White t-shirt

1217 Words
Rain's pov My feet hurriedly followed that person's steps, yet he disappeared within seconds. “Where did he go?” My lips murmured. Right…I was the only human, they're all wolves, and my legs can't match their incredible speed. All my mind took notes of his white fit t-shirt with GET LOST written so on the back and a middle finger sign beside it. My feet slowly walked through the long corridor and reached in front of classes. My eyes started to peek into every class through the windows, but no such t-shirt caught my eyes. “Did he just vanish or what?” *Bell rings Everyone rushed out with so much force that I fell on the floor, and just like that first period was over. Students here definitely lacked manners, they didn't even bother to give me a hand of help…bunch of je*ks. Suddenly in the crowd, my eyes spotted that white shirt, he went upstairs. “Oh my God!” I got up on my own, aggressively made my way through the crowd and followed him upstairs. The terrace was as big as an auditorium, but it was also the same place from where Sylvia jumped off. My gaze searched around, but he was nowhere to be seen!! A strange noise attracted my attention from the left side of the terrace. Perhaps, it was that guy with white shirt. My feet slowly moved in that direction, yet someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me on the other side of the terrace. “Who?” My eyes widened!! It was that same white t-shirt guy!! Our eyes met for the first time and if my lips could describe him one word, that would be…gorgeous. His black short messy hair and his light brown eyes were a perfect combination to his tan glowing skin. He appeared to be unreal, every feature of his face was so handsomely craved that one could get themselves lost admiring his looks. The way that shirt fit his body was clearly exposing his masculinity without revealing the starkness underneath. His half sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders, they were flaunting his biceps and veins. His fingers flicked before my eyes and pulled me back to reality. “You have my admission receipt.” Words came out of my mouth. His brow twitched and he tilted his head with curiosity. Also, he was still holding my wrist with the same strong grip. “Admission receipt?” His husky voice finally broke the silence. His voice could be used as a drug to lure people, way too seductive, even for someone as strong minded as me. My eyes pointed at his shoes and he slowly shifted his gaze in my finger’s direction, only to see my admission receipt stuck beneath his shoes. He didn't give any reaction, he must be shocked, I guess. His leg lifted in the air and his fingers pulled out the admission receipt from underneath his shoes. He gave it back to me and freed my wrist. “Thank you!” My lips mumbled. I turned my back and was about to leave… “But why did you pull me here?” My face turned to him again. His back leaned against the wall and he crossed his arms, whereas his head slightly bent down. “Someone is fu*king their girlfriend, wanna go and see them?” His sarcastic words blew me off my mind. When my ears focused on those strange voices again, they actually turned out to be moans of love making, so he was telling the truth. I have been locked up in my house for so long that even the moans of love were confusing me, all thanks to Father. “Ahm…Thank you so much for saving me from embarrassment.” He didn't reply to my gratitude and sealed back his mouth with silence. My feet slowly walked out of his sight and headed straight to the principal's office on the third floor, fourth red door. It was quite difficult to find it though. The office was dark from inside and college achievements claimed by students were decorated on each four of the walls. “You must be Rain Bonetti, right?” Father changed my real surname Barbin to Bonetti as I'll be pretending to be his niece, who recently lost her family in a bad car accident. “Can I see your certificates?” My nervousness handed it over to him. Father created my fake marksheet and certificates, he put a lot of effort. It wouldn't be possible without him. His sharp eyes scanned through every document, very briefly. “Welcome to our Blue Castle.” A smile flashed on his lips. “Thank you, Sir.” “Sir makes me feel very old, and I'm still as vibrant as ever.” He appeared to be self-obsessed. “Address me as Mr. Bianchi or by my name, Enrico.” “Okay, Mr. Bianchi.” My lips smiled. “Your grades are great and you've chosen wonderful courses, good luck.” They were all fake, studies are not my cup of tea and courses were chosen based on Sylvia's selection…to get to know people she was involved with. My head bowed to him and I was about to open the door, yet his concerned voice interrupted my action. “Uhm…Rain” My head turned to him and he looked somewhat stressed. “Since you're new to this school, be careful with other students, they might not appear that friendly, so be strong.” I didn't understand the meaning of his words at first, but soon everything became crystal clear. Mr. Bianchi assigned me a room in the girl's dormitory…with no roommate. Everyone had their private rooms with a washroom attached. The room was bigger than my imagination and the bed was comfortable with a huge glass window beside it. A dressing table and a wardrobe were also available, the feeling was no less than a five star grand hotel. At least for me, it was that feeling since it was my first time away from the darkness of a basement room. I took a shower and wore comfy black shorts and a loose t-shirt. Without wasting a second, my body jumped onto the bed and tiredness consumed me to sleep, only to be awakened by screams at midnight. “What's happening?” My fingers opened the door and my feet stepped out on the corridor. The screams were coming from downstairs and they were so loud that you could hear it from the second floor, yet no one opened their doors or decided to check on the situation. I went downstairs through the dark stairs and witnessed a victim getting beaten by a gang of masculine boys. He was badly wounded and not to mention his forehead was bleeding. “Oh my God!” My eyes were horrified. Even though Mr. Bianchi told me to stay alert and careful, the justice seeker inside me decided to save him. My fierce steps went to them and pushed a guy onto the floor who was about to hit the poor victims' stomach with his fist. He was twice my size and horrendous to look at…his face itself was scary. “HEY!” His voice groaned angrily.
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