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Tanya instinctively tried to push Colby away but she couldn't do it because he was way stronger than her. "What are you doing Mr Colby?" Tanya asked when Colby finally broke away. "Do you want my grandma to catch me?" Colby smiled and said, "Relax baby, the glass of my car is tinted." Tanya suddenly felt shy as she realised that Colby Tanner had just stolen her first kiss. "Why do you look so shy?" Colby asked "was that your first kiss?" Tanya replied yes by nodding her head. She had always dreamt of Derek being the first guy she would ever kiss but it didn't happen that way. "You were too nervous just now" Colby said, breaking her thoughts. "Let's try it again" As he spoke, he pulled Tanya's face closer for another kiss. Tanya closed her eyes this time around, her heart was beating fast due to fear and she couldn't wait for it to be over. She knew that there was no way she could back out now as she had already signed the contract and received his black card. So, she willed her mind to imagine that Derek was the one kissing her. With this method, Tanya stopped squeezing her face and allowed Colby to explore her mouth to his heart's content. When he was satisfied, Colby opened the door and let Tanya out. She came out of the car sneakily and ran into the house. Colby couldn't help but laugh at her actions. When she entered inside her house, she called out for her grandmother but she wasn't around so Tanya quickly dialled her number. Grandma Lois told Tanya that she had gone to beg her aunt, Maria to accommodate them for the time being. Tanya however, told her grandma to forget about it and come back home as she had gotten a job and now had the money to pay for their house. "Are you sure about what you are telling me?" grandma Lois asked. "I hope you're not saying this just because you don't want me to beg your aunt Maria. Do not forget that we don't have anywhere else to go, you had better be telling me the truth Tanya." "Grandma, why are you talking like this? would I lie to you? You know I will never want us to live on the streets. If I am telling you that I have the money, it means I do. So, please come back home. I have good news for you and I bought a lot of goodies for you too. Grandma Lois left her daughter-in-law's house and made her way back home. When she saw that Tanya had a very happy look on her face, she instantly knew that she wasn't joking around. "How and where did you get a job?" Grandma Lois asked Tanya. "And how come they gave you so much money just like that? I don't understand this." Tanya smiled happily and replied, "well, I went to Tanner Conglomerates and applied for a job." Grandma Lois looked at Tanya with suspicion written all over her face. "You, a little girl who is still in high school, went to Tanner Conglomerates, applied for a job and they took you. Who are you trying to fool Tanya? I may be old but I'm definitely not stupid. As if Tanner Conglomerates is a place where one can easily get a job. There are so many college graduates waiting in line to be employed there and they just happened to pick you, who has not even finished high school? What are you not telling me Tanya?" Tanya suddenly became afraid. As it seemed grandma Lois was onto her. Deciding to go with the story Colby had cooked up for her, she smiled and said, "Relax grandma, it didn't happen the way you are thinking. Let me explain everything from the beginning. I left school earlier and went to Tanner conglomerates to apply for a job but they wouldn't let me in. I wanted to beg for the job of a part time cleaner so that we will have a place to stay because I learnt that they have houses all over the country and their staffs are given accommodation in those houses. The security refused to let me in because I didn't have an appointment. I was very sad, so I stood outside with tears in my eyes wondering what to do. Just at that very moment, Mr Colby Tanner walked into the building. When he saw me, he was surprised and asked, "young lady what are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I immediately opened up and told him everything. I told him that I am a high school scholarship student, I live with my grandma and that we are about to lose our home so I needed a part time job which I could do after school. He was really touched by my predicament and took me to his office which was on the highest floor in the building. His office happened to have a kitchen, a bedroom and so on. It was extremely large and beautiful. He offered me the job of being his PA. My job description is different from that of his official personal assistant. What I need to do every day is, go over there after school, make coffee for him, clean the kitchen, the bedroom, the office and and run some errands for him as well. After that, I can close for the day and come back home. Look, this is the black card he gave me so I can solve all my problems. He said I can spend as much as I want since the card is limitless, as long as I do my job Judiciously. Now, I can pay the fifty thousand dollars we need for this house. So, we don't have to move, we don't have to suck up to aunt Maria and we certainly don't have to live on the streets grandma."
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