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Grandma Lois looked at Tanya, utterly speechless with tears brewing in her eyes. Meanwhile, Tanya continued speaking, "Mr. Colby Tanner insisted I wear designer clothes because he doesn't want me looking cheap around him. So he allowed me to spend from the black card. I bought a lot of designer clothes, bags, and shoes for myself as well as for you. I even got the latest iPhone for myself and then stopped at a fancy restaurant to have lunch. Here, I brought home some lobster frittata for us to enjoy and in a short while, the sales representative from the mall will deliver all the things I bought right here in our house. I just wanted to give you a heads-up so you won't be surprised when they arrive. "Are you telling me the truth, Tanya?" Grandma Lois asked once more. I've heard people say that since Mr. Colby Tanner lost his family, he has been mean and cold to everyone around him and doesn't care about anyone." Tanya immediately replied, "I had also thought so grandma. You can imagine my surprise when he chose to help me. Maybe he did it because he has lost a family before. Who knows? But one thing is for sure grandma, I promise you that henceforth our life is only going to get better. I will give you the best medical treatment that I can afford, change your wardrobe and furnish this house. We will eat good food and you won't have to do that small business anymore because I will open a big shop for you and you can do whatever business you want to do. I feel very happy and very fortunate Grandma. Why don't you go and freshen up while I set the table, so we can enjoy the food I bought." "Alright," Grandma Lois said happily and went into the room. Tanya breathed a sigh of relief. she felt guilty that she had lied so shamelessly to her grandma's face. "I wish I could tell you the truth grandma," she thought to herself. "But I know you will never support what I'm doing because it's wrong. I don't think I have any other choice and, if you someday found out that I lied to you, please understand why I had to do this and find it in your heart to forgive me." Tanya set the table, displaying the sumptuous frittata. They ate it together and Grandma Lois enjoyed it so much that when Tanya saw the expression on her face, she told herself that it was worth it. Soon enough, The designer clothes, bags, and shoes that Tanya had bought were delivered to her house. Grandma Lois was surprised when she saw how many they were. Smacking Tanya on the arm she said, "you silly girl, why would you buy so many things? The fact that Mr. Colby Tanner gave you his black card doesn't mean you should spend the money recklessly. What if he gets angry?" "Come on Grandma, didn't I tell you that he was the one who insisted that I should shop and buy so many things? He said I could spend as much as I want because the card is limitless. I am working for him now so I need to get as many designer clothes as possible. "What if I ended up looking cheap in Mr. Colby's eyes because I was trying to manage the money? Don't you think he will fire me as he had already said that he doesn't want me looking cheap around him? Please, Grandma, don't be like this okay? I'm going to work hard for the money so don't worry. Next week, I'll get you a new phone and open up a big shop for you. Since you enjoyed the lobster so much, I will buy it occasionally and bring it for you okay?" "There's no need for that" Grandma Lois replied. "I've already said I don't want you spending unnecessarily." "How can spending money on you be considered unnecessary? Don't look down on yourself Grandma. I'm going to work very hard and spend all my money on you because I want you to be excessively happy." "Alright fine, have it your way" Grandma Lois replied happily, finally giving in. Later in the night as Tanya prepared to sleep, she received a call from Colby. Her face became flushed as she remembered the way he had kissed her earlier in the day. She wondered why he was calling and after much hesitation, decided to answer his call. "My baby, how are you?" "I'm fine Mr. Colby" Tanya replied. "I hope your grandmother isn't giving you a hard time?" "No, she isn't, I told her exactly what you asked me to tell her and she's fine with it." "Alright then, that settles it," Colby said happily. "So how are you feeling? " I already told you before that I'm fine" Tanya replied. "I mean how are you feeling about the kiss? It was your first kiss, so I'm eager to know " "I don't understand how you expect me to feel Mr. Colby but I am okay." "Alright, let's forget about it," Colby said disappointedly. "I don't want you to call me Mr. Colby anymore." "What am I supposed to call you then?" "Call me darling, is that clear?" " Yes, Mr. Colby" Tanya replied. " That isn't how I said you should call me, correct yourself" " Yes darling," Tanya said and immediately ended the call. Colby laughed when he noticed Tanya had ended the call and said more to himself "soon baby, you will come around." Tanya was feeling extremely shy so she wondered how she was going to face Colby Tanner tomorrow. She thought about Derek and her feelings for him and sighed sadly before saying to herself; "I guess I can't have everything so, I chose my family's happiness. Goodbye, Derek my love, I will always love you." After speaking, she lay on her bed and drifted off to sleep.
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