooms in their house. However, what Tanya experienced when she got to school was far from what she had ever imagined or planned. Tanya sat on her desk and drooled when she saw Derek walking out of the class. She couldn't help but stare dreamily at him. "How I wish you were mine" she thought to herself. She had intended to confess her feelings to him today since it didn't work out yesterday but she had more pressing problems to deal with, so she decided that the matter of her feelings for Derek was going to be put on hold for the time being. Tanya kept thinking of how she was going to approach Elaine and ask for help. While she was still sitting and planning, Sheila, accompanied by her minions, came to stand in front of her and Elaine happened to be among them. Tanya was surprised when she saw Elaine because she didn't know Ellen had become one of Sheila's minions. Sheila laughed loudly, attracting the attention of the whole class before poking her finger on Tanya's forehead. Tanya suddenly became afraid, she didn't want to start a fight since she was merely a scholarship student while Sheila's father was a member of the school board and had made a lot of donations to the school. she knew that picking a fight with Sheila was going to get her suspended from school and that was going to affect her scholarship. She couldn't afford for that to happen, especially now that she had much bigger problems to worry about. So she politely asked Sheila, "what do you want from me?" Sheila held the cup of yoghurt she was holding in her hands above Tanya's head and emptied the the whole content on her. As the yoghurt covered her face and rolled over her body, Tanya felt very cold. She looked up at Sheila with tears in her eyes and said, "what would you hope to achieve by doing this?" Sheila Smirked before saying, "this should serve as a warning to you, stay away from my boyfriend Derek. I know you don't stand a chance but I can't bear to see you looking at him all the time as if you want to eat him up. Take a good look at yourself, you're nothing but trash. Look at what you call, your phone, I'm not even sure you can make calls with this yet you dare to look at my boyfriend and check him out. You must be out of your silly mind. This is my final warning to you because the next time I catch you staring at my Derek, I will gorge your eyes out." All the girls who were standing behind Sheila laughed at Tanya and Elaine even laughed the hardest. Tanya felt so bad. She had earlier planned to ask Elaine for help but it turned out that Elaine had not only stopped being her friend but had also become her enemy. At this point she knew she didn't have anyone else to turn to. With tears in her eyes, Tanya ran to the bathroom to clean herself up. While she was in there, she said to herself, "they pick on me and bully me because they know that I can't fight back since I'm a scholarship student. I can't take this anymore. If I wore fancy designer clothes and had so much money, no one would dare to treat me this way. Now I know what I have to do. I will help my grandma and change my life in this school. All those who have stepped on me and made a mockery of me, I promise that I'm going to step all over them as well." With this determination, Tanya cleaned herself up and went back to class. She ignored all the stares of mockery she was getting from her classmates and paid attention in class. She made up her mind that on her way home today, she was going to stop by Tanner conglomerates and have a chat with Colby. If that was what it was going to take to put everyone in their place and give her grandma a better life, she was going to do it. Afterall, no one else cared about her and no one bothered to know what she was going through or how she was affected by their actions, so she was going to change. On her way back from school, Tanya stopped by Tanner conglomerate. As she looked up at the tall building, she suddenly became afraid and her resolve began to waver. She wondered if she was making a mistake. Meanwhile, Colby saw Tanya from above his office as he was already checking the road since he knew she usually passed around this time. He felt extremely happy when he saw her standing in front of the building and immediately asked his PA to get down and bring her up to his office. He knew that he had gotten her where he wanted, she was now going to become his and he was finally going to have someone to warm his bed.
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