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Tanya turned to walk away but ended up losing her balance and falling flat on her face. Colby Tanner couldn't help laughing at her clumsy behavior. Embarassed, she immediately picked herself up and ran out of his office. She hurriedly took the elevator and headed down. As she finally exited Tanner Conglomerate, she turned back to look at the tall building again and everything suddenly felt surreal. She couldn't believe that of all the people in the world, a man like Colby Tanner really took a fancy to her. Her self esteem was now boosted up. She decided she was not going to give up, she would try the following day and confess her feelings to Derek. With this determination, she happily walked home. Colby Tanner laid down on his office couch, musing over what had just happened. He wondered what Tanya would do if he forced her into a corner. One thing was certain though, he wasn't going to let her slip from his fingers. She had evoked a certain longing in his loins which no one else had been able to do, after his wife. Standing up, he picked up his phone from his table and made a call to his personal assistant, "see me in my office right away." When his personal assistant arrived, colby stretched out his hand, "where is the file I asked you to prepare for me?" "I have sent it to your email sir," his PA replied. He opened his mail and read all the information on Tanya that his PA had compiled. "Good job" he commended. "Now send some people to Tanya's house, I want her forced into a corner. Any one who tries to help her should suffer the same fate. I want her to have no other choice but to come to me and I want everything done before the end of today. I expect a positive result from you, David. You can go ahead." David nodded his head and left Colby Tanner's office. Tanya received the fright of her life when she arrived home and saw her grandmother's kiosk completely demolished. Their belongings were being thrown out of the house by some men while her grandmother sat by the side, crying her eyes out. She immediately ran to her grandmother's side and hugged her. "What is going on grandma? Why are they destroying our house? And what happened to your kiosk?" "We are doomed Tanya," her grandmother said while crying. "The house has been sold and the new owner says he wants to demolish it, build a finer structure and put it up for sale. The only condition he gave is if I can pay fifty thousand dollars. Where are we supposed to go? And how am I supposed to come up with such a huge amount of money? With my kiosk destroyed how will we feed? How can the new owner be so mean?" Tanya started crying as well. She got up and tried to reason with the men but they told her it was futile. Left with no other choice, Tanya's grandmother decided to call her only surviving son, Larry, for help. He lived in a one bedroom apartment with his wife and only son, so Tanya was worried about how they would all stay in that one small house but her grandmother reminded her that they didn't have any other choice. When she called Larry, his wife answered the call saying that Larry traveled out of town for work and forgot his phone. Tanya's grandmother told her about their situation and pleaded with her to accommodate them for a few days. When Tanya heard that her uncle had traveled, she almost broke down. She knew his wife Maria was a mean woman and would refuse to accommodate them. When Maria's Son, Matt had given Tanya his old iPhone because his father got him a new one, Maria had thrown a fit and tried to take back the phone from her but Uncle Larry had stepped in and stopped her. Just like Tanya had feared, Maria refused, telling grandma Lois that she sympathized with them but her house did not have enough space to accommodate them. Grandma Lois cried even more and clutched her chest as she began to feel a sharp pain. Tanya screamed and begged her not to break down. Seeing that their actions was taking a toll on Grandma Lois's health, one of the men secretly made a phone call to David, who in turn called Colby Tanner and told him about the development. Colby gave him instructions on what to do and he relayed the information back to the man. While Tanya and grandma Lois were still crying, The leader of the group of men came to them and said, due to grandma Lois health, they were giving them twenty four hours to vacate the house or pay up the money. If they didn't do that, they will be thrown out the next day. Tanya helped her grandmother back into the house and placed her on her bed while she tried to clean the house which had been made into a mess. She brought in the things that had been thrown outside with great difficulty. She was so tired when she finished but she still struggled to make food for her grandmother. She fed grandma Lois her food and drugs while she couldn't bring herself to eat. Tanya found it difficult to sleep as she was worried about what would happen the next day. She didn't want to think about Colby's offer because for her, selling s****l favors was not an option. In the end she decided to search for a Job the next day. If she was fortunate to see one that came with accommodation, she would take her grandma and move there. With this determination she finally drifted off to sleep. The next day, Tanya told grandma Lois about her intention to search for a Job but she refused, insisting that as a scholarship student, she couldn't afford to miss school. "Leave it to me," she told Tanya. "I will go to Maria's house and convince her because we do not have any other option." Tanya knew that Maria would treat her grandma badly but there was nothing else she could do, so she got ready and left for school.
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