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As Tanya stood in front of Tanner conglomerates, she couldn't make up her mind whether to go back or proceed inside. Just as she was still contemplating on what to do, she saw David, Colby's assistant standing in front of her. David smiled politely at her and said, "please come with me." She followed him and they both went up through the elevator to colby's office. When they got to colby's office, David ushered Tanya inside and left. As Tanya sat on the couch, her heart was beating rapidly. She was scared of what she was about to do. "This is a bad idea" she said to herself and stood up to leave. Right at that moment Colby came out of his bedroom. "Where do you think you're going, young lady?" he asked, halting her steps. Tanya stopped moving. She had her back to Colby and was afraid to turn. She didn't know how to face him considering how she had proudly told him that she wasn't for sale, the last time she was here. Colby didn't rub it in as he knew that Tanya would never have come back if he didn't force her hand. "Sit down Tanya" Colby said to her. She quietly sat down on the couch. "I see you finally thought about my offer, and the fact that you're here means you are ready to sign a contract." "What contract are you talking about?" Tanya asked. "Well, since I can't trust you completely to not run off on me, I've prepared a three years contract to ensure that you stay by my side until you get used to me. If after three years, you don't want to be my sugar baby anymore, you'll be free to go. Rest assured that I will pay you every single dime like I said before." " You want me to be your w***e for three years?" Tanya asked, seemingly enraged. "Listen" Colby said, "this is an arrangement that is going to benefit you a lot. Think about your college. With this arrangement, you can go to college without any hassle or worries. You'll get to live like a big girl and you can buy whatever you want and vacation in any country of your choice. All you just need to do is sign the contract and stick to it because if you break the contract, you'll pay billions of dollars as compensation." "Alright, I'll sign the contract but I need you to pay me upfront. I need fifty thousand dollars." "Why do you need that amount of money?" Colby pretended to ask. "I mean, you were not interested when I told you about this and all of a sudden you need fifty thousand dollars? Don't get me wrong, that's a very small amount of money for me but for someone like you, I know that is quite big, so I want to know why you need the money." "Well, I have a problem at home with my accommodation" Tanya replied, "I need to pay for the house I live in, that's why I need the money" "Alright then, take this black card. It is unlimited and can buy whatever you want.Take as much money as you want from it and buy whatever you feel like buying. I'm going to take care of you baby girl." Tanya looked at him in surprise and slowly accepted the card. She knew what he was talking about because she had heard her classmates talk about the power of the black card. "Since I'm already selling myself, I might as well enjoy the perks that come with it." Tanya thought. Colby Tanner took out the contract from his drawer and gave it to Tanya. She quickly read through it and asked, "where do I sign?" He showed her where to sign and she did. "I have to go now" she said. "My grandma really needs me." "Not so fast young lady" Colby said. "Your job starts today, and I mean right now." Tanya anxiously scratched her head. "This man must be really eager to have s*x with me." She thought. Colby regarded Tanya for a while as he wondered what was going through her mind. Tanya finally made eye contact with him and said, "okay, let's get it over with." She stood up with a sad face and started walking towards his bedroom. At first, Colby stared at her wondering where she was going to. When he noticed that she was headed for his bedroom, he stopped her and said "Tanya darling, I'm feeling very hungry let's go for lunch." Tanya heaved a sigh of relief as she turned back, her face as red as a tomato. Colby put his hand around her neck and strung her along as he left his office. Tanya felt very uncomfortable and shy. She couldn't deny that Colby Tanner smelled really nice but she had never been in this particular position before and it made her tense. Colby took her to a very expensive restaurant. Tanya was afraid that she would be seen by someone who knew her so she kept hiding her face. "what do you think you're doing?" Colby asked when he noticed that she was covering her face. "I don't want to be recognised by anyone especially since this is what I wore to school today. If any of my classmates sees me, I'll be done for, as they will have more reasons to gossip and make fun of me in class." "First of all, the people in your circle can't come to this place and who would dare make fun of my girl?" colby asked casually. "Well, there are people like that in my class" Tanya replied. "That shouldn't be a problem." Colby said. "If anyone tries it, just let me know and I'll teach you how to deal with them. Is that why your eyes are red? Have you been crying? Is someone making trouble for you in class? Go ahead and tell me." "Nevermind, it's something I can now handle" Tanya said confidently. Colby ordered for two plates of beluga's Almas caviar. Tanya didn't know what it was because she had never heard about such food before. She decided to look at the menu and when she saw the price, couldn't help but shake her head. She felt it was wrong for her to eat such an expensive meal when grandma Lois barely had any food to eat. As if sensing her thoughts, colby said, "don't worry. I've asked them to wrap up some lobster frittata for you. You can enjoy it with your grandma when you get home." Tanya nodded her head and thanked him. After eating, Colby took Tanya out for shopping, telling her that as his girl, she needed to upgrade her style. When they got to the mall, he asked them to pack up all the designer clothes, shoes and bags that were in vogue according to Tanya's style. He also got her the latest iphone model. Tanya was overwhelmed. She didn't know what to feel and was afraid that her grandma would be suspicious. "Just tell her that I've employed you as my personal assistant and you work part time, after school. Also tell her that I insist you wear designer clothes only and I've made provision for it in your allowance. I can even come home with you if you want and talk to her." "No, please don't," Tanya quickly stopped him. He gave her address to the manager and asked them to deliver all the items to her house in the evening. After that, he drove Tanya home in his Rolls Royce , despite her continuous refusal for him to do so. When they got to her house,Tanya thanked him profusely. She felt really happy about her new iphone and couldn't wait to show off at school. Just as she was about to open the door of the car, colby dragged her back, put his hand behind her head and kissed her lips.
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